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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. *hugs* you deserve better 'cos you're awesome anyone who knows you as a friend should count themselves lucky, I know I do and there are a lot of other people here who I'm sure feel the same.
  2. I'm the non-existent one... - has no friends in real-life as such... boohoo [/emo] etc - though I class a lot of you here as friends N-E 4 eva! As for where I fit in to the friend 'dynamic' I guess I'm the 'Listener' as quite often I don't say a great deal but I listen well, I think... least I've been told I'm a good listener a good few times before so I guess that's what I am.
  3. Definitely worth it, especially if you don't have your Mega-CD version anymore, I dug out my copy for the review but if you do then I'd say dig out yours as well, but yeah if not then download as it's still a real blast to play.
  4. Nah, you're all wrong... that blade of grass in the bottom right hand corner totally makes that photo its bitch.
  5. You're never too old to play Pokemons! I'm 24 and tbh all this recent talk of Pokemon TGC has made me want to start playing again even though I have next to no cards now I mean damn... I used to have ALL of the original shiny's once upon a time, they were so awesome, but I shamefully sold them for mega profit... bah nvm... I could seriously see myself getting back into the game though as it is pretty awesome.
  6. I don't know if I'd call it better as I haven't listened to it yet but I will certainly give them a chance and get back to you once I've sampled them properly. Now that I can't argue with, because after recently listening to Dry the album left me feeling anything but the very title... a well-crafted album indeed.
  7. True... but if it helps I think of 'Kiss With a Fist' as the 'interlude' :p being as it's only a couple of minutes long... that way it doesn't ruin the album, for me at least, plus I quite like it because it's simple and unambitious whereas the rest of the album is the opposite. I can see why you'd feel that it ruins the album but it doesn't really, just think 'interlude' when it comes on and all will be well.
  8. I was quite taken back by its quality as well, Rabbit Heart is indeed excellent as is Howl, Between Two Lungs, My Boy Builds Coffins, Blinding and of course Drumming Song... Those are the main standout tracks for me atm but it really is a lovely album indeed.
  9. Hey, you're welcome Coolness, I really hope you enjoy it. This... very true, with the wealth of music that's available thanks to Spotify, there really isn't any excuse for people claiming that 'this song is good or bad' without listening to it, they are just a few clicks away, so listening before labeling is the best policy.
  10. Pretty much agree there, though I'd only listened to A Weekend in the City until a few days ago, then suddently I decided to listen to their other two albums to see what I was missing out on by not listening sooner... So I guess because I've listened to AWITC a lot more, I've grown to like it a fair bit, granted it has its weak tracks but it's still an enjoyable album.
  11. I'm currently in love with Florence + teh Machine as well hmm as for Foo Fighters if you really want to listen to more then I would recommend The Colour and the Shape as put simply, it's their best album, very well balanced and a joy to listen to, especially if you're new to it, the rest of their albums have mostly songs that are good in amongst filler but on the whole they are still good at what they do. Bloc Party! I've been listening to them a bit recently too, all three of their albums are great and each has its own different vibe to it while retaining familiar undertones throughout, they are always worth a listen now and then anyway. ^^
  12. No they have only two action buttons, the device that was shown abaove is a pocket-sized emulator that can run stuff like SNES games etc.
  13. Heathen! luvurly <3 but seriously... buy eet!
  14. Ok so after listening to the full album 'Lungs' by 'Florence + the Machine' my opinion has changed and I now love eet it's an excellent album and will no doubt be one that I play a good few times before the initial charm wears off a bit.
  15. Nothing compares to true surround sound, I'd say you'd be better off buying an affordable but reliable all in one package, of course it's better to buy the amp and speakers seperately but this costs more... definitely worth it though. But for around the £300 mark you can still get something very good I'm sure that will last you a good while.
  16. Fixed for accuracy but I totally agree in fact I reviewed the VC version only a week ago and gave my reasoning for it there... http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=13465 It truly is a fantastic title and Sega would do well to release it on XBLA asap, especially since the Wii has a head-start mind you, the VC version is still better as it allows you access to the original title screen, infinite shurikens!
  17. Poor Gorebyss I've got nothing...
  18. Today's audible delight for me was 'To Bring You My Love' by 'P J Harvey' again I just went to listening with an open mind - but knowing partly what to expect now - and I liked what I heard a lot. Next up... 'Dance Hall at Louse Point' which I'll save for Monday.
  19. Lol I've just realised that I've reviewed all of those games, undoubtedly the best out of them all is The Revenge of Shinobi which I voted for seeing as everything is going to lose out to ToeJam & Earl anyway don't get me wrong because they are all decent titles but Shinobi is still the best. Hmm I wonder if they will somehow add in the option of having infinite shurikens? because in the original you could get infinite by setting the amount to 00 and waiting about 30 seconds for it to change to the infinity symbol. :awesome: Alas though these XBLA releases don't have the proper menus in them, which really sucks... it's only so that you can't use any 'cheats' to get the allready easy achievements even quicker oh and so they could implement leaderboards'n stuff too, but it still sucks that this makes certain games somewhat inferior.
  20. Another peripheral? Pffft... on yer bike!
  21. *arrives right on cue* :awesome: While I don't mind being single and quite a few aspects I even like quite a bit such as having time to do whatever, I still would like to be in a relationship... but like anything worthwhile these things don't happen overnight, though I've been telling myself that for some time now. :/ Of course it doesn't help that I dislike pubs / clubs I guess because if I did go there then most likley I think I'd have found at least someone by now though they probably wouldn't be right for me really so still better that I avoid going to those places. And work is now kinda 'off-limits' as a potential place to pick-up women after my last pathetic attempt - read as : misread signals completely - as most of you will be aware... although, I do still talk to people at work and if any women talk to me and seem friendly then I'm friendly back but I always keep in mind my last experience of rejection and so would most likely not ask anyone out from work again ever, but if I was asked - hah, yeah like that's gonna happen - by a woman then that's a different matter. So for now singledom it is...
  22. Excellent! thanks for that, I'm in no hurry so it looks like it could well even be longer for me lol I've just been doing various sidequests today and settling scores with the Giganto monsters that I decided to let live for a while longer - read as : they pwned me the first time round... >_> - but I will carry on with the main quest for a bit now I think.
  23. For the Guitar and game, that's a good price... as for the twitchy ankle thing on the pedal, yeah I get that too though I find adjusting the angle of your leg and the distance between the chair and the drum kit can help a bit but it can involve quite a bit of fine-tuning so that you feel relatively comfortable in both the drums and the pedal. If it really becomes a problem though, then there are proper metal pedals that you can get for the kit but alas they cost about £40 I think but apparently they are worth it... still though when you get into buying stuff like that for the sake of the game it all starts to add up.
  24. I'm basing this on my RB Guitar as after using it for not that long the whammy bar became displaced and the buttons aren't as responsive as they were, but the world tour guitar just keeps on going despite lots of use. £49.99 isn't bad, it's about £69.99 with the world tour game so that's not bad for just the guitar. The one on the Rock Band kit? hmm yeah it is quite uncomfortable unfortunately, I just make sure that it's hooked into the front pole on the bottom of the kit and placed to the right as that seems to be the best position for it, but as for actually using it, I think keeping it pressed in at the start works best and then just raising it slightly and pressing down again for the notes, that way worked best for me I think, though I don't drum a lot. It is indeed also nice to see that we've got some more Foo's coming up next week.
  25. Try Expert... certain songs on that difficulty can take a while to get right plus it's a lot more fun. As for the guitar, no idea... but I would advise getting the Guitar Hero World Tour guitar and using it with Rock Band as it's better, if it allows you to use them on both games on PS3 version anyway.
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