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Dr Kong

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Everything posted by Dr Kong

  1. Um, giving an honest opinion is called good journalism so I fail to see how. What's more, he was brave to not sell out to the ridiculous hype of "OMG! NEW ZELDA GAME!!1" and instead review it as a stand alone game.
  2. Love the cutesy look. Hopefully this will shape up to be a fun arcadey style game.
  3. I want it.
  4. Awesome, Brighton is only 10 minutes away on the train
  5. Intresting. Ubi must really think Wii will be a success.
  6. I don't think this is as universal as the Wii remote which looks far more user friendly.
  7. OMG. That Wario Ware boxart is AWESOME! XD Thats why I love nintendo.
  8. Hell yes.
  9. Do people like this game because of the name? I'm curious as to what the appeal is.
  10. Cube was the best magazine in the history of the universe. That is all.
  11. But thats the whole point of Metroid. Isolation. Lonelyess. Its just you, a bounty hunter stuck on a dead planet in the far reaches of the galaxy, trying to save it and your only aid is your trusty plasma canon and some upgrades. Still, as long as Samus herself doesn't start yapping I don't mind and the new bounty hunters so far seem much better designed and plain cooler than the ghastly ones from Hunters.
  12. Monkey Ball and Metroid for me. Possibly Zelda and Rayman as well, depends on how much money I have.
  13. Pikmin 3 with wi-fi co-op + Vs. mode plz, k thanx.
  14. Not as good as the first but still excellent. People who say its too hard- you suck :P
  15. So getting this at launch, along with Monkey Ball. And I loved the design of that other Bounty hunter.
  16. I agree. Heavenly Sword looked pretty good too. However, the tilt sensor duel shock really did seem added on in a desperate attempt to steel Nintendo's thunder. Whether it will actually be used well, who knows.
  17. Dr Kong


    Fuck, I want this game. Looks beautifull, makes Wind Waker look like a 7 year old's drawing.
  18. I like cutesy but this looks almost too cute.
  19. The last console with any soul, Dreamcast, I salute you.
  20. I wouldn't trust IGN with my life.
  21. PSP has Breath of Fire 3 and Tales of Eternia! 'Course, I'm an RPG nut...
  22. Can't wait
  23. http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Revolutiontendo Knew it.
  24. If you want to discover the world, if you want to meet new, amazing individuals and see amazing sights, if you want to go on a journey to discover what the true meaning of being on this planet is, if you want scour the skies and delve into the never ending oceans, if you want to find your destiny and fall in love, if you want to reach your full potential and experience the beautifull boundries of the world then take my hand and come with me.
  25. Has anyone seen the movie Metropolis? The art style is the same as Astro Boy as its by the same Art director and it has the same themes about a robot with a human like personality. I am in love with this film, as everything from the animation to the music to the characters themselves as well as theme and plot are impecable. But what really amazed me was the ending sequence, its so sweet and sad at the same time, its absolutely unmissable and if anyone hasn't seen it yet, I urge you to ASAP. I'm sure you can get it for cheap at Play.com, you won't regret it.
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