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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The graphics in what I guess are the cutscenes, or intro? are a bit conflicting, looks more like young Minish Cap/Wind Waker Link in those. Definitely more excited for this game now, but maybe just because I'm thinking of what Zelda Wii U could be
  2. Ahh crap these figures are gonna be so enticing! Hmm, they have to be careful, fans are very outspoken about things like that... like when Forza 5 stuffed all of it's best cars etc... behind microtransactions. Obviously you can find a balance by giving people substantial content in the first place like Disney Infinity, so yeah it depends on the game.
  3. @Murr, I think the game itself, the 'starter set' comes with those figures you've mentioned, and then you have to buy the other figures separately to upload them into the game and all the expansion missions/extra's they each bring with them.
  4. Out of interest, how do you feel they tried at this?Nintendo Land wasn't going to do it... Mario wasn't going to do it... and these were their two big launch titles. Only being able to secure year old ports of games everyone had already played, presumably because they didn't give third parties enough time to design games for the console, or talk to them about what the console should be... that wasn't going to do it. A complete lack of First Party franchises on the console that have the potential to interest 'hardcore' gamers i.e. 1080, WaveRace, Metroid, F-Zero (especially with the lack of WipeOut) wasn't going to do so. Destroying their relationship with EA and with it FIFA, Tiger Woods etc... wasn't going to do it. Along with not understanding what is expected from online gaming nowadays. And seeing as we've just been talking about it, Not being prepared to pay for third party games when actually you've already lost the 'hardcore' gamer and need to do what you can to entice them back, ain't gonna do it either.
  5. Yeah that's pretty much all I could think of. And it isn't a reason the Wii U doesn't get third party games.
  6. @Serebii Who's throwing money at which third party games? do tell.
  7. I don't expect... but I'm hoping far more for something more similar to the Disney Infinity toybox and being able to interact character universes.
  8. I'm sure I heard something like Skylanders has outsold Barbie! ... now whether that was lifetime (damn impressive), or just over a year (far less impressive), I'm not sure?
  9. This is just speculation, if that is the use then maybe it wont really have any real impact, but we don't know it is for sure yet. Plus NFC is supposedly used in several games. This could be quite a boring use of it, but hopefully there's a game built around it too.
  10. Such a boring application, basically just a glorified memory card.
  11. That soldier armour! Link needs a White [light] Tunic in future! Audio
  12. ^ Yeah I had the same thought when I saw that pic (although perhaps getting a bit too far into generic JRPG character territory)
  13. I thought it had always been referred to as the Man of Steel sequel...
  14. Oh yeah definitely that's why. At least put Superman first in his own film though :p (but again Batman is the bigger draw, and it possibly reads better)
  15. Nope it's real. It should just be Superman: Dawn of Justice though really.
  16. I'm wondering if maybe this was the E3 of their first appearance do you think? It was techno music in the build-up that they were unleashed for, but did that music set-up that Nintendo intro? Although I hope it wasn't that long ago! :p
  17. Seems like it's Sadness in name only. If this had a 2014 release date, and possible showing at E3 then fine, but a switch to 2D and a 2016 release date?... This game is not gonna happen. We're being trolled again.
  18. That would actually have been awesome.
  19. Yeah that could be another possibility! Like Disaster took on the [unsurprisingly] Disaster movie genre, we could get a sequel taking on the Sci-Fi genre. (like the Hot Fuzz, SotD, Worlds End trilogy) Of course all of this hopeful speculation will probably be for nothing :p
  20. Surely more of an Earth Defence Force from the name.
  21. If you watch the first video in the thread, 1 minute in they even show all their Nintendo influences. Nintendo would definitely be these guys first choice, and Nintendo should recognise them.
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