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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I don't really think that's the case, people just get to know and love characters. When Diddy Kong racing was introduced back in the day we only knew Diddy Kong, but you immediately have your other favorites. It doesn't matter if kids haven't heard of Dixie Kong, or Goombella, they'll love them as the monkey with ponytails, or girl mushroom... and if anything it will introduce them to new/other Nintendo franchises.
  2. Worth a download me thinks.
  3. Fine, more flash memory...
  4. Why would a bigger hard drive and a few other little touches to make the Wii U more attractive at its current price point count as new hardware? It's the same machine just revised from what they initially launched. I wouldn't even call a redesign like a Slim console new hardware.
  5. Still doesn't rule out a hardware revision.
  6. I expect we'll see a 'Press R' button appear somewhere on that screen to switch to a second page of characters [hopefully!!].
  7. Wonder if they'll follow the Mario Golf strategy?... where else will we be able to get Green Platinum Luigi!
  8. Nintendo should be ashamed that consumers have to buy an external hard drive for the console should they want to make numerous digital downloads. A console with a larger hard drive at the same price point should be something they don't hesitate to introduce, as it's just one more thing that's off putting about the console that could be so easily resolved.
  9. Tbh I don't think enough people even know the Wii U exists to have any real effect on consumer choice whenever the next console gets announced. Those that know about it, know the situation.
  10. There is no way you can categorically rule out a revised Wii U happening at E3... A new console yes... but a revised console with more built in storage? (regardless of whether they might also go the step further and make the Gamepad optional).
  11. noooo, not more Mario!... *cries*
  12. Damn, good point!... hmm that makes that Mario Kart Bundle a tougher decision.
  13. Sucks this isn't on Wii U.
  14. And this is the final, final, retail version of the game right?... because it sounds like obvious things have been overlooked.
  15. Ok well I'm not going to read 35 pages, but oh dear. Even if there were to be a Wii U successor revealed No.1 priority would have to be to make it compatible with Wii U games, or there'd be an uproar! I doubt there'd be any new handheld new either as Nintendo really need to focus on turning the Wii U around at E3.
  16. Nah I don't think so, no one honestly expects to see new hardware from Nintendo this year, outside of some sort of Wii U redesign.
  17. For someone with very little interest in COD, it's amazing what a simple 'speeder bike' can do for a trailer :p (I mean I still won't buy it, but damn, speeder bikes! )
  18. Source looks pretty awesome.
  19. No map for anyone but the Gamepad user is plain stupid. And yeah, that effect with the ink was cool, when you got a speed boost it flew away quickly.
  20. Is this rumour the same as the Nintendo's recently discovered patent for a handheld with an interchangeable button... i.e. you slide the D-pad out and slide in an analogue stick? Which by the way sounds stupid :P
  21. He really does look like his design been given the attention of a playable character, and looks like he'd fit in well. Would have been cool.
  22. It somewhat reads like they wanted to introduce more female characters and just forgot them all, because they have a tonne they haven't included like Dixie Kong, Goombella (Paper Mario), Birdo, Pauline, Pom Pom (3D Land)... Luma? Anyway yeah, hopefully some of these and many more are unlockable.
  23. Ah fair enough then, that does sound strange. I don't know what IGN meant by this then?...
  24. Where are you getting the idea it's 2 player? I think in Battle Mode the tracks are altered?... I'm guessing it makes them a bit more like an arena by closing off sections (I'd imagine they'll be no canons for starters) and maybe opening up new ways to access parts of the track, presumably making them a bit more of a shorter more compat loop, not just driving around the whole track... again guessing :p
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