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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Not that I've seen but... my copy should be arriving soon from ShopTo so... I might just review it for the site. I can't buy the other versions to compare the performance though, that would get expensive. But I'll let you know if the Switch version runs well or not in docked and undocked mode.
  2. Good news indeed on the Version 1.0.1 update. Now it just needs a physical release.
  3. Another racer for the Switch eShop? Why not! Rally Rock' N Racing certainly looks interesting enough to consider purchasing if the gameplay holds up.
  4. If it's 8PM tonight then I can join to help as well.
  5. Thanks, I completely forgot about this and I even posted about it on the main page. Will definitely be giving this a go when I get a chance.
  6. Thanks for sharing that DMC retrospective @Hero-of-Time I'll be sure to enjoy watching it... ...just as soon as I get back to completing the series. I can't believe that was nearly two months ago that I was making some nice progress on DMC3 before it all went to hell. But there are still demons left to battle, so I think I'll get right back to it.
  7. Comm Error, right before picking the first track on second GP. And again after rejoining... Third time's a charm. Or not... Horray!
  8. (quote for the new page annnnd...) in
  9. Sorry about that, I've just this minute sent you a PM.
  10. And that's the Roundup done. A pretty good showing from Nintendo there I thought. Roll on June 28th.
  11. Looks interesting at least... I didn't know this was a £40 game though, just checked on ShopTo and it's sold out on both formats too! Well, at least it's either doing good on the sales, possibly a low print run or gamers are genuinely starved for good single-player story-driven games. In any case, it's good to see such a title succeeding, I still can't see myself buying it for full price but I would be tempted to £25 - £30.
  12. Up on the main site... So another Pokémon title heading to mobile... it makes sense financially I suppose. Aside from that though... might as well have had it launch on Switch as well at the very least.
  13. I'll pick it up on the Switch, looks good, an interesting alternative to Mario Kart even though it is more of a blatant clone this time around. But having said that, the team mechanic is different, also did I notice that Sonic has a different voice actor? It might just be the terribly low volume in the video, hard to tell. Also the sense of speed... it isn't bad but I don't know, Mario Kart looks to be faster and possibly even the previous Sega All Stars Racing games but it has been a while. With those few things aside, this still looks like it could be a good time, heck I may even pick up Crash Team Racing on the Switch as well, make it the default Kart Racer platform.
  14. Well, if you still want to hunt just give me a shout.
  15. Annnd it's up on the main site. Cheers for the heads-up @Dcubed I gave you a credit at the bottom of the article. So, this should be an interesting one to watch then, I must admit... I'm also hoping for a Super Mario Land theme. If Nintendo have been paying attention to what has been going on with that fan-made DX version of Super Mario Land... ...and we know they have, then... surely it's a shoe-in at the very least?
  16. Well, I'm on Monster Hunter World on the PS4, so is @Hero-of-Time and there's a strong possibility that @Gadwin might well join us for the Iceborne expansion. So it sounds like we may well have a team moreorless ready to go. I didn't realise that just the expansion is seemingly being released on a standalone disc... unless I misunderstood what was in the trailer... I was going to just buy the DLC on the PS Store but if there's a physical option then this might be a better bet, though I reckon it's likely just an install disc, but still... another box.
  17. I'd love to help, I'll likely be around from 7PM onwards so just let us all know when and we'll help get you through those key quests in no time.
  18. Another video from the Happy Console Gamer just released, for me it just arrived at the right time I suppose... not something I'll be talking about now but it did get me thinking. Are there any particular games which have helped to get you through bad times at any point in your life? I feel like games have helped me a lot at certain times and being part of the N-Europe community has helped a lot, especially at those times when you feel like you can't talk. Sega games I go back to are games such as Streets of Rage II, Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Phantasy Star Online even if it's just to run through the forest one more time in offline mode. When it comes to Nintendo titles, of course there is always Metroid Prime, F-Zero X, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Super Mario Land to name but a few. Lately though, I'm thinking I might just play a good old classic SNES title at some point soon and it will likely be The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past to try it out on the Super NT. Either that or I might play one of the many PS4 games I've been meaning to for a while, or just go back to Dangerous Driving but before or that I've got other things I need to do. Mostly sorting out stuff which I've been trying to do for a while, still lots of boxes to go through and just get my life a bit more in order generally. Still, there's plenty of time for games at some point, even though I'm not playing them anything like I used to years ago, I will change that in time. Right now, I just feel as if I need to spread my time out a bit and address what I need in my life, what I don't plus just do what I can to improve things.
  19. Fair play, glad I checked... I shall change it out for another title I had in reserve.
  20. Well, being that the amount of Game Boy Color games I played back in the day are quite limited, this should be rather straightforward. Here are my picks... Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Metal Gear Solid Shantae I really hope that Dragon Warrior III is allowed, because it is an enhanced remake which came out in 2001, it's Game Boy Color only and it's worth owning just to hear the theme tune coming out full blast from the GBC's tiny speaker. Annnd it's gone! Still, it deserved a mention. Look out for the N-E Top Ten N64 Games coming soon to the main site.
  21. I think in the case of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess it should be selectable during the GameCube voting but not for Wii or Wii U. Things are only going to get trickier from this point forward though, due to the amount of ports and HD remasters. This would also mean that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is maybe only selectable for the Wii U games but technically it's Switch as well. Then again, Twilight Princess and the Wind Waker on Wii U were pretty substantial in their improvements...
  22. Here is the final article for our Top Ten SNES Games. Thanks to @RedShell for the sensational 16-Bit banner/side graphics. and @Glen-i plus @Dcubed once again for organising this. Also thanks to the N-E community for contributing as this article really is what we all make it. (my contribution was making the game banners in the article and getting it uploaded, which was a pleasure as always) Oh and I totally didn't fill in some commentary for certain titles which didn't have any community comments with some old retro reviews I found lying around. Enjoy! And here's to the next one.
  23. Summary article covering the upcoming event, the addition of the dlc and a not-so subtle plug for our Top Ten Game Boy Games in there as well... ...well, it has got Tetris in it.
  24. This should be one of the upcoming events for the Spirit Board... Quadrupedal Quotient! - The four day event "Quadrupedal Quotient" starts on 04/10! Forget double-trouble or triple-threat, it's time for a quadruple quarrel! Identify and defeat the one true quadruped and you'll earn 4X the usual amount of spirit points, that's right... quadruple! Start working on those quads and you'll be quids in!
  25. It should be going up on site tomorrow with any luck.
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