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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Unless you've been in the same situation for a lengthy period then you can't fairly say that one persons experience isn't what they describe it as... you're in the armed forces right? that's somewhere I've never been and don't intend to be so you might have seen things that you would describe as 'harrowing' and I wouldn't have the right to tell you otherwise so the same applies in reverse... One person's definition of harrowing is another persons idea of moderate inconvenience but to tell people otherwise without properly being in their shoes is just a tad ignorant.
  2. Well granted... but if Sega cared about quality then they would do what's best for the gameplay and not piss about with it too much. Yes, the music in Sonic games is mostly excellent as are the graphics usually, it's the gameplay that they keep falling flat on their face on, it's frustrating because last time they got it half right but fucked it up royally by introducing the Were-Hog sections. Sonic Team can make good Sonic games because they started out making most of them which were fantastic, they've just lost sight of how to do this and it's truly sad; having said that though, at least they did right by hiring Dimps for the Sonic Advance / Rush games, now those were absolutely brilliant which should be telling Sega something... they need to collaborate more.
  3. I love tea, Earl Grey being my first choice as it's awesome... *dons a bowler hat and monacle as he sips tea in a gentlemenly-like manner* 'I say... well if that isn't just absolutely spiffing'
  4. Hmm I don't want any spoilers but if that's the case then I can't be at the end yet and I thought that I might be, atm I am currently...
  5. Really? that's truely sad... you would think that games companies would take better care of their game data.
  6. Are Sega terminally stupid? the answer to what they should be doing is staring them in the face, take Sonic back to two dimensional roots with 3D rendering over the top, simple! Sod their apparent 'new core audience' of 12 year olds, they will learn in time to like Sonic in 2D, if Sega really are planning on ignoring their true fans who grew up with the series then they are more stupid than I thought. Making Sonic into a Werehog for part of Sonic Unleashed was a rubbish idea yet they nailed the Sonic levels almost perfectly, I really don't give a toss if the youth of today thought that Were-Sonic was 'cool' and 'awesome' because in truth it wasn't and it was those parts of the games that were both broken and frustrating and I bet many a 12 year old resorted to smashing their game pads in frustration over it at some point, hardly progress is it? Besides, kids of today are easily pleased with stuff like that, they aren't as discerning or demanding as the true fans of the series are, and on that front I don't blame Sega for wanting to make a quick buck from that oh-so easy to please section of the market but that doesn't make it right damnit!
  7. Wtf? how can a company be so incompetent as to lose their own source code for one of the best - underated - games that they made... aren't they supposed to back important stuff like that up, geez...
  8. So I'm attempting to get all seven fell arms before completing the game for the first time, I have the first but in order to progress I need to find...
  9. Ah so it's not 'all that' then :/ removing levels etc from a remake seems wrong and flawed to me... I'll just play the original again if / when it comes to the Virtual Console.
  10. Cool I'll read up on it there, I only posted my comment here because this is the XBLA thread and I wasn't asking for anything deep, just if it's as good as the original, I'll keep any further discussion inside the relevant thread though of course.
  11. To anyone who's downloaded Turtles in Time : Reshelled, does it play just like the original but with flashier graphics and added multiplayer? If so I'm sorely tempted to pick it up as it's been a long time since I last played it but I remember it being awesome.
  12. Yeah it is... of course you can always say 'well it was their wish to give this money to me' but when it comes down to it if you had the choice you'd much rather they were alive again than to have the money.
  13. It's not a retarded question, I kinda half assumed that you wouldn't need the disc when they first announced it but then I found out that you do in fact still need it in the drive in order to play the game. I believe that it's because it's needed to prove that you actually still own the game, so it reads it on the dashboard while loading up the game to prove this and then the disc stops spinning and reads the rest of the info from the HDD. It makes sense I guess because otherwise people could just rent games and rip them to HDD but regardless it's still a good feature because if you rip a game that you know you're gonna be playing a lot then it saves your disc drive and ultimately your 360 in the long run. Hope this helps.
  14. Assuming you eventually get a job though after a few years of claiming you're gonna be paying back tenfold whatever you claimed on JSA in tax so it balances out anyway it's not as bad as say the recent MP expense scandal... they've claimed money back for really absurd and more expensive stuff and they are allready in employment...
  15. Would be nice but... Shenmue 1+2 probably won't happen because 2 was re-released on the Xbox, would only happen if Shenmue 3 came out and was on Wii. Skies of Arcadia 2 I think many have given up hope on this, as fantastic as the original was I'm not sure that it will ever get a sequel after all this time but being that it got re-released on the GC is obviously positive. Jet Set Radio Wii the sequel to the original was released on Xbox but I wouldn't rule out a Wii-make completely. House of the Dead : Overkill 2 very likely, if not in overkill form then at least in some form or another, maybe even a stripped back port of House of the Dead 4? who knows... Nights remake this was re-released on the Japanese PS2 but yeah the Wii deserves a full remake of it or at least another sequel that betters the Wii version; which tbh isn't hard, all they'd need to do is take out the terrible Kid sections, make a much better hub - or do away with it - and just think more of what's left but bigger and with a better control scheme. Most of these I don't think would appear, the first two because they seem to have more 'niche' appeal, MSR 2 won't happen because the developers moved onto making the PGR series which is essentially the same thing; Outrun 2 just got re-released on the 360 and Virtua Fighter is the same as its latest incarnation is on 360 / PS3. I don't blame you both for wanting all of these on Wii though, heck I'd love to see most of them appear but in reality I know they probably won't do it sadly for the reasons listed above... Having said that I would love to see either a new Burning Rangers game or even another Panzer Dragoon title - rpg or on-rails - but I know these won't happen probably because BR again is quite niche allbeit with huge potential and Panzer Dragoon had more recent success on the old Xbox, but hey, we can all still dream right?
  16. Back on-topic, my recent purchases... Peej + teh Machine I decided to get into P J Harvey recently, found several of her CD's for a good price and I'm liking what I'm hearing so far also got Florence + the Machine last night but haven't listened to yet thanks to windows media player adding the wrong track info... >.> will sort that today though and give it a listen soon.
  17. Agreed, it's really not that big a deal... I was on the dole for a good few years and it is indeed a miserable experience; I'd use some of my JSA on 'getting a job' related stuff but the rest just went on games, not a huge amount, just the 'essential' ones at the time and I got a lot of enjoyment out of them because even after doing everything I could to get a job I was still left with a looooad of time and playing games made it that little bit easier for me, so I regret nothing... Besides I'm now in a job, have been for the past half a decade or so and I've more than paid it back in tax so w/e...
  18. I love all their albums too but I don't think Pablo ever really 'clicked' with me, though I do like 'Creep' but alas a single song doth not an album make...
  19. Hmm so this is odd... ok so I finally decided to get Florence and the Machine, put it on to rip and Windows Media player seems to think it's Quicken the Heart >.> I played it to check and it is Florence but the track listing seems to have confused itself or something, but then it is one of those annoying CD's that loads up videos instead of going straight to rip meh guess I'll have to re-tag it and then re-rip Maximo Park some other time, just a really odd thing to happen though...
  20. I got nothing...
  21. Go for eet! Shows that your still interested in working there - despite their failure to get back to you - so applying again can only be good on your part, if they miss the opportunity to employ you a second time then it's their loss.
  22. How to hook up the NES!
  23. The Bends is indeed brilliant and probably still my personal favourite, having said that though each of their albums are brilliant for different reasons, I like them all just not equally. After discovering that you can purchase the new song direct from Radiohead I went ahead and got the MP3 - it's better quality then that Youtube embed - and have listened to it in full; it's a wonderful tribute and a decent track in its own right, different from their usual style I felt but it works and the orchestral backing is a welcome departure from their more familiar sounds, Thom Yorke's vocals sound excellent as ever though.
  24. I'm not disputing that they are still amazing, it just sometimes feels like their older works are better in some respects... I probably just like their older albums more and need to give In Rainbows a few more listens, tbh it only truly 'clicked' with me the last time I listened to it whereas I'm more than familiar with The Bends, OK Computer, KID A etc... Anyway, new music from Radiohead is always a good thing, I look forward to hearing the above new song properly when a better quality version is available just as I look forward to hearing their new singles etc on the radio, does this new album have a rough date or even a name yet? Edeet! nevermind, I just did a quick wiki search on them... 'On 5 August 2009, Radiohead released the song "Harry Patch (In Memory Of)", in tribute to the recently deceased Harry Patch, the last surviving soldier to have fought in the trenches of the First World War. The song was sold direct from Radiohead's website for £1, with proceeds donated to the British Legion.' 'On 7 August, 2009, Thom Yorke was quoted in the press hinting that Radiohead would turn their focus from full length albums to release EPs, including the possibility of an EP of orchestral music.' Hmm so no actual new albums planned for the near future then it seems that saddens me somewhat but if they are only going to be releasing EP's for a while then they must have a good reason for it.
  25. There isn't any point, just that Choze seems to feel obligated to defend KZ2 at the drop of a hat... :p Personally I'm not bothered about either KZ or COD but you don't hear me calling them both 'inferior' or w/e and comparing them to Goldeneye or something stupid; I'm sure both games have their merits but they just aren't really for me.
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