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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Gameplay:
  2. Have to agree with FLink on American Beauty... don't really see what all the fuss is about personally and didn't particularly enjoy it as a whole.
  3. I feel like I'm missing something with this game. Yes it looks absolutely gorgeous, but the gameplay seems so shallow to me!? It looks to essentially be driving pretty much straight for a long time, whilst playing tag against another car, and that's it?!
  4. I think I tend to bottle things up more often than crying when perhaps I should. Though I have found myself welling up more easily at TV/Movies in recent years (not near the point of crying though)... don't know what that's all about!
  5. Molly FTW! I was previously drawn in by Una's Irish accent, but whenever I've seen them interviewed on TV, Molly wins it on personality. Don't like all their music, but I do like 'Up' and 'Ego'.
  6. Would have made sense for Choze to link/state where he heard this news in his post. And people have asked him and he hasn't answered them, or seemingly stuck around to hear an answer to his question. So you can see why people are making the assumption! ... ... Um... Where the fuck is Bunker?
  7. Or the one through the castle which is awesome!
  8. I think if you read through the thread you'll find everyones already said that.
  9. Well taking that POV I highly doubt Chair's friend cares/wants sympathy from a bunch of people on the internet he doesn't know!
  10. Well yes, but I meant the stress and tension (of the scene). The Dark Night is full of moments Grazza seems to enjoy about Spiderman, only surely even more heightened.
  11. You're not serious! How about when Batman has to choose between Rachel and Harvey! TDK blows Spiderman out the water!!
  12. I'm guessing the fact chair's friend answered the guys question with... and in probably somewhat of a camp way (given chairs description of his friend), led the guy to realise he was most likely talking to someone gay. Where are you getting that he singled him out beforehand? Anyway, I hope your friend is ok chair.
  13. What are you talking about?... chair said... Where in that does he said the guy indentified them as homosexuals and then approached them?
  14. ^^ That's great man! Though I'd have liked to see the Piano!... so I know you're not just playing your leg to a tape recording
  15. Paj said chav... they aren't human. Yeah I agree. There's no excuse for such behaviour, but there's a strong likelyhood this wouldn't have happened if your friend had just answered him normally.It's best to just try and stay low on nights out, and try not to provoke anyone.
  16. Yeah the point I was making was choice (and for all consumers aswell, not just me)... not that I would want to buy more than 10 games!
  17. Yeah I'm not much of a fan of the X-Men films either... dissapointing is the word.
  18. Either way I'd hope for more than 10 titles available at launch!
  19. It's a soft drink, kind of the Scottish equivalent of Tizer. Though while we're on the subject... what the fuck is Tizer! Like Tizer it's bright orange... though I don't think either taste of orange.
  20. Jurassic Park 2 was a huge dissapointment. Star Wars Episode 2, YES! I actually like Episodes 1 and 3.
  21. Dust off those balance boards, Controls:
  22. Hey man. Yeah when I went it was insanely hot!! You'll get used to it, and remember to buy all your bottled water outside the parks.
  23. Thanks for your help guys and gal, good suggestions... will keep an eye out for a van.
  24. Perhaps not dissapointed, but somewhat underwhelmed.I don't think any of there subsequent films have matched the brilliance of the Toy Story series.
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