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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah annoyingly during that gameplay video the guy says something like 'we're not showing you everything' and 'Link appears throughout the adventure'... umm, no you've pretty much just shown it all :p Still, at least there's two different paths to take through the dungeon.
  2. I thought they did a pretty good job with the characters and residents of Skyloft etc... Of course there's obviously ALOT of room for improvement, but if they can continue to build from those.
  3. Cool discovery!
  4. We don't know the developers intentions, but you do have to think that Skyward Sword was limited by the hardware. The original vision must surely have been to have the Sky and Land connected, so you could take off from and land at certain landing zones on the map? I would like them to revisit flight again in a Skyward Sword sequel at some point, and make it as seamless as the boat was in Wind Waker... being able to jump out and dock absolutely anywhere, same as they managed with horse riding on the N64. The overworld they manage to create in Zelda Wii U is going to be very telling of what the console is truly capable of. Hopefully there's nothing to hold them back this time. And yeah, bar an instant classic or two, Skyward Swords soundtrack needs improving upon.
  5. What felt generic about Skyward Sword?? For me it was the freshest/most different Zelda has felt in a long time, whether you were a fan of it or not. To me, Twilight Princess is the definition of a generic Zelda. It doesn't really do anything different to the likes of OOT, MM, WW before it, arguably taking a step back from WW, and even the core wolf mechanic was done far better elsewhere in Okami.
  6. Tbf, they're both First Person, swoopy stealth games with the option of action and featuring a bow. Ok in gameplay terms the similarities may end there, but I wouldn't really be that bothered about playing both of them, at least not within a long time of one another. It would be £7.20, and £10 for the GOTY with Plus, but you're right I do remember seeing them on there before now. Still, a decent price. I'm also tempted by FEZ though this week! Ahhh and Red Dead is now in the Rockstar sale for £7.99! .... oh this is ridiculous! :p I already have a backlog of Plus games to work through and many games on my wish list to buy! Too many games!! I need to be strict with those I can probably do without.
  7. This would be amazing for me having not played it yet.
  8. Is there another wait for episode 16?
  9. Possibly my second least favorite Zelda :p
  10. Yeah I was visually, but it basically looked like Twilight Princess HD, and that's my least favorite Zelda. Personally I'd prefer a more light hearted cartoony style, along the lines of OOT/WW/SS. I want to enjoy running through and exploring a big open world landscape, I don't want an oppressive tone hanging over the game. I'm excited to see what visual style they come up with though given each Zelda does tend to go for something different more often than not, the next step up from Wind Waker would be incredible!
  11. Yeah I'd like that Skyward Sword sequel too. With nice bright cel-shaded/cartoony visuals like Skyward Sword, or the Sonic DLC. Perhaps as a story you are going round Hyrule vanquishing the remaining evil and as such you could have a variety of transport. You start off with a horse for the more immediate areas, then a boat/something water based to travel to neighboring land, and finally a loftwing so you can get around the now large overworld much quicker... but an overworld you can actually take off from, fly over and land on in real time.
  12. Although you also loved Iron Man 3, so I'll keep my expectations in check
  13. Don't see Rime on that PS4 list either. Destiny is summer is it! thought it was out later than that.
  14. Having just realised there was a separate trailer below the gameplay video and having watched it... I can't help thinking that 5min gameplay video just showed everything there is to the DLC...
  15. Oh bollocks, thought this was a 3DS remake for a second :p seeing as it's the Metroid game yet to have one.
  16. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/03/26/sonic-lost-worldas-zelda-crossover I really like the style of the overworld! It's a bit like Twilight Princess but importantly for me with the vibrancy and cartoony look of Skyward Sword The dungeon looks cool ('combat' sure does suck in Sonic!) I wonder if the Triforce turns Sonic into Super Sonic :p
  17. I had the demo of Cool Spot on my Amiga 500, I thought it was good!
  18. Might possibly go for Dishonored if it's generally considered better than Thief.
  19. Resident Evil 6. Just because I can't believe they can get it SO wrong! Fair enough it sold ok to the COD audience, but ultimately what a waste of everybody's time! Looking forward to potentially seeing some sort of series reboot at E3, now that Capcom finally seem to be beginning to understand what the fans have been wanting.
  20. Yay for Sly Cooper 4! been hoping for that to appear on Plus.
  21. Yeah me too. Ok so he was under mind control but I found him the most boring character. He had a few enjoyable moments during the end battle. Wouldn't have really missed him from this film, so I hope they do something much more interesting with him.
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