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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Well that was underwhelming. Infamous meets Dead Rising, but it just felt kinda boring and a bit copycat/seen this kinda thing before.
  2. That's not Mario from Smash though, so it kinda rule out it being used in that game, however likely that was to be.
  3. Great game! ... but I only made it to level 2 on my Amiga 500 :p It may have partly been my joystick, but damn it was hard! and that skateboarding section at the end of the first level that got faster and faster!
  4. This weeks Final Bosman is a rant about Pink Gold Peach and Baby Rosalina http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/s0kkry/the-final-bosman-buzz-lightyear-s-stupid-switch Make sure to watch the post credits bit.
  5. This weeks Final Bosman is a rant about Pink Gold Peach and Baby Rosalina http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/s0kkry/the-final-bosman-buzz-lightyear-s-stupid-switch Make sure to watch the post credits bit.
  6. NEW POWER RANGERS MOVIE!!! Based on the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! It's new pants Morphin' Time!
  7. Yeah Nintendo's situation with the Wii U was in Radio1's news today. Was quite shocked to hear it get a mention. Guess it shows how much has changed with that company, that to me they don't really seem relevant to what that audience is really interested in anymore. 'Nintenwho?... they still make consoles?'
  8. That Metroid Prime ship is quite a few years old now, it's one of http://www.First4Figures.com's Metroid products. EDIT: Or is that Prime 1's ship?... and it was Prime 2's ship that was done before?
  9. I bet Santa thinks you're a barrel of laughs.
  10. That leaked info is just a compilation of what fans have been asking for, combined with just about every Zelda variable so that it covers all bases :p
  11. Well I've watched the trailer 3 times, so it must be doing something right. I'm excited for it. The only thing I don't really like is young Catwoman/Posion Ivy... to me these just look like playmates for Bruce Wayne (which also makes me think he will have somewhat of a substantial role in this). What are these characters going to do otherwise?... a 10 tear old Catwoman just seems plain weird. And surely they can't have any real interaction with the rest of the characters in the show?
  12. Huh! thought that was a Skyward Sword Deku Scrub. How dare Nintendo phase out the Deku Scrub in favour of grass type Octorok! :p
  13. When did Octorok start looking like Deku Scrub?... People are gonna spot a bush floating on the surface of the water :p
  14. Bad guys on the run, But Batman's only young, So Gordon's the lead in this one... Gotham City here we come, Right back where we started from, Goooothaaaam Ciiiityyyyyyyyy
  15. Nice unexpected stage feature Although, 'the perfect secret hiding place'... that the camera zooms out to show you're there
  16. Can you go on Cheap Tuesday at Cineworld? I think it's worth seeing.
  17. Looks like it's coming along nicely! and still early in development.
  18. Gonna close this one now, too many Mario Kart threads! :p
  19. I dunno, it's even things like a camera, I mean look at the shocker on the 3DS, Nintendo like to keep things affordable and I just don't think they'd stand a chance against the competition in the phone market. As @Goron_3 just said, games/runner games are where Nintendo should be on mobiles, far more resource friendly.
  20. No need to be so utterly pedantic, you know what I mean... Everything's so restricted, half baked and modded with Nintendo, it would be a nightmare to use a phone made by them. People wouldn't go near the thing.
  21. lol seriously?... I wouldn't go anywhere near a Nintendo phone, they can't even get chat features on their consoles :p It would be so incredibly gimped in terms of features and functionality. Pretty sure it would be a disaster.
  22. Urgh, I want to setup my own shop or something :p Stupid Redbubble! (although I guess it's easier atm than printing and making them myself) Yeah I've heard about that movie! Though is it quite similar to those F1 BBC documentaries that have been on a few times, like the one with Jackie Stewart talking about his crash at Spa etc...
  23. Done a bunch of F1 cushion designs for brightening up your house More here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/retrolink/collections/285824-f1-cushions
  24. What's the difference between Single player and Grand Prix/Time Trial?
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