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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That's not any different. The only reason one screen has slightly different colours is because Link is perfoming an attack which has produced light.
  2. I've still not forgiven them for shamelessly ripping off poor Moon Pig...
  3. I couldn't bare to watch it... that is truly aweful!
  4. Yes!Actually, Reloaded I enjoyed at the time, but subsequent viewings not so much. Revolutions I hated at the time... so much so that I refused to add it to my DVD collection. However, with each subsequent viewing I've enjoyed it more and actually think it's alright now. Spiderman 3 Transformers 2 Pirates 3 Quantum of Solace and most Pixar films that aren't Toy Story
  5. They haven't though, because that I'd be happy with... that's how I picture a more detailed young link looking. They nailed both Adult and Young Links updated OOT design in Melee...
  6. Yeah my anticipations not really high for this either atm... but then I don't really have much experience with Kirby games. Only Kirby game I've really played is Kirby's Dream Land 2... which I thought was absolutely fantastic, but it's quite different to this.
  7. Metroid Prime Gunship revealed...
  8. GT Review - 8.6 They mention the Pit Stop bug, and freezing issues... Didn't realise the whole of pit stops were automatic, that's dissapointing!! Sure I guess there's the problem of potentially over running your pit box on entry, but the game could have guided you in and then let you carry on from there, it would have been fun!
  9. Yeah that's what I assumed... but really it's a tiny tiny chip, and probably 5cm in. Has anybody seen any alternative companies advertised on the tele, or used a nationwide company? I'm a bit reluctant to just get someone out the phone book... I thought Autoglass were pretty much who everyone turned to for these small chips.
  10. ... enter Dante with relevant gif.
  11. That's what the tv advert shows autoglass doing...
  12. I have a small chip, about half the size of my little finger nail in my windscreen so payed a visit to the autoglass website: Seriously what the...?!! "Autoglass Repair... Autglass Re... ip you off!"
  13. Nick Grimshaw played a bit of original Britney the other night as part of the Top 1000 albums you should own or something... When you hear a montage of all her original songs they are pop classics. Definately takes you right back!
  14. Who is that!... that's not the OOT Young Link I know and love!
  15. Ooooooooooh... Resi is going back to it's origins!!! Hope they manage to deliver on that statement! That's quite nice strategy, using Mercenaries as a title to satisfy the action fans... meanwhile developing a true Resi for the series fans.
  16. I presume that'll just show up in the first training area of the game perhaps? I know it'll probably just come across as another unsatified Zelda fan... but can't say I'm really liking the graphical style of the game atm. I think it's the colour palette they're using and it has a slight washed out feel. I know there's a long way to go, but I also can't help feeling that the Wii could do a bit better.
  17. Loving the last screen... being able to climb the environments like that just so much sense and brings out more of the character of DK.
  18. Don't know if it's new footage, but there's a few seconds worth at 1:26...
  19. I think these are a winner...
  20. I'm not really a Metal Gear fan, but this looks amazing!! I think this'll be a multimillion seller.
  21. Yeah Enjoy Rez!! Have a FANTASTIC time mate!! + = Audio
  22. oh and 17 minutes in the air?!.. you'll be lucky if you're not still on the tarmac!
  23. I noticed the fish were like those in Mario... but other than that...?
  24. Thing is, surely pretty much all of the casuals that this is aimed at already have a Wii. Thus it's whether they want to buy a second console or not... I'm not sure a great deal will bother!... especially given the price, hence a possible sales struggle.
  25. Skip to 1:40
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