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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Lady Sovereign and Basshunter talking about Power Rangers? What's not to like!
  2. You get what you invest. Let it bleeeeeed!
  3. Well... Er... AIDS is quite catchy...
  4. Hate to say it, but I might actually watch this when I remember. Them being celebs already makes it much more amusing
  5. Watching them going in is always quality entertainment. "Hi! Who are you? What do you mean you don't know who I am? Do you think anyone can notice how many drugs I'm on right now?"
  6. no, seriously, what happened last june?
  7. This post annoys me massively for several reasons; - generalisations - nonsense - stupidness - ignorance - apathy - patronising - Fail. I did try to cover my reasons for my reactions, but it was just infuriating me - mostly because I realised I was writing a fucking essay, and nobody likes a smarm.
  8. I was under the impression microsoft would repair your xbox if it got a RROD no matter whether it was under warranty or not. Me so wrongly?
  9. Picking moths from between my teeth with toothpicks from the ghetto. Sticking to my discarded, much-tested, much-failed routine of Going To Netto. Green on teh floor, the salt's escaped. Living through triple-filtered chemistry and whatever I can find in the freezer. It's really better if only I know.
  10. for daft; You're not so much egotistical, more that you just have a lack of self-awareness that you mistake for perfection. P.S. Thanking the post does not count as a response.
  11. (wouldn't let me post the whole thing in one go)


    I've found outr JJ Abrahms (fuck the spelling) has the 'movie' rights to it, so we might expect to see either a solid lost-esque series of our favourite books, or harry-potter-esque films. Personally I'd love to see a TV series of it, with a mini-series of book 1 to start it off -- even though book 5 is the biggest I could imagine a tv series to reduce it heavily, maybe even intertwine it with books 2, 3 and 4 to continue the main story as much as possible (akin to the flashbacks of Lost - have segments of the [that town that book 5 is set in, i've forgotten]) then books 6 and 7 would be regular seasons.


    if it was movies then it would be too inbalanced. Would love to see that!

  12. JUST started reading book 7! literallly about 20 pages into it! Should be done by the end of february... Really loving it all, but scared to finish it. My housemate lent me the first book when he was on book 3 - He's currently on book 6 as I've started 7, and I probably started it all around september. Don't spoil it at all!

  13. NEW YEARS RESOLUTION Use less capital letters. Especially for letters thrice in a row. Involves pancakes? No. Carrots. There aren't any cameras. You are the only person that can see those little moments of trivia, of delerium. Trivium. The secret to getting on with the rest of the people that are trying to get on with is to stop trying to see beyond what they're saying. Forget that people have feelings (because) they are gay. Also! Once a week, build your own wheely-bin. Plants are massive. Wild west. Deployed by the world. I'm the only gunslinger that tells the truth. In teh end, we all agree. THe most futurable act in our history - I don't want anything, or anyone to go for sitting bull. I think that's why they cook. To tell blind cody that I ain't the only guy going after sitting bull. SITTING BULL. He's with us. In the south marina. Rhythm F. Cody. In a heart attack, ride up to the ridge and split the difference with teh guy that followed you. And stop now. P.S. Sitting Bull.
  14. The thing is, Dan, nobody knows what you're talking about.
  15. RE: Being A Whole New Person I agree with Fish that we are naturally changing as time passes, but to make this response My Own I have to relay this iota of interest via my own personal life. I've gone from a(n over) confident, don't-give-a-shit, my-life-is-so-interesting individual to a withdrawn, I'm-so-boring, nobody-cares-about-me personality in less than a year. This was all unwanted. Unneeded. But previous to this I had gone from a corner-sitter to the aforementioned self-obsessed individual. I made a conscious choice to not give a shit about other people's opinions. I think it's perfectly possible to completely change, but only, really, if the person you are is who you aren't really. Just letting go and being yourself is really, really easy. Trying to be someone you're not is not. Confession: I think too much. It's the paranoiac in me. I've realised that nobody cares as much as me about me, and it's really (suddenly) castrated my ability to communicate, my freedom to speak, my ability to not give a shit. Currently I worry about what everyone thinks of me. Currently I am just simply so damn aware of my position in life. I am not an alpha male. That person is. That person isn't. These people like me. These people don't give a shit about me. My face means this. That face means that. She thinks about cheese. He thinks about Shoelaces. I'm tired of evolving, of finding new this and novel that. I want a brother. I want a sister (yes i have one but she doesn't count because we don't talk and are unalike). I want this whole 'family' thing, but with friends. I want people to want me. Hey! Robert Altman!
  16. All I can say is FUCK YOU NEW YEARS THREADS. There's far too many. Wish I'd never gotten involved. Might merge them ALL later when I'm far more drunk.
  17. Sorry but I have no qualms at all with supporting a mum of 15 kids. 30k really is nothing at all to help with the children - if anything I'd say she should have more. The reason why this IS NOT a disgusting waste of tax payers' money is because she is giving the country 15 people who can each end up paying the government taxes that they can use to really waste their money (on EMAs and flowers) which is more than YOU'RE doing for the government. PLUS (real argument) that's fifteen real people brought into the earth. Give her some slack. MY OWN RESPONSE TO THE OP! I have no real problems with any current fashions/trends. I have already digivolved into an Old Geyser who has no idea what the Cool Thing is, anyway... I have an Arthur Dent dressing gown. Nothing official, it just looks The Deal.
  18. I have a feeling the film might've been Before Sunrise or Mirrormask... either way he makes out as if I made his whole trip sucky :P SPAMBOT!! I want to know what happened in teh end!
  19. Well I think the nail has been roundly smashed upon the noggin a few times -- games ought to be designed with this feature in mind rather than trying to come up with an entire sign language to map out all the functions a controller has.
  20. What the fuck is Stardust! I really don't remember any of that at aaaalll! Aaaaah!
  21. I was forced to go to my mum's friend's adult party, where the only other kids were these two brats who were about 5 years younger than me who seemed perfectly content playing Duke Nukem all night just to see pixellated strippers jiggle their tits. Then we conga'd in the street, and all the neighbours joined in!
  22. 5-5 wtf?! Well I got resoundly thrashed and have slipped back down to shitposition! Gayfaces.
  23. I reaaally don't remember corping with you there, ash... Disturbing.
  24. 2009 is coming to an abrupt/overdue end, and the New Year marks an opportunity for us to compare where we are now with where we have been over previous years. What've been your highs and lows? Are you going to make any resolutions which I'm sure I'll read about in the inevitable 'Resolutions!' thread? What are the Big Things to look forward to this year? I'd pay my two cents, but my taxi just got here!
  25. One question; What happens when you have an itch?
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