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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. ? Don't tell me they're only going to be bundling it with consoles... I naturally assumed there would be a bundle with just the game and remote, hence not £99.99 - would hope not - more like £49.99 (GAME price) or £44.87 (ShopTo price). :p
  2. Sometimes it has been announced a couple of days before... this week they seem to be holding back for whatever reason.
  3. Alternatively you could but this remote on the same day as the games release... Which is what I plan to do. :3
  4. This... hence why I was curious. It'd be nice anyway, especially as the game isn't due out until later this year.
  5. So... what happens now? T'is the last day of the demo, does anyone reckon the demo will get 'patched' and there will be a new playable level possibly? Its already been noted that there's full level data for a few levels contained within the demo has it not? So I just kinda figured... Could be wrong... But yeah... Indeed. *leaves*
  6. Thank You! : peace: I knew it reminded me of something but I couldn't think what exactly, but that's definitely it.
  7. I must admit, I was somewhat gutted to learn that PJ Harvey played at Eden a few years back... sadly though this was when I was ignorant - and not in the blissful sense - to her brilliance. I've learned to deal though and hope that I may get to see her play one day, along with a long list of others I'd like to see.
  8. I saw KT Tunstall a few years back when she came all the way down to Eden, she was surprisingly good and put on a really decent performance. I don't blame you for cutting yourself a little over Laura fucking Marling btw... I'd be in a similar state if I'd known she was playing locally and then had to miss the gig, even though I only got into her fairly recently she is indeed stunning. Fear not though Paj for I'm sure you'll find away of seeing her live one day... 'There's hope in the air there's hope in the water but sadly not me your last serving daughter.'
  9. Symmetries of a Dodecahedron?
  10. One... but she did step out in front of me. :/ [/ReZ joke] Sorry, but seriously... three minor faults, so close yet so far eh? nevermind, will get it rebooked soon though... like not today soon, but tomorrow soon... not 'I'll do it tomorrow...' *tomorrow comes around* 'I'll do it tomor...' soon but yes... soon. Cheers bled, will do my best next time.
  11. I've just played my first online game on this and damn... this is definitely where the game really shines ok so it might not be perfect but once you get going on a mission and start kicking ass it just feels so right. Completed the first EX mission with a decent 50 + combo and a score of 227000 + or something daft, naturally an SS rating was procured.
  12. While I can see the logic behind this as it seems to play in similar vein to previous crash modes, except most of the effect is lost as it's a simple top-down perspective which kind of makes it more of a joke. If it was 400 MSP then I could still see it selling but really... they may as well just give it away for free? I really hope Criterion didn't waste much time on this... or even better I hope they had not much to do with it at all. This is definitely the definition of milking a success...
  13. I'm back... I failed... FML... ... lol:heh: Actually I'm not that down about eet... sure I've failed again and now made it a hat-trick but my general drive was pretty good; I let myself down by failing to notice that I needed to come to complete stop at a certain turning - even though it was clear - and I usually do stop... just not this time (lol?) also I went 25 in a 20 Zone... in the back of my mind I knew it was a 20 zone but by the time I had realised what I had done it was too late. Then just before going back into the test centre (I knew I'd failed at this point) there was a guy who looked like he was about to cross - literally if he'd been a couple of seconds behind or if I'd been there a couple of second earlier it wouldn't have mattered - but yes I carried on... and I shouldn't have... it was on a slope just before the test centre - which is no excuse - and I don't like slopes and just wanted to finish at this point but still, no fucking excuse and I wish I had stopped now but equally mistakes have been made now; at least I know what I did wrong. In fact I'm most disappointed that I just carried on like that even if it was at the end, it proves that I shouldn't be on the road on my own just yet... But one day... some time in the not to distant future I will be ready, for now though I'm stuck catching the bus.
  14. Happy Birthday to both Jimbob and The Fish!
  15. Thanks for the advice everyone I've just got back from an hour and a half lesson and I'm feeling a lot better about everything; just got to make sure everything comes together on the day.
  16. Vote to lynch.
  17. So... I have an hour and a half driving lesson today, then tomorrow is the day of the test *excited* which I'm not worried about but I am concerned about getting the manoeuvres into my head and making sure they stay there for the duration of the test at the very least. I know how to do them all with a decent level of competency though I just feel like on the day my mind may actually draw a blank when it comes to reversing around a corner or something... lols, so I'm constantly going over it in my head, writing a list of 'how to...' and referring to it for today in the hope that it keeps me in the right frame of mind... I have no clue if this is a good idea or not but it makes sense to me. Aside from that, my general drive... I've been told is good so no real worries as such just trying to mentally prepare myself so that I don't do something silly on the day even though it'll still be blatantly possible for mistakes to be made if something unforseen happens; for instance the 15 mins(?) or so where you just have to 'drive' are you told where to drive to or just expected to go wherever... yeah, things like that I'm unsure of... ... but apart from that I'm not worried. :awesome: ... at all ... ... help me please.
  18. Finally! someone who agrees with me, it's my favourite album of theirs too though possibly because it was also the first Elbow album I ever listened to when I was introduced to them a few years back and... it just stuck in my head. Naturally I backtracked their previous albums and have bought each one since and although I enjoy everything they come up with, for me nothing comes close to this...
  19. The... Music... Thread... lives? *metaphorically explodes with joy* I've so much that I've been wanting to post for months but alas there has been nowhere to post it, and now there is so... I'm not gonna post anything... ... not yet, not yet! Give me time, I will... but I feel like I need to go and lie down, stunned, in a river for a while.
  20. Of course it'll be worth it. I won't be there! Wait... ... ... I would be there if I could though. :p
  21. I love how I looked up 'azn' but really didn't need to as the picture encapsulates the meaning; I like anyway and I appreciate the jokiness of it.
  22. Crap cover is crap, but anything's better than having to hear that awful My Chemical Romance song again...
  23. Are there many PC games that have split-screen multiplayer though? Because at the moment, it's PC only :/ I do agree with you however, if it comes to Xbox 360 - which I hope and pray it does at a later date - then split-screen would be an excellent addition, especially if they're trying to make it more akin to PSO and not PSU. By all means they can still have online only quests etc but split-screen offline multiplayer would at least extend the long-term appeal of the game by a great deal, I also hope that we can retain save data on our hard-drive instead of server-side but I know that won't happen, which is a shame because I still go back to PSO every now and then because I still have my original data for it.
  24. I think this page is evidence enough that we need a Mercenaries online meet-up thread... :p And if an online thread is created then I think I may join you all in a few games at some point over the weekend being that it'll be good to get a different perspective for my review.
  25. Exactly... I only know of a few retail games that have a mere 12 achievements or less and those include Phantasy Star Universe, E.D.F... and erm... yeah, I'm sure there are more but those spring to mind. I'm not too concerned as all it means is they become a simple incentive to play through the game and do reasonably well, being that I'm shamefully not that familiar with Code Veronica this doesn't seem to bad; Resi 4 however is a different matter because I've played through the game in numerous iterations, multiple times and like many I absolutely adore it so some varied achievments would obviously be greatly appreciated there though I doubt we'll get them because Capcom can't be bothered. :p Having said that though at least we're getting them on Xbox 360 so I'm just glad of the chance to play them again.
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