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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Dude can you not update the sidebar on your site? I honesty had to resort to using the 'Find' function of my search engine to locate the Smash games. The way you were talking I was interested in just how much you went into for Pokemon in Smash, but going off your Brawl page I think you'll be ok.
  2. Does this mean a Release Date might finally be joining the fight??!!
  3. They have a second chance now on Wii U with the Wind Waker HD engine I guess! Personally I'd love to see it again and it would help them get another Zelda out to help the Wii U sooner than otherwise.
  4. No wrong is wong spelt wrong and
  5. If only us Mods were helpful enough to put it in the thread titles :p
  6. Voice acting seems really good on the lead character.
  7. Ooh comes with a free piece of popcorn if you pre-order!
  8. What they should do though is get some Mario themed Go-Karts down there when the track is free like when Top Gear did that city car feature last(?) year Get the BBC/Sky presenters driving them for a feature on the coverage.
  9. This does look really good, shame I don't have my 3DS anymore. Kirby's Dreamland 2 is well worth playing @Ronnie, fantastic game and SO much fun!
  10. Oh I've heard but still, Rihanna!
  11. Am tempted to watch the sexing of the Belgian, in Bruges/Brugge, watching In Bruges, eating a Waffle. :awesome: Surely the only reason to watch this film is for Rihanna, and she didn't get a mention...
  12. Because he's the CEO Gaming deserves, but not the one it needs right now. [/batman]
  13. The fuck? I mean mum's and kids watching TV or going out shopping/to the cinema.
  14. How are the average consumer meant to know about any of this? And if the average consumer picked up the console now, they'd have plenty of games available to them.
  15. Why not advertise it now and have people buying the console already in advance? Better to have them purchasing other games/VC titles before Mario Kart, than have them buy it with Mario Kart and then use it just for that. Also give people time to save up.
  16. Yeah seriously! I mean they already have the perfect advert... 25 seconds long, teases the game, builds hype and has a little extra something thrown in to get people excited about pre-ordering!
  17. Oh you two :p just get a room and get this tension over and done with.
  18. Lights in your trainers however... hell yeah!!
  19. Yes, but why? They are fantastic properties. It's clearly that they aren't being properly utilised. For the same reason SSX is a big series people are excited to see and anticipate the next entry of... and 1080 is barely known.
  20. To say the likes of Metroid, F-Zero and Starfox sell like crap is obviously an exaggeration, but I wonder why they don't sell as well? Is it a result of Nintendo's lack of effort in other areas, predominantly Improve Online. WipeOut was always a hugely popular game and much more well known, despite F-Zero arguably being the better series. Online Multiplayer and a track editor could have done wonders for the series over the years. Star-Fox... how many Space Shooters are there? Non!... there is a huge gap in the market there and one perfect for online co-op and multiplayer. Metroid, how fucking cool is Metroid!!... and yet people only know Halo. And yes I know the series are nothing alike but... Metroid [Prime] is the single player experience Halo can only dream of. If Nintendo had had the vision to give it an online multiplayer like that of Halo's who's to say it couldn't have been the bigger series? Halo was on a brand new console after all. Surely if Nintendo [had] put the effort in, some of these secondary franchises could be in much stronger positions!?
  21. I don't know but I hope and get the feeling this will be more like Titanfall, where every effort is being put into the PC/next-gen version and previous gen is the secondary focus/handled by a different studio or team. Watch Dogs as a game actually spanded the console generations, where as the launch date and target for this one is actually far more rooted in next gen. Fingers Crossed!
  22. Chronological order would be Captain America Iron Man Iron Man 2 Incredible Hulk Thor Avengers Assemble Iron Man 3 Thor 2
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