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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Just finished this last night, an epic and to an epic game from the epic 21 year saga. Didd I mention how epic it is? Seriously though, best game I've played in a while, screw GTAIV this deserves GOTY.
  2. I'm just about to start the last Chapter and finish this simply wonderful game loving every second of it
  3. Loving this game but... is there anywhere where I can watch the cutscenes online? cos twice now I've had to *god forbid* skip / turn off in the middle of a cutscene cos of having to go to work. :/
  4. I bought a black one to go with the colour scheme of the console cos my OCD told me to seriously though I like the black oh and Flemboy, get one off eBay, just find one from a business seller with a reasonable buyitnow price and your sorted.
  5. I thought MGO was a full online game that came on the same disc as MGS4? obviously I was wrong, not that I mind though, it's worth it just with MGS4 alone.
  6. Metal Gear Solid 4 Get! kthanxbai... *runs off to play* ^_^
  7. My limited edition was posted today, so theres a small chance I may have it tomorrow. ^^ must finish Ninja Gaiden II before it arrives... >>
  8. Lol awesome, I so can't wait for this game, I bought a PS3 for it so it better be good I know it will be, I'm just fed up of my PS3 gathering dust and only being turned on to apply updates, finally I will have something to play on it that justifies it's purchase!
  9. Well at least it looks nice for a Wii game, graphically it's quite reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden Black so at least the visuals are on par with an original Xbox game rather than sub-PS2. Wonder if it will actually play well...
  10. Each to their own but it's the fine-tuned gameplay that makes Ninja Gaiden such a rewarding game for me, yes the graphics are nice and over the top in places (but so are a lot of games these days) and the difficulty level is insane at times but as for replicating the feel of being a Ninja, it does it well and with style. Tenchu looks promising but I can't see it being anywhere near as good as Ninja Gaiden.
  11. OMFG! I've finally finished the fifth trial of Valour! hell yeah! I've been stuck on that trial for the whole weekend (on and off) as I'm trying to complete them all as part of my first play through but god damn that trial was insane. On my last try I just got so pissed off with those fiends in huge mech suits that I decided to take out all of those first, (yes with rockets still flying at me and the numerous other ninjas trying to rape me at every given half second) but yeah I'd take one out, use fully maxed out fire Ninpo to get rid of a few, then the next, lather, rinse repeat. I used the flying bird technique throughout and no projectiles (because I didn't have time to use any) got the ninjas next and then took out all the waves of guys with rockets and the feeling of satisfaction when I severed that last rocekt wielding ninjas head as it rolled across the floor with his splattered gore on the ground spelling out my victory was immense. ^^ And then the feeling of absolute horror when I opened one of the two boxes at the END only to find sodding GHOST PHIRHANAS! inside, ffs >< I didnt even attempt to fight them after that trial, I just grabbed the purple jewel from the remaining box and jumped on the warp frantically pressing R and then A and nabbing myself a god damned well earned achievement. This game hates me and everyone who plays it, that much is evident from the way it tears you a handfull of holes and rapes the wounds at every given oppourtunity... and yet... I love it so much.
  12. My Play.com order for the ltd ed still says order placed, I reckon it may ship tomorrow though as it's obviously in stock (even tho sold out) and the regular ed is in stock so hopefully, anyway we shall see.
  13. 2008 version > 2006 version... It's nice to see how it's improved through out it's development cycle but really it's all relative, the games released in a matter of days (officially ) and it's gonna own.
  14. Meh... this will suck in comparison to better offerings that are currently available... *goes back to playing Ninja Gaiden II*
  15. Ah I bet thats the boss that... [spoiler=]"blows up when you think you've beat it, haven't reached that bit though but it was stated in a review" In that case yeah I'll make sure I have one handy.
  16. Been playing this since yesterday, up to chapter 4 now, I swear that this game is even more sadistically satisfying than the original. High points - the new combo system and finishing moves / new weapons are amazing, looks nice too and save/load times aren't as bad as people thought they might be and are a small price to pay for a game such as this. Low points - bosses that rape you, kill you, rape you again and kill you twenty times more just for lols... >> I do enjoy a challenge but some of the bosses are a tad trying on my patience and those exploding, sword wielding Ninja Dogs, the air turns electric blue whenever I encounter those. Still overall I am really enjoying this game, gonna be playing this as much as I can before MGS4 comes out, good times.
  17. Glad your enjoying it Caris I'm gonna wait till my limited edition arrives though, got Ninja Gaiden II to play atm and Rock Band to persevere with... >> Still I can't wait for MGS4... well I can... cos I am but you know what I mean and by the sounds of it, tis gonna be epic. ^^
  18. I thought that at first but after a few songs, Rock Band Guitar > Guitar hero Guitar. you'll get used to it I'm sure. :P
  19. *shrugs* no big loss, it's not as if they were serious AAA titles.
  20. Nice vid but that guy in the vid really doesn't make a great spokesperson for the game, he tries though bless 'im. Anyway this should be good.
  21. The developers don't give a shit anymore, so neither do I... Yes I loved the original Tos but we live in an era of games where if devs can get away with making a half assed sequel, they will. Thats not to say it won't be good, once people start playing it, they will most likely forget about any graphical shortcomings and just enjoy the rest of the ride. Tales games are getting samey now anyway, Tos 2 will come out, Tov will come out and there will be fanbases for both due to whatever unique and lovable quirks or gimmicks are included in either. Just release it allready so I can play it, get all nostalgic about Tos and then sigh in the sad realisation that we will never see another Tales game that even comes close to it ever again.
  22. Just seen this weeks episode, twas good, two parter though and wtf happened to... Spoilers.
  23. Yeah I got one... "Why don't you put as much effort into making games for the Wii as you do for other consoles?" "Do you really see the Wii as 'a means to an end' the means being - quick cash - and the end being - proper games for other consoles - is it really justifiable?" "How much credibility do you expect to have with Wii owners by the end of 2008? Do you think you are keeping your fan base(s) happy?" K, thats more like three I guess but w/e. :P
  24. Good fucking god... *goes back to playing on 360*
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