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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Happy birthday, tree-meister. I think I'm late. PERIOD JOKES?! No.
  2. The problem with defining is that both parties need to both be aware and in agreement over teh definitions. 'Friends' is too strong a word. I'm confident with (the utterly desolate) myself, but the whole housemates/ex thing is more along the lines of the "I can see in their eyes what they are thinking, and they are ignorant" veing of things. I think, based on my own experience of course, you become less faceted as you age, allowing the ruling factors of the different divisions to meld together. In this instance I am not worried about any admissions of my own, more of third parties and how they will deal with the situation. And Warhammer is for gays.
  3. No, that's not nerve-wracking at all! It's just that while I obv. have this deep bond with her, what with her being a pivotal part of my life, both positive and negative, but we tried twice to be a couple and it doesn't really work, so it's just romantic notions that make me think we can get through our shit by leaning on each other, as well as a fear that I'll be wearing a sort of "I'm ok!" mask the whole time. I know we don't work, but I hope that we could... but we can't. I will be embarassed of my housemates and I will be embarassed of her. I want to help her and I want her to help me but there's just... a fuckload of shit involved in all this that only the keenest of readers of my life will really appreciate. The sex will be good. Past experience proves that. But ultimately I'm just setting a course to further demolish my own path in life... And stuff. These are thoughts that can only be shared over pints and blood oaths.
  4. You stopped because there was blood on the pitch? Wuss. - Made, from scratch, a tuna-pasta-bake! - Mate from halls 1st year has arrived to effectively borrow my sofa. He turned up 3 hours late. - Ex girlfriend is going to come stay with me for a few days. I am nervous. - Beard needs a trim. - Cut 10 nails. - Up to Bones s04e02 - Nothing Interesting To Say. Nits.
  5. I fielded a stupid team to get match experience and sacrificed a shitload of average form, so that change to how match experience works will be good for me next season!
  6. All about ThumbBandits, duh. I don't get the ref to Dexter Fletcher in the OP. Was he ever in GamesMaster?! Anyway, if they bring back the floating 'GM' idea, I vote for stephen hawkings as the new maestro. ... But obv. The entire idea of a FAQ/cheats thing on TV is ludicrous with the internet around. That's basically what all games shows have to combat - a way to beat the net. I think the real-time games challenges (golden joystick!) could be a way, and also I think games-based TV shows should look at the successful youtube channels that operate around the genre - I'm not talking about the reviews gurus such as Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation, but more the comedy sketches such as Mega64 and the 'mythbuster' content such as those focused on Halo or MW2. Also, I think sentuamessage on the XB dash is a great video content spearhead that should be looked at... but simply all that I do not want is a dweeb (or two) wandering around games conferences pretending to be best buds with the developers, who are, in turn, simply churning out the same faux-information about up-coming releases. If this 'Future' company is the publishing house, then there is hope. They were (in my narrow opinion) the first publishing company to really try to focus on editorials and nostalgia pages in the face of the ever-immediate internet. And no Dom Diamond is a fantastic thing. No qualms there. Essentially if we're hearing about a new mainstream gaming show, then it's potentially great news, regardless of whether it's trying to reanimate a dead corpse or not. tl;dr? I don't know either.
  7. Like socks!
  8. I'd personally go for Bioshock 2. If you have, like, an entire weekend of gaming ahead then I think it would be fantastic to delve into this. FF would require... well probably three more weekends worth of hours to complete, but I guess there's the value for money there. As for.... well, no. Just no.
  9. 3 are scared of losing my custom, it would appear They also started the call with "it appears you usually stick to your limit, so we are happy to offer you the same" then as soon as I said "I go over it all the time, need more stuff" they go "oh well for £20 you can get unlimited texts, 300 minutes, unlimited internet" and I say "yeah... That's what I currently pay for 1000 texts 100 minutes and no internet..." If they don't call you, hassle the fuck outta them
  10. This thread reminded me that I need to check out my potential new digs for next year. You just saved me 20 mins of effort of actually walking round there! (it's near the mosque on a road that goes between queen's road and abbeydale road - maybe 400m away from where I currently live!) I think where I live now and where i've lived previously were already on streetview so there's no much razzmatazz in it for me.
  11. - Work was full of hotties - Got cold pizza for tea - And cold cider - and BONES! - Phone has been schitzo last few days, somehow brilliantly timed, my service provider have called me today to tell me I'd due an upgrade and are shipping out a Ericsson T715 that will get to me (via old home) end of next week! I'm sure it's exactly the same as my current phone but smaller and more fiddly.
  12. Angel ftw. And Boreanez love continues with Bones season 2 and the first part of Season 3. The whole Bones/Booth thing is allegedly being focused on this season (as well as some sort of illuminati-type weird series of deaths spotted throughout. I doubt booth/bones will get it on. They'd waste so much ammo for future seasons. House's 14th ep was pretty much a patient of the week filler with some amusing set pieces for Wilson and Chase. I must say it wouldn't surpise me if the latter got it on with 13... Cuddy was remarkably abscent, and the episode's commentary on the rise of the blog and the faltering of privacy was largely 'duh' and 'i don't care'.
  13. OR you could get a cheap coach down, perhaps megabus, and maybe, I dunno, have an entertaining 'roadtrip', if you will. (We're playing that "don't read the posts above me" game, right?)
  14. Paj; look into easyjet/ryanair and bus/coaching from london stanstead, where I think the cheapies land. I remember seeing a flight to scotland for less than a tenner last year. Otherwise grab a cool amigo and roadtrip (megabus). Get that michelin I-Spy on Road Journeys checklist to complete, bring a banjo and it willbecome a ROFLtrip (megalols). Maybe?
  15. (Practically) ready to prestige once more. Going to stick about 100%ing some of the guns first, of course!
  16. Ash; congrats! Steph; Yikes! Bring on july, eh? My day; - Massiiiiv gas bill came through - Housemates being dicks saying they don't want to pay it all as they went away for xmas - I never use the heating. Ever. The 'month' they went away I just wrapped up warm! - Last night I get up at 3 and see the heating on fucking max - £140 is what they want me to pay - I have £82 til payday - JUST ORDERED £12 PIZZAS TO FEEL BETTER/WORSE - Hole.
  17. Happy birthday! Sorry this message is so lame.
  18. - No - seriously, my phone is so phucked. - Gonna have some people walking around with t-shirts I designed! - ... Ok so it's for a campaign thing, but still cool - Jugglesock meeting in 50 mins to decide if we can still exist - Campaign meeting in 1hr50 - Meal at expensive curry house tonight for a pal's birthday! - Council tax to pay. - Technically can't afford rent. Again. Bad, bad, bad.
  19. A molesting draw -- figures as I was playing for experience. I've only got one guy leaving - I don't remember if he was part of the original team or not. He's a legend at the club, but will be forgotten in a year or so. There are replacements coming up - but my team's still got a long way to go before it can be considered a force to be reckoned with! And why are we lolling at Haden's team? It says he only lost one guy...
  20. You're in a harvester so by default you're going to hell.
  21. Gizmo; you ask nothing that anyone knows of the top of their heads, and thus you're better off googling! - Went to a pub quiz. - Everyone was on their iphones cheating their pants off - My phone has gone CRAZY - like, it was in mirror mode, and all RED instead of the usual blue-tones. It would also strobe non-stop. My old phone's battery has inflated like a balloon, so I'm reduced to being uncontactable. It's an odd feeling, not even knowing the TIME! - MW2 is pissing me off - Going to drink port and watch Bones season 3 and cry a little. - I lie.
  22. Can someone list the winnars when it's over (is it over already?) - I find awards ceremonies largely a bore and can't (couldn't?) be bothered watching it live.
  23. - Eaten nothing but crisps all day - Made my housemate a poster and a logo for his campain to run for a paid role at the uni union - On phone for an hour with mother, then another hour with my ex, whom both share a birthday today. - Learned some awesome/woah/nowai news about teh family that I HAVE SWORN TO SECRECEH about. - Nothing else. Go away now.
  24. To me, gay pride has always essentially been an excuse to dress up, get fucked off my face and party hardcore. The whole sex thing kinda slips past me.
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