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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. And rightfully so when it isn't futureproofed.
  2. Oh god, sounds like Twilight Princess all over again.
  3. I hope the bat logo is either black or the same colour as the suit though.
  4. Channing Tatum cast as Gambit Really can't see it. Dissapointed, as Gambit is one of my favorites.
  5. Well it looks very Batman Year One, but personally I'm not that excited about the look. Does what it says though, an older grittier, weary looking Batman. Looking forward to seeing it in colour and a proper look at the Batmobile.
  6. I don't agree we have the reverse. I don't believe this is Nintendo actually being selective and careful to not overuse the Gamepad in games, I think they simply hadn't been developing games where it's fundamental to gameplay. They thought they'd get Nintendo Land out to show what could be done and after which third parties would bring a raft of ideas to the table in the first couple of years. Watching this back and hearing Third Party developers talk about the Wii U is so cringe worthy. Never trust these again.
  7. Why is he concerning himself with that corner... just straight line everything dude. Looks cool.
  8. Also... Quite surprised we're seeing a Batmobile tbh, didn't really expect it in the film. Suddenly feels less and less Superman 2. Interesting though. Looks like a cross between the Tumbler in terms of being quite heavy duty, with the elongated design from all the prior movies.
  9. He's not right about there being some pattern and people asking for the Gamepad to be shoehorned into games.
  10. Would love it to be a more substantial Pokemon Snap though worthy of this generation of hardware. Like the free roaming island setting we discussed before, where you actually have to think and plan/solve puzzles to find the Pokemon in the wild.
  11. Firstly that's not a pattern. And secondly I don't think anyone is suggesting it be shoehorned into everything, just a few meaningful examples would do, like we had with the Wiimote.
  12. It was ok, but yeah pretty much :p I felt the Lewis vs Nico battle got overplayed, Nico only got near him on the very last lap let alone them actually fighting one another. Lewis is gonna walk it. Ferrari were just utterly embarrassing, but I was pleased to see Kimi on it all weekend, good sign that he's beginning to get somewhere with this truck of a car, and the 5th race in. The only real positives for me were Williams continued good form & Daniel getting a legit podium this time!
  13. Looks brilliant!
  14. ... in 6 months. The wait for E3 has never been so excruciating!
  15. ... It's not sub £200 and bundling in games out of choice! you make it sound part of Nintendo's competitive plan/to offer choice.
  16. The soundtrack comes out the tv and the chat through the headset?...
  17. N64, Gamecube Virtual Console pleeeeeeease!!
  18. lol, what a joke. Now who's become emotionally compromised!
  19. I have a PS3... along with 80million other people. I bought mine in 2011 when Nintendo abandoned the Wii... Your attitude is pretty terrible.
  20. And what a game.
  21. If you don't want to discuss it, don't come into the thread then! Start your own 'positive' discussion topic thread. Once again, it's members complaining about negativity and yet never starting any topics they'd personally like to talk about.
  22. Why? the surprise has gone.
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