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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah kids might start to hit puberty at this time which is why it's taught from that age to make them aware. Curiousity I get, I get it, but I can't believe you'd say you wouldn't consider sex wrong for a 12yr old! They're nothing but a child ffs!
  2. Well they shouldn't be, otherwise shit like this happens! And interested in girls at 12 yes, [i remember really liking a girl in my first year of school at 5], but sleeping with girls at 12! no! I honestly can't believe I'm hearing this!
  3. you mean can't I take it? Well I think it's up to the parents [who obviously aren't fit ones in this case], to step in and say that it's not right! well I believe it isn't anyway! IMO age gaps are acceptible when you get to around 15/16, but even those should just be by a year. To me, there are some age gaps that are right and some that are just wrong e.g. 15 & 16 is fine, 18 & someone under 16 is wrong, and 15 & someone who hasn't even hit puberty yet is again wrong!
  4. I think that's rediculous on their part really. Personally I wouldn't like The Joker to return in Nolans Batman [trilogy?]. But you can't retire the character from a future Batman movie series, because he's so important! and if that actor is better or worse than Heath then that's just the way it is! We'll still always have Nolans films and Heaths performance to look back on in awe!
  5. Amazon's £3 albums atm... New Lily Allen, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Ladyhawke, Best of the Beach Boys [30 songs!], Alphabeat, etc...
  6. I didn't get it from the video, it's my opinion! Maybe I'm 'out of touch', but I don't know of anyone ever who at that age goes out with a girl around 3 years older than themselves. And what 15yr old wants to go out with a 12 year old? At 12, you might have a girl you like in your year and call each other boyfriend and girlfriend for cutnesses sake, but come on, seriously! Now it's happened they are just trying to make it sound like they are this cute, happy family!... when actually it's all royally fucked up!
  7. Video: http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-GB&vid=4da7dd2a-5e98-49fe-9039-ce896eeff8f3&from=homepage_picks come on! she's not his 'girlfriend'! She's some fucked up attention seeking wrong'n who slept with a 12 YEAR OLD ffs!!
  8. OMFG! There are so many things wrong with this!!... Entering this thread went something like this... When I first glimpsed at the family picture I thought maybe this happened five or so years ago, and that was the five year old son!!! Scrolled down a tad further to see a baby, thought maybe it was the boys doll, but why would he have a d'................. OMFG!!!!!! THAT's the father!!! FUCK!!... Other thoughts... - Poor child, her name is really the least of her worries! - WTF is wrong with that 15yr old sleeping with a 13yr old, who also looks about 5! Is she really that attention starved she has to go and get herself pregnant! - Having sex at 13 is SO wrong! Fuck you shouldn't be thinking about it at that age! go a kick a ball around FFS!! - Parents evening will be interesting! - The father and child could technically be at school at the same time! Dad [17/18] could drop the kid [4/5] off at first year of school then walk down the road to sixth form!
  9. Oh Great! that end part was about as spoilerific as you can get!... FFS!! and btw, what the fuck is Wesker wearing in this game! the big gimp!
  10. Pikmin 2:
  11. OK as much as I'd love to watch that [shut your face Paj!], I've decided not to watch and find out any more about the film now, if I can help it!
  12. Nope, there's only been the Ghost Squad and HotD2&3 cash-ins mind! But I take it Sega do a good job then, where Capcom and even Nintendo themselves did not!?
  13. Does this play much better with a Wii-mote shell then? Because up until now, the opposite has been true for RE:UC and Links Crossbow Training!
  14. Ooooh, that looks awesome! There's no reason the Wii couldn't do that, so lets hope that's the type of thing we get! Someone should send it to EA in an email just to jog their memory! with the note: Wii > Xbox!
  15. That one was just a quick backstory focusing on Leon and Claire to get people ready for the Resi CGI movie they're in. Part 2 of the retrospective is great. Resi 2 is just so cool, I REALLY want that REmake! Do you think if they did do one they would scrap all the different storylines [Leon A, B and Claire A, B] and just make one story that plays out the scenarios Capcom take to be the true ones; as it does appear a bit complicated!
  16. Cheers Redshell! nice little insight! Really looking forward to getting this when I have more time!
  17. Oh... I thought Dante bumped the thread with the news about Sega that doesn't specify any games and is also posted in the Other Consoles forum!
  18. why bump this thread?
  19. Just look through play.com's top selling lists e.g... Taken £12.99 Wanted £5.99 Tropic Thunder £10.99 Cloverfield £2.99 Iron Man £5.99 Blood Diamond £2.99
  20. Got it! Umm........................................... voucher? How much you looking to spend?
  21. Teaser: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45472.html
  22. Yeah, I'd rather the sports games be kept Wii Sports simple, so they are fun and everyone can join in. They could add a more advanced control scheme aswell maybe. What shouldn't happen is you get neither one nor the other resulting in unresponsiveness!
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