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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Haven't heard of this one, is it like the Open University?
  2. Yeah I watched that trailer, but I wasn't sure there was anything new was there?
  3. That is incredible!! ...to those workers!! Just watching that I got nervous, had sweaty palms and my heart started beating faster. It would have been really interesting if he'd had a heart rate monitor or something... I'd have really liked to have known what he was feeling, or if he's used to it now, or just what he was experiencing... because you'd think the nerves and fear would make it almost impossible to climb, so he must have become accustomed to it somehow.
  4. That looks incredible!!
  5. Yeah it was a rubbish trailer!
  6. Gameplay: Ah memories!! Used to love getting the speed boost, getting that music, and all the jingles that quickly followed as you sped through check points and got the 1-Up!
  7. Trailer:
  8. One to watch!
  9. OK... it's a side scroller... and not exactly what I had imagined... *takes off the reasons to get a PS3 list*
  10. Get ready to flap those arms?
  11. Resi 5: MOVE Complete with waggle.
  12. Awesome!! Another reason to get a PS3!!
  13. Hmm... seems I'm in the minority of thinking it looks a bit rubbish really.
  14. Wow that was great man! A very sexy piece of music!
  15. I hope I'm wrong... as Kimi and Kubica's would be a dream team and arguably the best driver pairing on the grid in numerous ways... but I think this may just be Renault trying to get publicity. Heidfeld's left the Pirelli programme a bit too early really to be able to give any real info, but he deserves this seat on the grid and I'm sure he'll do well! Legard is just rediculously bad! Who'll they get though?... Davidson will want to be available to race and probably even still dreams of being back in F1... but I hope they can persuade him and just allow him time off. Either that or a James Allen come back?
  16. That's awesome 'wolfy!
  17. Exactly, HELLO!!... mad Microwave skillz!
  18. Do they though?... Gamers may want HD content, I'm not sure Families/Casuals care either way, they just enjoy Mario Kart/Wii Sports regardless... nor do they really care about online aspects. Nintendo will definately produce an HD console next time out. But Nintendo can't really loose market share... they are already in the millions of homes that Move and Kinect are trying to reach out to! A Wii HD is only going to appeal to hardcore gamers... and these people have probably already made their decision about which companies console they like best and will always buy, or they buy multiple consoles anyway.
  19. Nintendo have the 3DS. I don't think Nintendo are really playing off against the PS3/360 anymore, they're just doing their own thing. They'll have a new innovation of somekind with their next console, not worry about having to counter Sony/Microsoft in the motion market.
  20. Surely E3 2011 will just be largely 3DS... I can't see another console announcement, but yeah 2012, maybe out for 2012 Christmas.
  21. Yeah I heard Michael Pacter on one of his GT conference videos saying Sony are gonna market move as a replacement for Wii... however at the current price Move is now, Nintendo don't need to worry... and given how long it's taken for the price of the PS3 to drop, Move will probably be off the casual/family gamers radar for many months yet. Nintendo have enough titles of their own and from third party to run on a little longer, but yes, I think they could well need to start preparing something for 2012. And perfectly, they've got the 3DS to concentrate on whilst the Wii starts slowing down.
  22. The Wii will do just fine. We'll have Nintendo's titles, the casuals will have Just Dance/EA Sports Active/Carnival Games etc... But yes, very few hardcore third party games.
  23. Dammit, why not make this a playable sequel on Wii!
  24. Mega lolz!! damn you Rez, the first 30secs of that video had me in hysterics! Tailed off a bit for me towards the end... 8/10!! My photograph of a Bugatti Veyron
  25. If they were to ever make a live action movie, I'd have at least like them to have made the pokemon look real... like made of actual stone, have feathers, fur etc... not just look like they're made of plastic!
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