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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I hear ya Danny... but life 'aint easy, if it was then what would be the point? I agree with Aimless that it's important to laugh about it every now and then though, because if you can't do that then life just kinda becomes sad.
  2. Mhmm... true, just that either way it seems like a good idea because the Foo's last album was unremarkable apart from a few tracks so any time that Dave Grohl decides to spend on a side project is good tbh, hopefully the setup will be him on the drums, Josh on the vocals and John Paul on the bass... (obviously) So yeah could turn out to be pretty good... I would also like to see another FF album in the future but I'll hapilly wait because I reckon they need a lot more time before releasing another, would love it if their next album was more like The Colour and the Shape but those days are long past them now :/ just like I want Muse' next album to be more like Origin of Symmetry... just purely wishful thinking.
  3. 'You shall not pass!... wait is that a sword? ah shi... go on then.'
  4. That's awesome news! is this band gonna be a side project then? or have the respective members disbanded from their existing bands? either way, sounds promising.
  5. Nothing wrong with a bit of La Roux... agreed on Calvin Harris though, he can sod right off.
  6. They are only references... NOA should get over themselves and let it be released as is, it's not as if it's going to offend anyone, heck most people probably won't even notice such references. >.> Meh I just really want to review it for VC Weekly... I have an actual copy of the game waiting to be played so even if it does arrive in a butchered form I'll be playing the original.
  7. So Luigi is a queen? confirmation if ever it was needed...
  8. Ah fair enough, still that's a lot of miiilk!
  9. That sucks Dan *hugs* one of our cats had a cancerous tumour before she eventually went, lived for nearly a year after diagnosis though, theres not much you can do when a pet has something like that but at least you can make them comfortable for a while by taking them to the vet for injections. Most of that is sooo gonna go off before it gets used surely?
  10. Erm... it's allready out? has been for quite some time... http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/3271528/Battalion-Wars-2/Product.html
  11. Pfft... people not vomitting? it's enough to make you feel sick...
  12. Sheesh, I was just saying that by todays standards 2.6m isn't a lot when compared to how much our very own MP's have squandered... Of course theft is still a big crime but thirty years? when people who murder someone only get fifteen... it's hardly fair.
  13. Not amazing but I liked it I've been considering getting that album at some point if the rest of the songs are decent.
  14. So he robbed a train with 2.6m in it... big deal! our own government has stolen more than that recently by claiming it all as 'legitimate expenses' ok I get that 2.6m may have been a bigger deal back then but now, not so much... he didn't kill anyone in any case so meh, I just think thirty years for what he did was pretty harsh anyway he didn't serve it, he's been living allbeit on the run for most of it, it's good that they've now 'released' him anyway.
  15. Happy Birthday Tom! ^^
  16. RIP... 10char... :/
  17. I would be the pro-cook, able to lay down some megahax meals in true 'Tales of...' style; the effects of these culinary creations would result in a wide range of benefits to the whole party including regaining of health / magic and increased stats plus artificially enhanced status. Oh yeah, I would also add 'Pepper +1' to each dish of course for added edibility and enhanced sneezing powers. :awesome:
  18. I've never played Cluedo before... ... .. . What? Don't judge me dammit!
  19. Hey wait... this shiiit be online? *day 1 purchase* though tbh it always was gonna be anyway... Screw that, I completely get where you're coming from H-o-T about the Wii not being the online console of choice but this isn't a Nintendo first party online game so hopefully Capcom will find some way to keep the online flowing well enough. Besides this looks gorgeous on the Wii, plus it needs this title, the other two platforms have plenty of 'other stuff' coming out on them.
  20. So basically what this guy is trying to say is...
  21. Nice one Eddage, that Cheesecake looks delicious.
  22. Thanks Dwarf yeah it is quite a milestone I guess and yeah the games are paid for in Wii points by Nintendo, well when they actually bother to send them anyway but I only download the games I haven't played before. ------------------------------------------ Also agreed on Parry Gripp, his music along with the short but sweet flash cartoons work really well, just checked out another one... Do you like Waffles? http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/249366 awesome stuff.
  23. No internet access where I work either, though would be a tad difficult for me to use it anyway being that I work in a kitchen.
  24. No... -------- am I doing it right?
  25. Sounds delicious don't forget to post a pic of it in the cooking thread if you get the chance.
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