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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Lol classic, did he buy the items in the end or did he do an Austin Powers... "Hey thats not mine!"
  2. You do realise that I'm gonna interpret that as a challenge right?
  3. I lol'd obv Coca-Cola but you knew that already really - I hope - actually I wonder what Coke would be like if they still y'know put traces of it in the drink like they apparently used to in order to keep people hooked on it... Regardless, putting actual cocaine in a ice-cream soda would probably taste awful XD or anything that comes in ground up form for that matter... although... *thinks back to Rez's savoury stuff on sweet theory* Ice cream soda with pepper? nah... I wouldn't... >.> or would I... :P
  4. Change / re-select your gamer-pic, it should work then; it's probably because it wasn't working at all before that it's refusing to show the pic atm.
  5. In words of guy from TF2... "You did well!"
  6. *makes note to try it with Fanta as that sounds awesome* tbh I hadn't had one in a while so I thought, why not? I had another one earlier as well which contained pineapple juice with ice cream, topped up with sprite and cider. Coke ones are pretty awesome too. ^^
  7. Well I'm 23 - will be 24 in just over a week >.< - I have a reasonable job which I've been in for four years or so now, even that is scary when I think about it... :/ I'm single, not necessarilly a bad thing but then I haven't had much 'experience' either >.> and I still play Videogames regularly but I mean, come on... that's never gonna change. I feel reasonably mature tbh, but I don't feel grown-up as such and tbf I'm not sure if I ever will, I mean having a job is classed as a grown up thing so that's something I guess as it's responsibility and those go hand in hand I suppose, I can cook pretty well but tbh Idk if that makes me grown-up or w/e. Honestly I really don't know, I can't say it's something I haven't thought about, more something I've thought about a lot and for all that thinking I still just don't know so erm yeah... conclusive.
  8. I made my Dad a card... and then signed it from me and my bro's... that was pretty much it tbh but he appreciated it.
  9. Can I play? never participated in a Mafia game before so i'd be interested in playing this one to see what it's like.
  10. Even better, put the number up of the random non-forum members that called you up on Gumtree so that they get pranked in a similar manner.
  11. Thanks for contributing, Ganepark, nice Korma, looks really tasty Red Shift, home-made Pizza is win! Ashley, cooking with Quorn is awesome I always add loads of those quorn pieces when cooking rice as it works really well, tbh though it's pretty versatile stuff. ^^ Time for another update... Pazta! I've probably posted something similar to it before but haven't had it in a while so *shrugs* but yeah Pasta twiiists with a tomato based sauce, biiits of bacon, onion n shizzle and slightly melted Parmesan cheese on top... and pepper lolz mmmm, 'twas good. Bonus pic! Was gonna make a nice cold drink earlier as we have ice in the freezer so I started pouring Ribena in over the ice and the noticed the other cordials... so I added in some Lemon, Pineapple and before I knew it I'd made a... Sick, Sick, Sick Shake! Continuing the concoction I then fizzed eet up with some Sprite, then though sod it, added some ice-cream, mixed that in well, drank a bit and then added a slice of lemon - had a load that needed using up - and then I topped it up with a bit of Cider and sparkling wine just for lolz, and tbf it tastes pretty damn good! *takes another sip*
  12. My custom Tap Box! Who'd have thought that oversized limited edition MGS4 box would actually be useful for something?
  13. This game is freaking awesome! such simple concepts but they work so well, I didn't get mine on release, only arrived yesterday but so far I've played through the runner and rythym ones which are pretty awesome. One criticism though, when using the tap boxes, even if you put the Wii remote jacket on the remote it still ends up being moved off the edge of the box eventually so I found a better box and put the remote inside the box, this works much better I have found. It is! and you should be but in all seriousness I really hope that it comes for you tomorrow Steven it's an awesome game that should be experienced by as many as possible.
  14. My younger bro made some pretty sweet Mario and Matroid ones similar to these, not quite as detailed but still awesome. ^^
  15. Looks pretty good Eddage, better than my attempt in any case.
  16. I feel like that quite often, it pretty much sucks :/ but there's nothing you can do about it really so you may as well do something maybe play a game you like / listen to some music or w/e... it doesn't have to be anything amazing, just something to occupy your mind until the feeling passes again, it will but it just takes time. Oh and as you've allready mentioned, IRC definitely helps. ^^
  17. I am indeed, 100% Cornish through and through... *chews on a long piece of grass whilst drinking still farm-brewed cider* *Disclaimer - the statement highlighted in asterix's may not actually be completely truthful, indeed at time of writing pasta was chewed and cider was drunk but of the sparkling Olde English variety. That's disgraceful I can't believe that someone would do that to another person just because of where they come from, it's inhuman and sickening >< and now your friend has to live with those plates in his jaw due to the ignorant attitudes and frankly feral actions of the people who did that to him. :/
  18. True, it isn't, it's just that Cornwall is a place that's heavilly traditionalised(sp) and that's maybe why some think it is a country in itself but it really isn't.
  19. S'ok, I'm so over the whole being killed thing anyway. [/apathy]
  20. You do realise that 'aint gonna get played on the radio though? the song is pretty much nothing if you censor out every fuck in it, unless the Radio-friendly version will be 'Stuff-You' or something equally lame. :p Anyway, nice as a novelty and the video was amusing.
  21. Oh... I misunderstood, I thought the page wasn't loading for you like at all... hmm must be related to your card then? I paid via CC nps.
  22. Strange... your ISP must be blocking it for some reason or something Rez? and yeah I paid by card.
  23. I fucking called it! :p *dies horribly*
  24. S.C.G


    Hehe that last vid was pretty awesome actually Dante, mainly because it wasn't any of the BS cgi which doesn't represent how the game will play at all, but that video was merely how the moves are performed in the game via the tutorial and I honestly got more of a feel for how potentially awesome the game could be from that then from anything else I've seen on the game so far. The swordplay looks interesting too, including the charging thing - Ninja Gaiden anyone? - so hopefully it will play like a mix of DMC and NG.
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