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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Finally decided to get this pre-ordered for £31.49 with Tesco - coupon plus staff discount :awesome: - went with Xbox One because COD has always seemed like an Xbox franchise to me plus I'd rather save space on my PS4 hard drive for better games quite frankly but so long as I get a bit of fun out of COD then I'm happy, unless the reviews come in and it somehow turns out to be gash in which case I might cut my losses and sell it but hopefully it won't come to that, multiplayer at least looks decent so long as I actually end up playing it for more than a week.
  2. Well for me it'll be... Call of Duty - if it's cheap (deal at work) and if it's good, so yes if both those categories are fulfilled though really I might just leave it for once. *pre-ordered* for £31.50 Halo Master Chief Collection - obvious choice, it's Halo, it's on Xbox only, it'll be good. Grand Theft Auto V - now I got this on the 360 but next-gen newness enhancements plus extra dlc? Only thing is Xbox One or PS4? whichever has the dlc exclusive for a month I guess. As for the rest... PES, Shape Up, Ass Creed, Lega Batman, and WW2K...whatever do nothing for me. Farcry 4 and Dragon Age Inquisition I could see myself investing in but at a later date, literally too many games in November though, it's the same every year. ------------------------------------------------------------ Added @Aneres11 @flameboy @martinist @Kaepora_Gaebora @Happenstance
  3. Well being that I've recently become an Xbox One owner naturally I've got this pre-ordered and will be looking forward to playing through all of the mainline Halo titles especially as I have time off to do so as well. I'm completely at peace with it being just Halo 1-4 because ultimately this is The Master Chief Collection so it should only feature the games where you actually play as him, besides they can just bring out the 'NOT Master Chief Collection' at a later date to further plug the gap between waiting for Halo 5 because it will be delayed. Anyway this is a really decent package being that you get all those games - plus all that extra gamerscore - plus 'dat 20GB multiplayer day 1 patch!' so it's hardly going to be light on content, if anything it's the Halo payload or even 'Haload' if you like. :p Either way it will be the first time that I've ever played Halo 2 multiplayer which should certainly be an experience in itself. : peace: ... Halo 5 is going to have a lot to live up to once it eventually arrives.
  4. So no one else liked it then? Oh well, I enjoyed it, saw it coming about halfway through the episode but still thought it was decent, Michelle Gomez is good at playing evil roles so this was always going to be decent. : peace: There are still a few nagging questions but I'm sure they'll be answered in the finale.
  5. I'm sure it's still something like £38 on ShopTo if it's still in stock... a lot cheaper.
  6. Awesome news on Super Smash Bros being moved forward a week but if Nintendo don't at least do the same now for Pokemon then I might as well cancel both my pre-orders now for both versions as me and my brothers will almost certainly just be playing Super Smash Bros. I think Nintendo have simultaneously done their fans a service whilst shooting themselves in the foot with this one as there are already too many games coming out in November across the various platforms, if you just own Nintendo platforms exclusively then I guess it's good news but even then... Pokemon AND Super Smash Bros on the same day?
  7. Well I has my first play on Sunset Overdrive last night and all I can say is that it has certainly delivered by being exactly the game I had hoped it would be. All of the gameplay videos do seem to be representative of the mad action that you can expect to encounter within Sunset City with most of it including a lot of grinding, bouncing and shooting which works well. Creating your character is done from a few pre-set choices so it never feels too intrusive, they could have just gone with the default character and opted to name him but that's not the case so you're essentially nameless in the game which is fine, it doesn't ruin it but I would have been just as happy with a defined character but yay for customisation! Controls feel solid enough though remembering to press 'X' each time to land on a new grind rail or when you're trying to run across a wall feels odd at first, indeed I'm still not sure if I've got the wall-running sussed yet but it's easy enough to adapt to though its already caused me an issue in trying to get the best reward in a challenge where you have to collect loads of numbers from a triple layered structure within a short amount of time... it's probably just that I'm not good enough yet. The story is pretty mad as are the other characters you encounter, definitely inFamous coupled with Jet Set Radio vibes here with a dash of Borderlands in the presentation, love the humour too such as when you're trying to defend a 'base' from loads of mutants and if you stay on the floor for too long you get told... 'Hey! get of the damn ground! This ain't no cover shooter!' I lol'd. All of the upgrades plus the weapons, even the collectables seem decent enough, basically there's plenty to do in this game, you'll be having so much fun when doing it as well that it's hard to put down. So I'd have to say that this is a must-have title and that's only from a 'less than two hours' initial play-through, because as everyone knows all of the truly great games get better from the second play onwards and I just know this is going to be one of those titles which I can't wait to invest more time in. : peace:
  8. That's what they all say... Seriously though it's nice to see a picture of your Xbox One, the white looks better than I expected, I tried to take a picture of my standard machine and it barely showed up but I did manage to take a couple of snaps of Sunset Overdrive as I unboxed my first One title! Firstly the boxart is amazing... Just a real joy to behold, seriously if I was you I'd consider selling the download code and buying a physical copy instead unless you get some bonus codes because you got the bundle? Secondly I was really surprised when I opened the box... ...to find the disc on the 'wrong' side! How come nobody mentioned this? Unless they did and I just forgot, either way I was genuinely taken aback as I didn't know this was how Xbox One games were packaged! Yeah my guess is that you won't be able to download your copy of the game until launch day but at least you've got your machine set up ready for it, I've just redeemed some gold, got my in-box dlc plus pre-order dlc from ShopTo plus my free games with gold which now work - yay! - and I'm ready to rock! : peace: Sunset City here I come! :awesome:
  9. I purchased a Wii U two years ago, PS4 a year ago and have just 'invested' in an Xbox One so I'll try and give some decent feedback. You're going to be playing Fifa, PGA and Minecraft on it regardless of which machine you buy, well for the EA Sports it probably doesn't make much difference though they always seem to side with Microsoft on that, though as you say the PS4 versions will likely have Move controls of some sort, you're right though Kinect will never be worth it, hence I went with the Kinect-less bundle for the Xbox One. As for Minecraft... Microsoft now own it, make of that what you will but there will blatantly be at least some exclusive stuff for MS platforms though it should be noted that dlc for all versions across all platforms will still be supported so I don't think you'll miss out on much. The PS4 is a LOT smaller than the Xbox One, I was honestly shocked the other day when I unboxed the behemoth that is the One because it almost seems to be double the size at least in terms of cubic space, while purely aesthetically it's definitely a third bigger NOT including the power brick which also has its own fan. I only bought an Xbox One because of the stellar deal I got from work which was a staff only deal saving me almost £200 on the whole package, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have bought it even though Sunset Overdrive would still be calling out to me. When it comes to the controller, I've said it before... the PS4 controller is the first one I've used out of all the Playstation consoles which finally doesn't feel like a toy, it's a very good controller but you will need to buy thumb grips for the pad while the triggers are just down to personal taste, bear in mind that I haven't had the chance to play a game on the Xbox One yet but the triggers on the controller in addition to the sticks feel amazing, whereas the d-pads on both controllers are good but still not Nintendo good as they will always have the edge there. :awesome: PSN outages have been shocking recently but that's not to say that Xbox Live hasn't had its fair share of problems either, especially on the 360 in recent times Live has been awful, however it seems to be better on the One though I've not been able to test this fully. On the subscriptions Games with Gold isn't bad but they are just playing catch up with Playstation Plus which is still phenomenal value for money, providing PSN is up which I fully expect it to be soon and I'm sure we'll get some kind of compensation for the recent outages too, a free indie game perhaps? I would still pick a PS4 if I had to choose but ultimately the decision is yours. : peace:
  10. Quite honestly it's COD... go for whichever controller has the most responsive triggers, that's what I'd base it on. :p Everything else is negligible but naturally it will run slightly better on PS4 while the dlc will be exclusive for all of a few weeks to a month on Xbox One probably so your choice. : peace: Unless the game is anything close to the original Modern Warfare in terms of quality I'm considering just boycotting COD altogether as I'm sick of the way that it just becomes a bigger, bloated cash-cow every year that has been milked to within an inch of its existence over the past decade but in particular the last few years. By the time you've paid for the game (£40) years subscription (£30) and the season pass (£30+) then that's £100 which could have bought you three better games elsewhere.
  11. Haha no problem Red, I could see that you were trying, I shouldn't have bet so many halos on that verse but at least now I know for next time. It's a really excellent additional mode to an already amazing game, very much the cherry on top of an already very well iced cake with multiple tiers that shall surely never be toppled. : peace:
  12. It was fun indeed! The invite system seems a bit hit and miss as the first time I got one from you I was finishing off a chapter then when actually in Tag Climax mode it seemed to take a couple of attempts but once we were in that was it, the madness commenced! Yeah the scoring system is certainly odd but I think it ultimately depends on how many halos you earned overall regardless of how many battles you won, still though I like that it's co-op but with a bit of friendly competition as well. : peace: I think me betting loads of Halo's on the fourth mission in was a mistake though, I didn't realise the enemies would hit that hard! Another thing I wondered... when one of you 'dies' I think there might be a chance to revive the other player but I'm not entirely sure, it might just be that the countdown then means that the other player has to finish the scenario extra quick, will have to investigate that but I thought for a first run we did pretty well at least.
  13. Just updated to the new system update looking forward to hopefully, finally playing some Drive Club online annnnnnnnd PSN is down. Couple this with me having nothing to play on my newly purchased Xbox One until either my subscription or Sunset Overdrive arrives and I am suddenly even more grateful for having a Wii U which at least lets me play games with minimum fuss. Back to playing Bayonetta 2! #NextGen!
  14. Well I've got my Xbox One all up and running, because it's on the same shelf as my 360 I've had to stand it vertically so that the One has enough room, got all my settings sorted easily enough, the interface seems like a step back from the 360... :/ I really hope that it's something which will improve, you don't even seem to have the option of searching for games on the marketplace via the old A-Z option which I liked. Still I redeemed my 14-day trial and I found this months games with gold so I've tried to download Crimson Dragon - that's a game I wanted anyway - and Chariot but it seems that they are almost downloaded but unplayable until I get proper Gold membership which is on the way, I assume it's the same deal as Playstation Plus then? It showed them up as 'Free' on the marketplace even with my trial so I assume that once I've got my 12 month sub I then get to keep them for as long as I'm a gold member? The controller is rather nice, can't wait to actually try out a game with it though, also the machine is quieter than I expected it to be though granted this is without a game disc inserted, anyway first impressions are reasonably good. : peace:
  15. Well I won't be setting it up until later or tomorrow but I have taken it all out of the box and all I can say right now is... 'How am I supposed to fit this 'thing' into my setup?!?' Nothing can quite prepare you for just how big the console is in real life, I'll make room for it... somehow but it's going to require some serious thought.
  16. It has arrived! No time to set it up now but later it will be fun trying to incorporate this behemoth into my already archaic setup.
  17. *4 Month Bump! Taken from the Xbox One thread... It was this game that swayed my decision to finally order an Xbox One and it's out this Friday! So naturally I was wondering how many other owners of the console would be picking this up, especially as interest seems to have been average at best since the games reveal, personally I've seen a few recent gameplay videos and I'm sold on it so I'm just hoping now that it lives up to the hype which it certainly has even if it isn't immediately apparent; I mean this is a brand new IP from Insomniac Games on a platform which is unfamiliar territory to them, I think it has the potential to surprise a lot of people... it has certainly surprised me so far anyway and I hope it will do so again when it releases in a few days by being a unique, awesome title which - let's face it - the Xbox One needs right now. : peace:
  18. Some reasonably comprehensive advice coming up... Best offer considering you're after Mario Kart 8 would be this but it seems there are only a few left of this bundle... http://www.shopto.net/video-games/wiiu/WIIUHW90-nintendo-wii-u-mario-kart-8-premium-special-edition Not entirely, there is now a decent selection of games available, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Super Mario 3D World, Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Bayonetta 1&2 are most probably the highlights. The price point is reasonable for the long-term value of the machine. You will need a Pro Controller and possibly an external hard drive if you intend to download a lot of DLC - which seems to be Nintendo's new 'thing' at the moment - and Virtual Console games. As long as you have an HD TV which has a spare HDMI port then you're most definitely 'ready' for the Wii U. You most definitely want a Wii U especially at this point being on the cusp of a brand new Super Smash Bros game being released, both you and I know that it's most definitely going to be stunning. : peace:
  19. So thanks to work I managed to get an Xbox One minus Kinect plus both Alien Isolation AND The Evil Within for £248.76 which I decided was far too good an offer to pass up, especially as I could sell the games to make back another £50 at least which would mean that I got the machine for less than £200! I must admit it was Sunset Overdrive that did it for me, a third-person action shooter crossed with Jet Set Radio with shades of inFamous with a mutant apocalypse set in the middle of a vibrant city? Yes please! Time to slap down a pre-order for that and Halo - just because - on ShopTo! : peace:
  20. The thread title is using incorrect terminology just to confuse us all basically what's being referred to are the 'Stamps' that you get in some Wii U games that you unlock for fulfilling certain requirements. Personally I think the system it fine as it is, if Nintendo want to expand it to include something which binds them all together in one place then that's fine by me but if not then... oh well? I'll still be playing the games which is what matters more than these secondary, superfluous extras which although are nice and even include new ways to get more out of the game are still just that... extra, optional challenges regardless of what form they take on any machine.
  21. Plus points for PSO Episodes I & II there @Goafer! : peace: I'd recognise that game by its spine a mile away.
  22. I guess a lot more people will be buying both versions if they hadn't planned to already... that is one hell of an incentive to own both games! : peace:
  23. Game(s) get! +1 for ShopTo. As always no time to play yet but later I shall.
  24. To be fair I used to love playing the original when it first come out on the 360 so right from when I knew which button had been mapped to where I was away. I certainly didn't find every secret or earn every accolade the first time around though so I'll enjoy striving for Platinums in both games.
  25. Finally got around to playing the Demo, not bad for a warm up. I only got a Gold overall... plenty of time to practice for those Platinums in the main game though.
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