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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I thought it was any excuse to get pics of your ripped self up on here.
  2. Think Sauber (helped by FOTA, like they did with Brawn) are gonna try and stay in the sport somehow, though under a new name.
  3. This is probably one of those threads that'll somehow go on for 20 pages... ...and without a single female post. Women of NE I challenge thee!!
  4. Think I read rumours that the Piquets may be thinking of entering their own team.
  5. THE BLUE MOULD!!!..... *GAGS*.... I had to have that for casting a couple of retainers when I was younger... horrible stuff that makes you wanna throw up when it's all up in yo mouth!!
  6. Catchy! How-Was-Your-Dane Rate-the-last-Dane-you-saw Weight-Dane
  7. Dane-Cravid-all-over-your-*boink*-RE-E-WIND...
  8. Yeah I thought about that when writing my C.V. I left it off in the end but yeah make it sound good... - no. of visitors - one of europes leading video game based websites etc...
  9. Why didn't you get them done free when you were younger?
  10. Dane-you-wish-your-boyfriend-was-hot-like-me.
  11. I MUCH prefer the original golf courses to the new links courses... which are all pretty similar and uninspired.
  12. I had a good chat with the dentist when I had my regular check-up a few weeks ago. - My teeth are a bit stained in colour, but that's more down to the ammount of tea I drink (I don't smoke, or drink much alcohol), but one thing is you shouldn't really use whitening toothpaste (despite what all the adverts say), it's mildly abrasive and wil actually wear the enamel away to make them whiter. The best thing to do is to save up to have them bleeched at the dentist, which is quite a large payment of £300 or something... but lasts ages. - She also said if you like eating sugary things (sweets, biscuits etc...) it's actually better to eat say a bag of sweets in one sitting, than to have say 3 sweets every couple of hours. This made me take note of the 3 bourbon biscuits or jaffa cakes I have with pretty much every cup of tea... but I still do it mind! Anyways wolfy... (scrap most of the lyrics... you get the point!) Audio
  13. What date does the new season start?
  14. haha, no worries... good to hear you're doing well.
  15. Dunno, they have been about 6 eps recently... though was this one just 5? Tbh, I'd prob rather they had longer breaks, worked on the episodes more and came back with 10 show series.
  16. That is one awesome photograph!!
  17. Looking great Ash, that buildings epic, look forward to more!

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