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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I have £7 in my account, £1 in my pocket. I need to save £2.80 to get to work monday night (maybe £2.20?) which means I have ROUGHLY £5. With this I can buy 12.5g of tobacco and two litres of cider so I can enjoy my day off... But it's all rather risky and I look like a proper hobo - especially as I'll be giving them a handful of change then saying "can I put the rest on my card?" for something that'll be less than a fiver. And I have to make up my mind soon as the place shuts at 4!
  2. You can only thank people a certain amount of times a day (10 now, is it?). And I think anyone who pays for a single is a moron.
  3. Fairly sure we have a thread (or three) like this in creative/here somewhere. But it's always a fun thing to have a go at!
  4. Them not taking your blood will be more to do with potentially harming you rather than the blood you have harming others, so I'm sure your donor card is still fine
  5. Any game where you fly around and shoot stuff :P Rogue squadron and the like pulled it off with much better finesse, and with better controls so you aren't spending half your time trying to face the opposite direction but in the same place.
  6. Some kid filled in one of those "How was your shopping experience?" forms at work today, and gave me an awesome rating which means I'll be getting some sort of voucher, or something. Got home at ELEVEN PAST ELEVEN. Fucking hell! Got to be up at 7am. Mate's appendix nearly exploded! Got three xmas cards! Out of news.
  7. Have to say I disagree with both of those choices, neither is stand-alone and incomparable. Both quirky and ace, of course. I wanna say Blast Corps, because I can't really think of a game it is similar to...
  8. It was me who locked it (duh) - I apologise to one and all for not trying to steer the discussion as you have
  9. Sons of Anarchy s01e08 The Pull Having sex with a dead man in the room? Therapy is your future. Still not entiiirely sure what to think of the show. I suppose it's trying to be Sopranos but with leather-clad hell's angels bikers, bribing cops to look teh other way as they run drugs, smuggle guns and kill people for some sort of reason. The show tries very hard to be cool - and with that thug brother from Green Street (whose swaying chavster walk I always thought was surely fake...) and Ron Perlman as the vice- and president of the club, they kinda pull it off. But it doesn't have that HBO polish to it. The last 15 minutes of this episode could've been thoroughly more severe and emotionally connecting - the sort of scene where all you'd have to say to someone would be "that bit with the ipod" and they'd know exactly what you were on about. Anyway - worthwhile so far. Going to try and cram the majority of the rest of the season in tonight, with a whole other season to catch up on.
  10. Nope I thought you were invulnerable to alcohol? :P
  11. jayseven


    I'm so tempted to post a plain white square....
  12. PERSONAL MINISCULE MONIES FOR YOU! There's more than one reason that people dislike the x-factor. Some reasons do not conflict with purchasing the RATM single. Some do. I fall into the latter, because to me what is wrong with this society is about the money. Anything else - the choices available, the alienation of being in the minority - is not just correlated but caused by our society's fixation on biggerbetteretcetc. Einstein once said something about how it takes a genius to think small, to think beyond the necessity for necessities. As a bystander to the whole event, I'd much prefer RATM get to number 1. Thought loses effort here.
  13. Looong day. Left my house at 12, got home at 11. Got some food about to be burned in the oven, then some Friday Night Lights and Sons of Anarchy (TV shows) to watch with some cider, then bedbedbed. It was a pre-made game that someone found at a car-boot. Had a tape with a recorded intro and outro, and pre-mdae booklets for several characters. You had to stay in character throughout the evening (we had a 3-course meal of niceness), and each 'round' (there were 10) we simply turned a page, and had some more info/questions to share with the group. Most of the fun was had in acting, ideally, with some preparation it could be epic. That's the thing - not had a chance to be mean yet! Just sorta... accepting life.
  14. Confrontations are a big no-no. If you're going to be all melodramatic before you're even going out then she's going to be turned off. When the 'time is right' then go for a kiss. If she goes "ew ew ew ewww!" then you have your answer, and life's long enough to get over it. (I didn't really read all of the posts before this one)
  15. jayseven


    Sheffield had a few snow blitzes - but I was cooped up for each! I got to work for 1, then saw daylight at 4, and missed snow. Then next saw the outside at 7 and had missed another round of snow! Fucking cold though.
  16. haha - yes :P I agree on both parts. Perhaps unrelated - but I tend to find that Big Love frustrates me, that the characters act in ways I wouldn't do, in ways I suppose stem from their beliefs. In BB Walter reacts to a situation fairly humanly, and once he's dug his whole you can understand why he can't just turn around and do the best possible option.
  17. Just got back from a MURDER MYSTERY dinner party! Was great fun. I only knew the birthday boy (and his twin bro), so met a few more bohemianites (one definitely fancies me). I've had a few people tell me I've been 'surprisingly cheery' recently. I don't know why, but yeah, been feeling better. Although I only have £7 left of my overdraft and £7 in my pocket to last 'til payday, and I have £10+ worth of trainfares to work alone 'til payday... But yes! Feeling PRO. Wishing simply that I could have more hugs. Made me smile :P
  18. Ash; As I was writing the reply I could sense that you'd say that. Yes, big love deals with morality massively! I suppose I need to look closer at my evaluations of both shows. I suppose ultimately I find BL harder to closely connect with, in the sense that my morals are not at all entwined with religion, and thus my logic is not ever pressured to adhere to alien principles. While BL deals with that secret life element, you can argue that Bill's 'secret life' is his private life, which is what I'm focusing on when I describe BB -- the focus is on something other than the public or private life. Walter doesn't have this family to fall back on, to share the general bemusement with a backwards society. Instead he essentially has another fallout victim who, himself, has made ill-measured choices. Hard for me to ionise the precise parts of the show I prefer. With Breaking Bad there's also the way each episode happens. Generally there's a slow, you're-aware-something's-happening-but-you're-not-sure-what vibe followed by a massive shock to the system. Big Love tends to prefer the dramatic irony approach, which I personally prefer a lot less. BL has less mystery and a lot more "how's this going to turn out?" and I think ultimately it's a personal preferance as to what type of show you like. Lost is the best example of this. A show where essentially you're watching a mystery that presents you the clues in the wrong order, and never has you ahead of the characters. I prefer this.
  19. Not as something I say, but as a code of conduct, a moral principle.
  20. Never read Stone of Tears? But srsly yah I've seen it, yah I get the link, but it's still hard gay.
  21. I've decided I need to be more opinionated and more mean to people who I disagree with. This whole "I respect your opinion" bullshit does nothing but trap me in conversations I don't want to have with people who don't know how to think properly. Turn the other cheek, if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all, honesty is the best policy, karma karma karma. Fuck karma. It owes me for a lot and it doesn't look like it's giving it up. I think I'm going to have to start throwing bombs and taking it for myself. P.S. 1337 o clock.
  22. Yeah I'm fully up-to-date with Big Love, and I've never cared much for the gender debates (they always boil down to inequality, which is dull). Breaking Bad isn't just about selling drugs :P It's more a commentary on how ones morality can slowly be bent entirely out of shape, especially when, given we are unable to precisely evaluate a future that hasn't happened yet, we try to live in a utilitarian way. In Breaking Bad we follow Walter (played by Hal from MITM) as his public and private life are interrupted by a third personal life. We see how his various facades, like overlapping plates building up to an earthquake, scrape and shudder against each other. I think BB delves deeper into the psyche than BL.
  23. Well I'd say the movie never really made it clear, so you can't really be annoyed at people for saying "she" when they're never told otherwise! It's strangely haunting - I didn't know the history of Supertramp before i watched it, so I had no idea what to expect. The poor sod.
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