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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. After working overtime on top of my usual shift at work yesterday I was genuinely saddened that I felt too exhausted to play Xenoblade... I've 'fallen behind' somewhat in relation to how far most of you now are but I'm not too concerned because I'm still really enjoying the game, I've only made it up to the Ether Mine but I still feel like there's so much yet to learn, so much to see and the excellent storyline is making me want to progress because I know that even at thirty odd hours in this game has only really begun to get epic... the real moments of pure amazement are surely yet to come. This is a truly stunning game.
  2. Fuck no, you were right... drink-driving is terribly irresponsible, just because things didn't go wrong doesn't mean they couldn't have, you were right to try to stop her; maybe not right to shout at her but it's understandable considering the state you were in, i.e that you didn't mean to lose your temper, but having something painful from your past inadvertantly dragged up must have made you snap... I quite honestly can't begin to imagine how you felt. Anyway, I hope you two can patch things up... I feel sorry that I can't really make things better for you, I'd send you wine gums if I could! for now though, this'll have to do... *man hug*
  3. Well thank heavens for small mercies... Back on-topic, at the moment I'm not too concerend about what's getting released months/half a year down the line as I just can't wait for Starfox.
  4. So... I was in two minds about picking this up on release or not but as it turns out Tesco have a deal on running until September 2nd which allows you to get Deus Ex : Human Revolution for £30 when you pre-order any game for £5 deposit... Now here's the interesting bit... I don't know how you pre-order other games at the store but they already have pre-order boxes set-up on the shelf for Modern Warfare 3 so I decided to go with that knowing that they will most likely be offering some sort of killer deal on the day for it anyway, so why nto secure a copy? Anyway... it went through the till and the offer came up but interestingly it subtracted £12.90 which is basically £7.90 off the game - bringing it down to £30 and the other £5? you guessed it, the pre-order... I of course took further advantage and used my discount card - 10% off - plus I bought a 3DS game at the same time to bump the total up as I had a £5 off £50 voucher - obtainable at all Tesco atm afaik at the till when you spend £10 - so I got two new games plus a pre-order which would have normally totalled about £73 for around £50... deal? I think so. TL;DR - Deus Ex = £30 + Free £5 deposit for MW3 when you buy them together at Tesco until 02/09/11. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play it for a bit. Edit - Regarding the 'Mission Pack, you can download it straight away worry free... *The below is taken from the included dlc card*
  5. *sigh* well I did mention that Play.com still had the game 'in stock' for £29.99... four days ago. I specifically mentioned Play because I knew it'd be out of stock in all the major high-street shops... at least you have your copy at any rate, this friend of yours, do they mind possibly paying a bit more than £29.99? If friend doesn't mind then I might be able to get copy for friend. [/Nopon]
  6. I kept reading until I read the word Vita... If this is exclusive then what a waste, haven't they learned from keeping the original Wii exclusive? Surely it would be wise to bring this remake to all formats...
  7. Whichever way you look at it though... PSO was fantastic! and while I can't wait for PSO2 I know it's gonna be a while before we see it, so while I am hyped for it, I'm just going to enjoy everything else that's coming out before because I don't think we'll be seeing this in Europe until June 2012 earliest or even this time next year.
  8. Just over 28 hours in and I'm still coming back to play at least twice daily.
  9. So... off to find a Tephra Drop but my question is,
  10. Street Fighter III : Third Strike - Online Edition is now available to download on Xbox Live! I've got it and am about to give it a go. Some advance warning though, title screen music is kinda cringeworthy... :p
  11. Personally I believe that EA are the lesser of two evils for me while Activision have become too big for their own good largely owing to the success of COD... As for fallen franchises, Guitar Hero deserved to be dropped because Activision haven't had a truly decent entry in the series since Harmonix left and formed Rock Band - a vastly superior offering - but as for Tony Hawk... I was somewhat sad to see that game series die purely because they always seemed to be going down the wrong route with it... The whole reason Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 was so enjoyable was because at its core it was simple and enjoyable but had enough there to make you want to become 'skilled' at it. But with each offering this gen, things seem to have been overcomplicated without reason - classic case being Tony Hawks Ride - when all they needed to do was bring the series back to its roots and add a few current gen features, heck even if they re-release THPS2 on XBLA with HD graphics and leaderboards I know I would buy it! On the other hand EA have one franchise which I would love to see them bring back properly... Road Rash, which is why I'm glad to see that they at least mentioning the possibility of resurrecting it properly. A brand new Road Rash game would most definitely sell just as long as they keep the core gameplay similar to the originals and add in online multiplayer, simple... it would be a guaranteed hit I assure you. I must have been one of the few people who actually enjoyed the Medal of Honour reboot because for me personally I enjoyed the single player campaign a lot more than Black Ops... the multiplayer, that's a different story as it would never reach the numbers of COD but Battlefield on the other hand has a very good chance of 'stealing' away some of the regular COD players purely because of what it's offering and more importantly for free. But it is as you say... different strokes etc as both games will offer different experiences online so I have no doubt that many people will actually buy and enjoy both so there is room for the two but I don't necessarilly agree with Activision charing a monthly fee for COD just because they can. I realise that people will at least be getting something extra for buying in to it but I don't believe that it's the way forward, especially when you consider many of us are already paying to play online in the first place. It's going to be an interesting last few months of this year but I'll be more intruiged to see where both companies go from here in 2012 because I believe that next year will be a time for change and it will be interesting to see what comes of it.
  12. I believe so... if you see them before you get the quest though don't be afraid to kill them, they do respawn, eventually but... if you save where you last saw them and keep reloading your save then they will appear again almost instantly. In theory you could exploit this and level up on unique creatures, anyway... that's *my pro-tip, how it's used is up to you. *niot really my tip, I just happened upon it while pondering the very same thing. I've spent mosty of today doing all of those quests, gotta say that it's definitely worth it as you'll end up exploring pretty much all of the Bionis Leg... and when I say explore I mean almost completely, I've been finding places on that part of the map that I never knew existed and feel like I know the characters a little better now too. This game is incredible.
  13. Happy Birthday Molly!
  14. As did I, actually got pummelled by it as well... fortunately after grabbing the orb, still it was a genuine 'omg wtf!' moment even though you kind of know it's coming.
  15. They should make it a 3D classic instead tbh... complete with colour, a map screen and everything else which made Metroid Zero Mission so awesome.
  16. (reposting for relevancy) Ignoring all current rumours about second slide-pads and redesigns for the future, I believe that all 3DS owners are in for an excellent first year. While it may be true that there is currently only a handful of decent games available currently, this list will have doubled in the next few months to come, Starfox 64 3D is mere weeks away plus we have Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land before the year is out. As for next year... aside from most notably Kid Icarus who knows what surprises will arise. Not to mention we'll have a fair few decent VC titles from now until then I'm sure.
  17. Same... plus if it's like the other games in the Sega Classics range then at least we'll be able to take advantage of the save-state feature which would make completing the game properly - getting all timestones/good futures - considerably simpler.
  18. Play.com still have copies, honestly it's probably your best bet being that ShopTo are currently out of stock.
  19. After spending about an hour on the Gaur Plains atop the Bionis Leg I suddenly feel very insignificant after gaining a true sense of perspective on just how big this amazing overworld truly is. Just as I feel like I'm starting to get familiar with the game, I now realise that I've only really begun to make a small dent in the surface - scratching the surface was everything up to now - and it's a truly wonderful feeling.
  20. *reads last few posts* 'Mamma mia!'
  21. 'I'm glad everything worked out.'
  22. You know you're playing a truly great game when you fall asleep playing it and then wake up simply wanting to continue from where you - inadvertently - left off.
  23. Ah, k... I did wonder as both series don't usually end up airing at the same time do they? I know they're on different night but still, usually one of them ends before the other begins. Anyway, looking forward to Dr Who, should be reasonably entertaining if nothing else.
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