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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Tesco price drop to £115 - 10% staff discount - £5 voucher = £98.50 Yep I picked up another one, and at that price why not? :p (it's not for me though) the £115 price point at Tesco will only last until 25/08/11 by the way, after that I fully expect the price to return to a still reasonable - but nowhere near as great - £135 so that it still remains competitively priced.
  2. Finally, some love for MK:SC I agree with you on the handling though, it isn't quite up to Super Mario Kart standards but the characters do feel more balanced I reckon, which definitely adds to the experience. My favourite tracks would have to be the Bowser's Castle tracks plus Cheep Cheep Beach and the sublime Sky Garden which had it all for me, nice visuals on the clouds with the vines - not to mention the blimp in the background! - the music was excellent oh and there was a cheeky shortcut you could take by hopping over the clouds.
  3. Yep, a running - and then falling over - joke :p still though... I feel she's an enjoyable character but not amazing. I can't wait for this btw, never got to play it on the PS2 so I shall be picking this up on 3DS for sure.
  4. If this is going to be a 'polar opposite' does this mean that the game will actually be good? :p
  5. Why the lack of love for Mario Kart : Super Circuit? am I the only one who thought that going back to Mode 7 graphics was an excellent choice because it suited the system well... all of the Karts, backdrops etc were all beautifully detailed too. I understand that Mario Kart 64 has the more 'exciting' track design due to the fact you have bumps, curves, slopes etc on the tracks but keeping them flat on the GBA worked, just like it did on the SNES... I feel that Super Circuit had its fair share of decent tracks too, granted not all of them were classics but it certainly had a lot of them plus it had all the SNES tracks too so to me it felt like a portable Super Mario Kart which is why I don't get why more people don't admit to liking it. Personally I'd rather play Super Circuit then Double Dash so it's by no means the worst... :p
  6. *enters thread* ... *leaves thread*
  7. I've had many good times with my GBA in its various forms, indeed only today I decided to take my GBA Micro with me to work so that I could play Mario Kart Super Circuit on the bus; it's still easilly one of the best games in the series that I've ever played. Sonic Advance was perhaps on of the best surprises on the system because it was the closest thing to the original games at the time, the series kept getting better with each entry, the third being particularly excellent with the dual character system... to me it felt like a modern take on Chaotix but with Sonic and it was just really fun. Metroid Fusion to me is pure pleasure in portable form because it's such a brilliant game in its own right and is easily one of the best titles in the series thanks to excellent gameplay, an engaging storyline and all-round excellent aesthetics almost making it equal alongside Super Metroid; a true gamers game. And then we have The Legend of Zelda : Minish Cap which quite honestly is so good that I consider it to be a modern-day version of A Link to the Past but even though it may owe part of its design to the all time classic, it has so much original content of its own that over the years its become a classic within its own right; a magical experience from start to finish and without a doubt one of the best portable Zelda titles ever made. So many other titles I could talk about but those are the ones that stick in my mind, whichever way you look at it though... the GBA is an amazing console which has a stunning library of games which I would recommend to anyone who loves not just Nintendo but playing good games in general because in many respects many of the most classic of games are right here, on a console that's truely portable and now easilly affordable. Long live the GBA!
  8. I know, it's a classic. will teach me to look before I click Who's to say that they didn't orchestrate it all? [/conspiracy] lolz Anyway if all else fails then... These guys are used to dealing with waves of giant ants, I'm sure they can sort out a few rioters. EDF! EDF! EDF!
  9. It's time... :p These guys would sort things out for sure.
  10. I find it amusing that most of the 'AAA Games' which according to 'the masses' are all on Xbox 360/PS3 get released and often only have gameplay which I'd consider to be 'B' rank at worst and 'A' at best - with the exception of Mass Effect - and yet... The majority of Nintendo games seem to be regarded as just 'A' releases by 'the masses' and yet most of the time these are the true 'must-have' titles because they have the 'AAA' gameplay to back it up. While I will of course be buying many Xbox 360 titles over the next few months, the games that I am truely looking forward to are all on Nintendo consoles... The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword Xenoblade Chronicles Super Mario 3D land Mario Kart 7 Starfox 3D Jus' Sayin'... :wink:
  11. Happy Birthday Tales! Also a belated Happy Birthday to mcj metroid, for what it's worth, I've always thought you were/are an awesome member and would have most likely posted you a thread myself if I'd been around more - haven't been on the forum much this past week and am just getting back into posting again - anyway, Idk if you'll read this but whatever you decide to do, just enjoy life as I'm sure you do already. : peace:
  12. Does this mean I won't be able to watch PlayTV anymore?
  13. Oh it still is, truth be told I kind of go through phases with chilli but pepper still is and always will be the number - freakin - 1 accompaniment to food. :wink: It's nice to see more people cooking on here, I'll have to get back into cooking more and taking pictures, but for now... keep up the good work.
  14. Nightwolf, I'm truly sorry to hear about your dog I know how much it hurts to lose a beloved family pet so my condolences to you... all I can say is try and remember the good times that you and your family had with her, it does help. Serebii, I'm very sorry to hear about your Nan I remember feeling the same when my Gran had a stroke, I'm not sure if she even realised she had one or didn't want to admit it at the time but she was never the same after it, not what you wanted to hear I know but all I can say is try and be strong for her and for your parents sake of course... I miss both of my grandparents terribly, it's really true that you don't know what you have until it's gone :/ they were two of the kindest people I ever knew, I can only hope they knew how much they were loved and know how much they are missed now.
  15. Any chance we can get the title of this thread changed to simply... 'Phantasy Star Online 2' Because it's far beyond the 'announced' stage now... plus it'd just be more concise/sounds better etc. [/nitpicky]
  16. 'At the end of the day...' ...it's a terrible phrase. :/
  17. Coolness! as a fellow Retro Reviewer I salute your enthusiasm towards NES games and quite honestly if you were thinking of turning this into a feature - which we might be able to use on the site, creditting you of course - then all I would say is just summarise what you already have, keep it more readable - six to eight decent size paragraphs per game - and then just have some kind of last line so sum up the game... For instance, I use 'Verdicts' for VC Weekly but that would be a tad too formal perhaps for your article so maybe have something like 'CoolNES Bears Bottom Line' which sounds a bit more fun but gives you space to sum up your thoughts in a short, snappy manner. Also kudos to you for finding a NES game that not only have I not reviewed for VC Weekly but not even heard of until now, it seems like a genuinely interesting yet obscure title so thank you for bringing it to my attention.
  18. Thank you I'm glad someone liked my review, I know it's late - I actually finished it almost two weeks ago - but the site has been pretty busy with news and features lately but at least it's now up there. I said that I would set out to provide a decent and honest review, I'd like to think that I have delivered just that... Resident Evil : The Mercenaries 3D is a brilliant showcase and a fantastic game for the 3DS, I'd recommend it to anyone who owns the system now or in the future. : peace:
  19. I'm sorry to hear that Dom.
  20. I've added you Eenuh : peace: my friend code is 5412 - 9881 - 2109 if you want to add me.
  21. Well that's more than fine by me... I just have difficulty in believing that to be true. :p I suppose for the main mode it will be just Sonic but I think they will have an additional challenge mode - or something - which may allow you to play as other characters which may not be a bad way of doing things but equally I'll be very happy if it's just Sonic playable... ...I wouldn't mind playing as Tails or Knuckles though... ...or Amy, y'know... just for one level.
  22. So... PC it is then. Well at least it gives me a valid reason to try and cast Resta on my dying desktop before giving up and then buying a brand new - cheap and cheerful - base unit with a mid-range graphics card so I can run it comfortably. :p *prepares to watch the above videos and get properly hyped*
  23. It started on consoles and so should continue on them, I'm not saying being it to all consoles, just the Xbox 360 because it already has the established userbase thanks to PSU - it's now the only place you can play it online in the US/Europe - plus the whole thing about content updates having to be paid for isn't entirely true, besides... Ambition of the Illuminus - PSU expansion - was paid for regardless of format; you had to buy it on a disc for PC/PS2 but it was just DLC on Xbox live, relatively cheap at that... plus later down the line they actually made it free when the 'change' was implemented. Just saying, Sega could quite easily support both PC and Xbox 360 versions if they choose to, if they don't bring out an Xbox 360 version then why even bring PSU to it in the first place. Ultimately... if it comes down to it, I'll buy it for the PC but I reaaaaaally don't want to.
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