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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah I read that and it's not looking too good is it! Really hope he can make a full recovery, but yeah any long term damage to his sight and that's it really! Yeah the rumour mill has stepped up a gear saying that Ferrari could put Alonso in the car for Valencia! We don't even have confirmation he's going to Ferrari yet! I hate some of the F1 fans out there... go on about him replacing Kimi for ages, and as soon as this Massa thing starts, now they wanna stick him in his seat! I can't really see it happening because IMO that's extremely disrespectful to Massa and Ferrari come across with this whle family atmosphere, so I'd be surprised and shocked to see them do anything like that! Not sure who they'd bring in in his place though, apparently Schumachers out the picture due to injury, and they don't ever seem keen on using their test drivers, but that's the most likely as I see it. Also who's to say Alonso would be so great in the Ferrari anyway? Kimi's not been anywhere near as superior in it as he was in the McLaren, and over 2 years on they still seem relectant to really design him a car that suits him... so with years of driving a Renault (and a McLaren), there's nothing to say Alonso will suddenly shine anyway!
  2. Wow that sounds like one awesomly hobo'ish night! Think it's just the way you wrote it, but your shower wasn't on the ferry was it?!
  3. Valencia Officials are telling the FIA to think of the fans regarding the Renault ban. Wonder if fans will be asking for their money back, or just end up not going, should Alonso not be there. Either way it's bound to be a bit of a commercial failure. Also, just doing the maths, Mark is 18.5 points behind Jenson, meaning all he has to do is outscore him by 3,3,3,3,3,2,2 (or more, in any order or combination) at the remaining 7 races and he'll win by at least 0.5 points! With the state of Brawn atm, there's every chance of that happening!
  4. Great trailer! looking forward to the remaining specials!!
  5. Balloons Day: 1 Evening: 2 Night: 0 argh!!... where are they!!
  6. AC/DC might be great, but personally (and as Jezza said himself) I had no idea who the band were made up of, so I wasn't fussed either way.
  7. Yeah Kimi always makes an effort to give it a good swig before spraying... and why not 'ey!!... I would!! Plus he's Finnish and they love their Vodka!!
  8. I liked the new BMW Z4 etc... test at the start, and the dinosaur stuff was pretty cool (if pointless and random) I thought... love me some dino's!! But yeah, other than that not much else... Rubbish guest aswell.
  9. How can anyone NOT see it?!! It's mighty fine btw 'wolfio!! Nice attempt at a cover up aswell... bed linen... pretty believable
  10. Last one for me was round the back of the small deserted island; there's a little fishing point there.
  11. her...back...vagina!!?? boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootay!!
  12. Forgot to mention Alguersuari today! Good enough debut, managed to finish infront of Buemi, here's his thoughts...
  13. haha, in a round about way, the rumours about him not being in the car come Valencia turned out to be true! Yeah I'm really looking forward to the five in a row of Spa, Monza, Singapore, Sazuka and Interlagos; pretty awesome!! and hopefully Abu Dhabi will be good too!
  14. So then do we think it's inevitable The Master will 'kill' The Doctor?
  15. haha... Indeed, thinking mode engaged! Sweet job on the logo!
  16. Bloody hell S.C.G, what are you on about!
  17. I was gonna say!... Neighsayers?!!... no neighsayers here!!
  18. Yeah I know!... Ya big tease wolfy!
  19. Yeah no action was taken on it: Right decision, it was barely an incident!They showed it in slow motion on the Red Button Forum, and said it was minimal and that the cars are supposed to be built to be able to take wheel to wheel knocks like that, and also that he was effectively squeezed into it.
  20. You can do some festive colours for Christmas! Heck, just spray some fake snow on there!!
  21. tbf he probably should have pulled over when he could clearly see it sliding loose; that's what I thought when watching it.
  22. 80/80 Get!! Now to finish up the balloon hunt... The counter page hasn't come up in a while to let me know how many are left but, think I've Got 1 left during the day, 2 in the evening, and not made a start on night yet.
  23. lol, poor Stuwii! I thought the race was fantastic today! Especially the first 30 laps, then it became a little more processional, but there was lots of action and drama early on! Another incidents along the same theme with Alonso's tyre!! That could have hit another car, hit a marshel, or settled on the track... man, what a strange coincedental week! Loved seeing Kimi and Hamilton racing back at the front and both put in fantastic drives!... and having the rest of the Red Bull and Brawn drivers back through the pack for a change! Overall a great race... just a shame there's a 6 week gap now
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