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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. For what it's worth, my gut feeling is that on some level Monster Hunter Generations is easier to a degree and that's just from me having not even played fifteen hours of it, so I do understand where you're coming from. To me, it's still challenging though and enjoyable but even at this point I've started to feel the grind and not in a good way when it comes to the single player. Multiplayer though? Still good, great, fantastic as ever! This is what saves the game as it's just so damn enjoyable, you are right, it's the players and the experiences which make Monster Hunter special; I can honestly say that I've had some really special memories thanks to the series, right from MH3U in which it was an honour to fight alongside you Hero and everyone else who I got to hunt with as well... those high level Alatreon battles were intense! MH4U though... still very good, I could feel the series evolving while at the same time becoming more familiar in places, still great though plus it introduced many genuinely brilliant features such as the enhanced climbing which feels more natural. MHG feels like a culmination of it all, expanding the series further with added elements while celebrating the series from the PS2 era which I missed out on, right up to present day and it's glorious in its own way. But there is certainly an element of, this is my third Monster Hunter game now, so some of it is due to having the previous experience but even then I can't deny that it feels easier in places, I'm kind of OK with this for the moment as I am enjoying the game so I don't know what else to say. If the series was to return to home console or become a game which gets released on both though and with a heavier focus on more challenging quests in its next entry, I certainly would be all for that. For now though, at least we are all enjoying the game on some level, so I think that's something we can all agree on. : peace:
  2. Just a heads-up, it's Friday which means I won't be on in time to hunt this evening but I do hope that whoever is hunting this evening and whatever Monsters you're hunting for, that you all have fun. Probably not Saturday either, but back to normal from Sunday onwards! Just those two days every week which I work long hours.
  3. I'm just grabbing a Cool Drink and I'll be ready to hunt!
  4. N-Europe Review : peace:
  5. Happy Birthday Mr-Paul! I hope you have an inktastic day. And that your cake staaaays fresh!
  6. Thank you to everyone I hunted with this evening. @Glen\-i & @Dcubed It was really fun hunting alongside you all and I now have my Tetsucabra armour, so thanks for going giant red toad slaying with me. Also that bonus Lagombi run was fun and afterwards when it was just Dcubed and I, we hunted a Royal Ludroth with a great deal of success... oh and that Desert Plesioth... like thing, which I forget the name of but yeah, that one! :p Also, Palico... Palico everywhere! I hope to hunt with you all again soon! : peace:
  7. OK, I've reached a point where I can get online now. Will be on in five minutes, just going to grab a Cool Drink as my room is like the desert area at the moment and my stamina/HP just won't last otherwise.
  8. Thanks what time are you going to be playing until by the way? I had hoped to be ready to play by now but will probably be more like just after 9PM now... just adding the finishing bits to a review before I put it up on site. Still keen to hunt though if you're on for a little bit yet. : peace:
  9. *joins the queue* If anyone is still playing this tonight at say... 8:30pm and if there is a space available then I may well join as I haven't played online yet. For reference, I've completed most of the 2* quests... I'm coping alright as well, I haven't upgraded my armour at all and I've only upgraded my dual blades once. :P I've got that Tetsucabra urgent quest still to play as well, I was planning on farming that so I could make some armour out of it, yeah I know that I could have made an armour set by now out of Jaggi or whatever but I couldn't be bothered, so I just decided to chance it... I only fainted once and that was the other night when it was too hot, I wasn't really concentrating/barely playing at all... aside from that I have an unblemished record so far. Anyway, I'll likely be ready to play in an hour or so, I just have a review to finish/post and then I'll be there hopefully. : peace:
  10. Personally I feel like the NX will be an important turning point for Nintendo, one which is already in motion with recent changes to the market, shares and other elements. I'm no market analyst - nor would I want to be - but I just have a good feeling that the NX will turn out to be something which will appeal to long-term Nintendo fans, gamers and those with even a passing interest in video-games regardless of format. The next few months should be very interesting indeed, I for one can't help but be nervously excited about it.
  11. Woah! Really liking the look of Mudsdale. Ground type horse Pokémon with an ability that raises defence when hit with an attack? That's pretty decent.
  12. I'm really sorry to hear that @Cube If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
  13. A really interesting video which celebrates the 30th anniversary of Doki Doki Panic. More than that though, it details the history of Yume Kōjō, something I knew nothing about. So if you're interested in Japanese culture, technology and videogame history then this is well worth a watch. : peace:
  14. I only noticed this after I'd already posted, I wasn't meaning to "nitpick" as such though, I researched the game after finding out about it moments before, it's still a very much valid release and one which should be welcomed regardless of its digital status. Personally, I don't mind if the Nintendo download stuff gets posted in the eShop section, you make a very good point especially regarding Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition which is the same kind of release. : peace: Whatever is best for the forum in any case, if we need some restructuring regarding what's posted where then so be it.
  15. While I welcome the availability of A Shadow's Tale because it seems to be a rare Wii game which had a limited physical print run, it's still not a VC title being that the Wii U is merely running it natively in Wii mode with no additional features. It would have been nice just to have those TurboGrafx-16 titles which America got last week just to show that there's still plenty more titles yet to be released or indeed re-released. I think this is part of the problem, Nintendo needs to standardise their releases and clarify exactly what they are on the NX, I think they seem keen to try and lump the Wii re-releases in with the VC purely because there's just not that much being released.
  16. I've added you back @Deathjam! If anyone else wants to add me then my friend code is... 5412 - 9881 - 2109 I also added @Vileplume2000 but you're still provisionally registered on my list, so add me when you're ready! I've been blasting through the low level quests today as this is the first chance I've had to play the game. I'm enjoying it though and I'd be happy to play some online games soon if people are OK with helping me catch up :p in the meantime, I'll be offline hunting for my first armour set.
  17. I feel as though I prefer one-to-one conversations over public speaking. Fake confidence goes with the territory in many work positions, I'm sure that the confidence I show in my retail job is staged in some way... either that or I just refuse to believe that the social skills I've developed through my work are actually worth anything due to me having Asperger's Syndrome coupled with anxiety and OCD. Being creative is something I enjoy a lot more than just fulfilling a "role" because while I know that all roles are fundamentally important to our society on the whole, there is a lot to be said for the creative process, it's something I already engage with while writing reviews which I still enjoy but I used to be so much more creative many years ago as I would practice drawing things regularly... now though? Not nearly as much as I'd like. It's not as if I don't feel confident enough to attempt things, I think it's more that I talk myself out of them... I almost talked myself out of posting this even. :p Confidence is something I definitely know I have a certain amount of, just that I don't seem to draw upon it that often, instead choosing to mentally retreat or distance myself at times... it's an inner battle which can feel like a boss fight in itself, one that I attempt on a daily basis and learn from even if I don't always feel like I'm anywhere near winning, if that's even possible.
  18. Comm Error... rejoining... now I guess?
  19. This is true... I have around 400GB of games currently installed on my PS4 with its 2TB HDD - which only ever reads as a 1.76TB size anyway - which isn't even including half of the Plus games I have accumulated, because I only install the ones from library that I'm likely to play soon - ha! that's a joke in itself, so many games to get through... - and I mostly buy disc versions of games where possible. Out of all of the disc games I own which is now around 40... I have only even installed about 10... Even out of all of those 10 installed games I have only completed 3 from start to finish. In my library there are over one hundred items, so minus the 10 installed disc games, that's still 90 playstation Plus titles in addition to others I have downloaded, just on my PS4. And I just bought a load of games in the last day of the Playstation Store sale on my PS4 & PS3. It seems that now my issue isn't space but rather more actually playing the games and making an effort to complete them. Perhaps it would be best to start playing one of these games tonight... but then again, Monster Hunter Generations will likely be arriving tomorrow so there goes most of my game time. Clearly I have commitment issues in completing games...
  20. Oh @Dcubed... TurboGrafx-16 games are about to be released today on the Wii U Virtual Console in America! In this case the first two titles are R-Type and New Adventure Island... So that's only nearly 10 years since they were released on the original Wii VC. Better late than never, I guess this means that they are here to stay rather than being just a previous generation one-off.
  21. Oh @Dcubed... TurboGrafx-16 games are about to be released today on the Wii U Virtual Console in America! In this case the first two titles are R-Type and New Adventure Island... So that's only nearly 10 years since they were released on the original Wii VC. Better late than never, I guess this means that they are here to stay rather than being just a previous generation one-off.
  22. Indeed... It would seem that this is the real... ... Pokémon Bank. :awesome:
  23. Indeed... It would seem that this is the real... ... Pokémon Bank. :awesome:
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