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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Massa's first interview since the crash (video): http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/8181452.stm Tell you what, it could be one scary moment for Massa if any kind of memory of the accident was suddenly triggered back to him whilst driving!... I'm a bit fearful of that! Also, anyone think it's a bit much he's in his Ferrari gear?... I mean I know he has commitments to the team and all, but cut him some slack!... let him be as comfortable as possible! BTW, when the the last time we had a team made up of two world champions? as will be the case with Ferrari come Valencia.
  2. If you do try to turn/steer in cycling though I found it pretty aweful; and I only gave it one go because of it... might go back to it sometime.
  3. Isn't this practically the same thread as you had deleted? You've contributed/offered nothing on the subject in your opening post to think otherwise.
  4. Really wasn't a great episode... that Advert piece took up almost 25mins and it was pretty boring and unfunny tbh. Yeah the James May thing is starting to annoy me a bit... I don't mind when they imply the fact he's gay, that can be seriously funny, but lately during 'the news' section, they've been having him coming out with some rediculously obvious scripted 'jokes'/moments of idiocy... and it just isn't funny imo, more cringeworthy. Thought the two cars they tested at the start were pretty dull, and the Aston footage at the end I found a bit too much maybe, style over substance what with the footage of the scenery changing through the windscreen and the excessive clouds etc... Thought Jay Leno was quite an alright guest though, and Hammond with his cool wall crane was pretty funny! Next series I'd prefer them to focus on more cars, even if they do it in funny ways, epic races... instead of the almost 'sketches' we got this series.
  5. That opening scene is genuinely terrifying!
  6. T'is true... actually there's a chance we could see something similar this year with Webber! Kimi's crash:
  7. ...dammit!
  8. Oh no I know you like him, sorry, it's just I think he gets a bit of a hard time sometimes. He pushed Schumacher to the wire in his first year at McLaren. And I think he's had a bit of a hard (I won't quite say unfair) time at Ferrari. Yeah I remember Ferrari didn't introduce their full spec 2005 car until halfway through the season (if I remeber right). That was strange when we used to have that in F1... teams not always starting each season with a new car. Think McLaren did that in 2003. Now that Kimi and Lewis are (hopefully) back in the hunt, hopefully Renault carry on there Hungary form as well (though Alonso was light as anything!)... Because the prospect of Kimi v Alonso v Lewis v Schumi is one exciting one!!
  9. Not really, though a couple only appear when you're almost right on top of them (unlike the canoeist for example, who's 'i' appear pretty early). If I was giving a tip, I'd say check around the back of the islands, and try following the island paths closely.
  10. Yeah it seems like it should be just like that... I'll try some more.
  11. OK, this game is Awesome!! Just started it the other day and last night I beat Shinobu (for the no.8 ranking). Cracking boss battle! That one move she does where it goes to a cutscene and she's teleporting around for ages taking hits at you almost whipped me out... but I just survived it and finished her off with the next blow!... PHEW! Guessing she returns in the sequel! Also spent some time doing jobs and fights around town etc... The style, character, humour etc... of the game is just fantastic, such great characters that you like straight away. Loads of cool stuff and subtleties, great retro sound fx and other things thrown in, like the star wars style retro leader board... just loving it so far!! The way you level up your stats by going to the gym is cool, and the Travis customisation is great! Sure the bike and town are pretty crap, but I actually don't care because so far the rest of the game's been so good!... BTW... did anyone else have trouble hitting the baseballs you can hit back to attack? I can't seem to do it AT ALL! It's like I'm standing too far away, and even if I could get it right, my timing seems way off... almost like you have to swing before/as they throw the ball!
  12. Seriously what?... you don't swing right to go right and left to go left? Hitting it early is to send it further the way you're swinging and I hit it late to arc it back.
  13. yeah yeah, 2005 showed not even your legendary Schumi could always win in a Ferrari. If the car's rubbish or doesn't suit the driver, there's only so much they can do. On board with Kimi through part of Stage 11: EDIT: Kimi's just had an off and rolled the car a few times, on the last stage of the day, both him and the co. driver are ok. Ironocally he was trying to avoid some spectators that were trying to warn him of another car that had just crashed out on that point.
  14. More like Ferrari have let him down the last two seasons. The way he's performing in the Finland Rally with next to no experience shows his raw talent... McLaren were able to give him the cars to showcase it.
  15. Pikmin 3 news... BTW, what became of that Edge[?] cover that people were speculating to be Pikmin 3?
  16. Shame on you.
  17. Alien Prequel Confirmed
  18. Massa's fighting to come back as soon as possible, he even joked about whether he'd let Michael race in Valencia or not. I wouldn't be surprised to see him back soon.
  19. Awesome that you're enjoying it. What do you mean about not being able to direct it when you hit it though? I know that if I hit it gently it goes forward, and if I follow the swing through to the right it goes right etc... and then add spin and slice for extra direction.
  20. haha yeah, Clark Kent the musical...
  21. R.I.P. Sir Bobby, legend!!
  22. Insanely hard!... not helped by the joystick I had!
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