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Dr Kong

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Everything posted by Dr Kong

  1. I understand that but my reply was more in regards to members in this thread who have tantrums everytime someone points out flaws in their beloved Nintendo. Oh and I can get most previous generation Nintendo games on ROM's anyway
  2. This forum does not deserve you
  3. Ban him now. I played the demo of Kameo and though its not fair for me to judge it on such a short experience, I thought it was ok. Good for a rent, as people say its short and I can see alot of charming characters in the game but it does seem a little to much like a generic platformer with the smashing crates and I played those to death in the late 90's-00's. But as I said, I will rent the game (once I get a 360) so I can draw a better opinion from that.
  4. The guy has a point. Xbox live offers quick downloadble games which are original and were designed for the 360 while the Nintendo download service only offers games which have been released allready or re-released and even re-re-realesed. And Nintendo say they're the inovative ones.
  5. Main character looks stupid. At least Kalas was sort of cute.
  6. My God that was awfull- if that isn't fanboyish, I don't know what is. Yet most of you seemed to like it, well I guess I wouldn't expect much less from a Nintendo fan site.
  7. Good points everyone! I agree with everyone here in this thread really, in that in recent times us Europeans have been treated with more JRPG's than ever before. And as they become more mainstream, lets hope we get more Disgaea's and less Baten Kaitos'.
  8. They just had to ruin it, didn't they?
  9. You have two heads 0_0
  10. If this is true- awesome! A franchise aimed at an adult audience is just what Nintendo need and with the possibilites of the Rev this has the potential to be a great survival horror game.
  11. Ha ha, awesome stuff!
  12. 1. Pokemon Red/Blue (GB) 2. Pikmin 2 (GC) 3. Metroid Prime (GC) 4. Super Mario Land (GB) 5. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
  13. FF VI, Secret of Mana, Super Mario Bros, Pilotwings and presuming that Sega will join in too, Sonic 2 and Sonic CD.
  14. Full Metal Alchemist pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!
  15. Goodey! Its weird... Sakaguchi was quiet for ages and now he's showing all these promising projects for the 360.
  16. Pretty much what you said, Fierce_LiNk. The Rev is shaping up to be like a home console version of the DS and the DS, out of all the 3 current gen home consoles I own as well as my GBA, is the console I play the most at the mo. Having said that, I really, really need to see the games to even think about purchasing one. That old software makes the hardware rule still aplies to me.
  17. This would make me get a 360 for sure.
  18. Well, if its good clean fun and plays like a true sega game (sonic meets outrun on hoverboards?) then count me in. They've got the blue sky so thats one thing.
  19. You're not missing anything. The game is as bad as the last one which was just as bad as Tony Blair's excuses for going to War.
  20. Wavebird, hands down- just turn the c stick into the analogue stick, otherwise its just a... thing.
  21. A great mag, probably the best and most honest format dedicated magazine ever. It will be missed
  22. N5- its short, simple and straight to the point.
  23. For anime and anthro, check out my gallery! ^_^ http://www.drkong.deviantart.com
  24. Provided there are decent games on the system that I can enjoy, yes I will be getting one.
  25. Good news, although a release span of over 3 months worldwide sounds a bit sour to me considering what Microsoft are doing and I want to see some games soon dammit!
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