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Dr Kong

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Everything posted by Dr Kong

  1. Colossus beating Zelda XD
  2. What a man, eh?
  3. GC is teh win! Well theres a suprise! PS2 for me because it gives me everything I want. The GC has been so dissapointing and the Xbox offers nothing that intrests me much.
  4. Woah. What camera do you use?
  5. Beautifull work, guys.
  6. 7/10 Heh heh, has a sense of humour.
  7. Way to make a greeting thread, jackass. But yeah. Welcome.
  8. Only played Sacred Stones, but its a quality game. Shame it didn't last long >_<
  9. Cow Bepop pawns all. Also, anyone like Full Metal Alchemist?
  10. As long as the software makes good use of it, like the DS, it should really change things for the better. Untill I give it a go though, I can't pass judgement.
  11. If it doesn't, you can count me out. Looks gorgeous but the last one was so piss poor because of the awfull plot, shite voice acting and repulsive art style. This looks better though.
  12. An awesome game realised perfectly in 3D. Can't wait for the third installment. No dark world please!
  13. Ico came in the post
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