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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Urgh, returned to this today after not having played it for 2 weeks or so, and where I absolutely LOVED it then, today I ABSOLUTELY hated it!! I've rarely been so frustrated at a game. I know that two weeks ago I was really in the groove with the controls and being generally awesome, and that over those 2 weeks I would have lost the feel for it somewhat, but OMG it was aweful. Apart from extreme cross court shots, none of the others were doing what I wanted/expected and I just became more and more annoyed! As much as I know it's a fantastic game, I'm not sure I can live with it being so unaccessible. I don't want to have to play it every day. Games should be pick up and play. Hmm... I'm not really sure what to do now... put time into it again, or trade it in?... If I put the time in now, I just know if I pick it up again a few months down the line after playing other games, I'm just gonna hve to go through it all again every time (probably)!
  2. Well from my experience, as soon as 4.00pm on a friday rolls around, you won't hear ANYTHING from ANY tutor until monday morning at the earliest; and more often than not for me I don't get a reply till I go and see them. I've never had one reply to be over a weekend, so I'd imagine them to be extremely relaxed about checking emails over the summer. Ash, have you done any photography courses/classes in the past, or is it just a hobby you'd like to take further. As much as I'd like to pursue a photograohy career I'd have no idea where to get a break because there are people who've studied it for years through school... uni... work experience... and I always imagine I'd be going in with next to nothing compared to them. Though I know I've got a good eye for it and can take some crackin pics.
  3. Welcome to the forums Nethy!


    Heard alot about your awesomeness from Letty!

  4. Gonna Fly Now Going the Distance Burning Heart ... Actually Just Get the Rocky Soundtrack!
  5. Yes do it! Went on a weeks trip there on my Arts Foundation Course, it fucking rocked the socks off!! Had such a good time!
  6. Cracking post Coolness! Almost made it feel like I was there!
  7. Yeah was a good episode. The scene between Jamie and Q's brother was a cool, and the end monalogue... 'some people used to say it was like he was flying... well he can now.'
  8. tis true! Guess Paris ortta be an experience... ..."Sacre Bleu"
  9. yeh I know she isn't welsh you numpty! but at least we now know why the previous BaLl_&_ChaIn left, if you go round propositioning girls like that! "Wahay 1 month already... lube up!"
  10. I didn't realise Ine was welsh! ... and to think she got you Disneyland tickets!
  11. A month! surely that deserves at least a sevice station travel lodge!
  12. or sausarge, signarge and drainage...
  13. I shall call you fromage from now on... or more than likely just this one time.
  14. Could be worse, they could have gone for something really modern:
  15. haha that's pretty cool!! Bet he wishes he'd had some of those powers during the open this week.
  16. Don't like. (atm)
  17. *Shudders* Yeah the new Tardis looks pretty aweful... like he bought it at a future intergalactic branch of a certain swedish furniture company. And that outfit is cringe worthy, especially the rolled up trousers and boots! ... oh and the bow tie... oh and the shirt... and the jacket... New assistant just looks like a young Donna in the pic!
  18. Surely cycling is a waste of space?
  19. Phew... for a minute there I thought you'd bought a selection of Rez's urine samples off ebay!
  20. Is it a FLeeeeenuh anniversary?
  21. Urgh grammar!... You off to Italy then Ash?
  22. ^ thaaaaat's... nnnnnot a duck!...
  23. Hmm... let's see... Nope! PIKAAAAAA!!
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