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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. haha, Being Xenoblade is that climbable? Is there a view from the top?
  2. I'm concerned about how they're going to get Wonder Woman into the film without taking it away from what should essentially be a Superman movie, with Lois in a prominent role and the likes of Martha, Perry, Jimmy. Even Jor-El should have a place, even if just a voice in the Fortress of Solitude only, but Russell Crowe said he won't be back for the sequel, although I guess that doesn't rule out recording something. I think Cyborg will purely be a Victor Stone cameo though. Spider-Man 2 felt very rushed for me, like they were purely giving all these additional characters screen time, so that they didn't have to spend any time on them in other films and could reach their goals more quickly. This is how I think it might go with Superman 2. Spiderman 2 could have ended a few times and didn't, because they wanted to establish a lot of things. It could have ended after Electro was defeated and leave the Green Goblin actual appearance for a future film, it could have ended after the clocktower and subsequent scene but didn't, and they included Rhino at the end so they wouldn't have to tackle him again (but have atleast established him) until likely, the Sinister Six movie... or they've got a minor villain out of the way now that they can now forget about. I'm not saying Spiderman was bad btw, because I enjoyed it. It was just perhaps unnecessarily long and crowded to get things done quicker. It still worked, but surely Harry Osbourne could have had more time spent on him, and likewise Gwen, if there weren't these big plans in place.
  3. lol, Gametrailers came up with this countdown Any personal favs? :p Tree based levels/memories. How about first time you climbed one of these bad boys and did a handstand... When this sight greeted you... And ok it's more than one tree, but how about
  4. Liquid Bosman was pretty epic! Also, I love the songs that play right at the very end of the episode :p Guilty pleasure.
  5. Oh please, this is a bundle, it's supposed to be tempting. Who in their right mind pays £15 for a strategy guide for Mario Kart!... it might as well just show you a picture of the control scheme and send you on your way! The Wheel was previously free with Mario Kart Wii, the hat should be thrown in for free, and that case isn't worth £5 of anyones money. Oh no I know buying from Nintendo is never going to be as good value, but they have a chance with this game to do something special for new consumers and currently they're missing every opportunity to do so!
  6. You're paying for it, not saving £40. The Mario Kart bundle is £249.99, the Mario Kart Wiimote etc... bundle is £299.99. Also Wiimotes are £35 on Amazon.
  7. These are horrendously priced! £50 for a Wiimote, Wheel (which came free with MK Wii), soft hat, sticker and book!!? You're saving no money at all. These should be the £249.99 bundle.
  8. Something a lot of people have been wondering about... examples of the multiplayer...
  9. I was doing some work experience in a Yr5 (10yr old) class recently and couldn't believe how big Minecraft was (having never played or taken any interest in it myself) The children meet up online outside of school, talk about it during school, draw characters from it in art/free lessons, have collectors edition books about it that they bring in and read/take pride in... Crazy.
  10. It's amazing how many team radio's Vettel 'at first doesn't understand' during a race Yeah right. I've been a big fan of Ricciardo since @Goron_3 and myself met him at the FOTA event last year and I'm absolutely loving what hes doing at Red Bull this year! I can see myself being a real supporter of him in the future, though preferably not at that team, but I can see him being there for a long time yet. Bottas also is really exciting and I'm enjoying the revived Williams, but they need to sort the mistakes out and believe in themselves more. I haven't really taken to Magnussen, he's made some really stupid first lap mistakes in the races so far. I did think it was a boring race though, but China nearly always is. The tyre graining was ridiculous! It's strange how if Nico isn't starting on the front row he doesn't really seem to be anywhere. Commanding drive from Lewis! He's got the championship sewn up this year. I can see Nico maybe challenging at the occasional track like Monaco maybe (mind you I thought China might be a Nico track), but still.
  11. WW > TP style Zelda graphics any day for me!
  12. Coincidentally we Mods recently just discussed a 'Wii U Only Discussion', but I was one of the people who thought there was absolutely zero chance of it staying that way past a couple of pages. We can do one if you don't mind any post that begins to deviate being strictly deleted, but that kind of thread doesn't lend itself to discussions particularly well.
  13. But it wasn't known what games would come out, it still isn't. There's arguably been very little variety on the Wii U, with a plethora of platformers. If I knew the Wii U was getting WaveRace, 1080, Excitebike/Truck, F-Zero, Starfox, a re imagined Ice Climbers, a Metroid... I'd be far more confident in picking one up. Nintendo's over reliance on Mario in the consoles first year with no real indication, and lack of any sort of show reel of what's potentially in the pipeline like we had with Gamecube etc... is damaging. Also, not having third party support means less chance of seeing the likes of Super Monkey Ball, Rogue Squadron, Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil type exclusives. There's very little confidence to place in the console. At least people know that if the PS4 goes without many first party exclusives, it will get great third party content. Fair enough if the type of Nintendo games they've put out so far appeal to you, but I'd imagine every Wii U owner is looking for some more variety. And how many first party games are being bought because it's literally the only option/there's nothing else to play. They need to put out more first party titles at a steadier rate. We're getting there with that, but it still seems very safe. But who will make that type of game? an exclusive shooter... Certainly not Nintendo. The only hope is Retro right? because let's face it, the third party partnerships/exclusives aren't there like they've been in the past, because relationships, confidence has broken down.
  14. Dazzy you don't have to 'put forward' an idea for a thread! I don't know anymore. Like I said, I was enjoying the discussion about the Gamepad yesterday, not what it's become.
  15. The opposing view to that is that the PS4 and the Xbone have been out 6 months, the Wii U 1.5 years. The two shouldn't even be being compared. The Wii U had sod all in it's first 6 months, just like the PS4 and Xbone. 1 year further down the line and the Wii U has a good games library, just like the PS4 and Xbone will have 1 year from now (which is the 'games will come' part). It's quite simple. Some members just seem incapable of opening their minds and have to compare things in the now to score points.
  16. Well then you too overlooked my previous post. The Wii U isn't powerful/popular enough to outlast the current generation it finds itself in, so what will happen when they successor comes out. Nintendo will have the only next gen for 5 years whilst the PS4 and Xbone are then classed as last gen? despite the fact the next Nintendo system will likely only match the specs of the other two consoles. The situation gets rediculous and overly complicated. We might as well just scrap the term altogether. As @Hero of Time just said, and I've said countless times... make threads to talk about these positive Wii U things then! Please give me an example of what you'd like to be talking about if 'these other members weren't coming in and ruining threads'... because quite frankly I don't really see any evidence of members doing it. Positive threads created for the Wii U are seldom posted in when they arise, whilst 'controversial' discussion threads are by far the most popular. Members on here seem to like to say 'I want to come on here and talk positively about the Wii U because I'm enjoying it'... but aren't actually doing it Frankly I'm getting really fed up of it. I've tried myself so many times to create positive discussion and they get ignored, Mods can only do so much, and it isn't even our job to do it, it's only because I like this place and want to see it succeed. Honestly I question sometimes that if I just went ahead and banned all the members that people call for being banned, whether we'd even have a forum left at all.
  17. People are allowed to have a difference of opinion on what constitutes past and current gen, I even offered up reasons as to why it wasn't as clear cut as some people make out, especially with regards to the Wii U, but if members choose to consciously overlook posts, or pick and choose for the purpose of their own opinions then I can't really do anything about that. Like Goron_3 said as well, members just choose not to acknowledge posts, and then here we are again, It's also personal preference whether a games library appeals to someone or not. Personally I think the Wii U has a selection of great games, but if someone else see's nothing that appeals to them, then to them it doesn't.
  18. One of the worst and trolling posts for a while. This is what's boring on the forum and it's a shame it has to descend to this type of shit. And to think it got a Thanks as well! I was actually enjoying the discussion we were having for several pages. But if you read back through it it's quite obvious where it started turning sour and it's a shame certain members have to turn up and be over sensitive to things or overly aggressive.
  19. I'm talking about the Wii U, no way is that going to last the duration of the now current gen consoles, we will get a new Nintendo console in 2-3 years time, and then another one 4-5 years down the line... at around the same time the PS4 and Xbone will be being replaced, Nintendo will be out of step with the console generations and thus you can't simply look at it in terms of a duration of time that defines it. Or if you do, you'll have to look at Nintendo as operating outside it.
  20. Yeah tbf I think the games are there on the console, and boosted even more so by Mario Kart. It's purely the price that needs addressing, and the Virtual Console.
  21. And tbh by the time Nintendo 'get round to it' it'll be time for the next console anyway :p
  22. I'm well aware the Wii U is in the same generation as the PS4 and XBone, thanks guys. But you have to consider the power side of things too because otherwise it's a flawed concept... Nintendo don't produce consoles powerful enough to last a 'generation', and therefore what?... a new console in 2 years time, another console 4-5 years after that?... They'll be two 'generations' ahead by the time the PS5 and Xbone2 come out!
  23. What about by the end of the year when games like Arkham Knight roll around that won't be able to run on Wii U without some form of significant down-grade?
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