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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. No Internet Explorer.
  2. Hmm may well be internet explorer related then.
  3. I use Windows XP and Internet Explorer... is that what anyone else is on that it's not working for?
  4. I've played Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and IMO it was far too slow, and pretty boring tbh! I've only played HotD: Overkill in single player and that was pretty easy, so yes, as has been said, multiplayer may be a breeze, which may take some of the fun out of the game I'm not sure. Dead Space is awesome, you should definately give it a go in co-op sometime, but maybe not what you're after right now then. There's the HotD compilation, or Ghost Squad.
  5. Yep, that was absolutely hilarious!! It was a bit of a wierd episode, I didn't find it unfunny, I laughed quite a bit... but the parts with the squirrel and the dog I thought were kind of in bad taste and like they were trying too hard to push the boundary to a new level, but one that wasn't necessary.
  6. HotD Overkill is the best arcade style shooter on Wii and with a great single player, and fun in co-op. I'm selling Dead Space Extraction if you're interested? IMO it's the best story driven shooter on Wii and the best shooter I've played in co-op on the Wii. It's a challenge and you can go through the main game in co-op from the get go.
  7. I'd forgotten about this! New Gameplay Trailer: Looking pretty good, though don't know if I'd have time to play it amongst all the other games I've yet to get!
  8. Can't say I'm at all excited for this film atm! Hope to be when some footage is shown.
  9. Yeah I don't like new Hockenheim at all! How could we forgot Canada aswell!! Anyways yeah there's been a rumour this year that Webber may retire if he wins the title, and also the rumour that he could go to Ferrari... but knowone's gonna want to be Alonso's lap dog, and they continue to tell us Massa will be there next year, but Ferrari have told us many things before!
  10. & Interlagos!
  11. That videos awesome! Oh joy! 2 whole possibilities for overtaking! And yet another harbour! It'll be what, 4-5 years before the circuit looks like they envision... by which time I hope we'll have moved on!
  12. Why anyone would want to watch this show is beyond me! It should be the definition of depressing.
  13. The ride inside the Epcot Globe charms... especially the changes they've made to it recently of taking your photo and applying it (in rather lame ways yes, but still fun) to the rest of the ride. Personally I also really enjoyed the Car Crash Test ride. Didn't spend very long at Epcot this time, I'd kinda seen it all before, but for a change of pace it's ok.
  14. We all know these guys... Well meet the feline ninja version! Whatever you do... Don't... BLINK!!! Damn Freaky Cat!!
  15. Just watching the F1 Forum on the iPlayer... Kobayashi is hillarious on it!! Everyone has to watch! he's on around 19mins in! "This waaas veeeeery dangerous one!"
  16. Retirements aside, I think Red Bull have pretty much got these titles in the bag now. I would say the WDC is Webbers, however if Vettel finishes 1st with Mark 2nd at each of the remaining 3 GP's he'll take the title... something that is very possible! Same with Alonso of course, but I think Red Bull will be able to just about hold on to their advantage. It's looking quite unlikely for Lewis, being over a race win behind now and yeah Button's pretty much got no chance because I always see Lewis as being the stronger of the two overall.
  17. This game comes with a Wiimote?!! I saw an advert for it yesterday featuring JLS, which I thought was a good choice.
  18. Good to realise a few other people on the forum having this problem too! I've continued to post videos, but I myself have been having to watch everything on GT, as all I get here is a white square! I don't get why I'd be able to watch the same video GT and not here.
  19. Woke up at 1.55 and 6.30 to enjoy both Qually and the Race... Hardcore! Thought Qually was really good!... Kubica!! But the race, first 3 laps aside I thought it was one of the most boring races I've seen at Suzuka!... Kubica!! It was pretty much as you were for the entire race. The start was crazy, with all those cars retiring. Massa's in for a rollicking from LDM and another great showing from Petrov off the line. Oh and Di Grassi even before the start! Legard was possibly the worst I've ever heard him! I could do a better job than him! The amount of crap that he was coming out with and you can tell at times Martin is just like WTF!! Legard: "Woof... Kobayashi cookies, flags, masks, Ohh the Japanese love their merchandise!!... how many cars have you been asked to sign this weekend" Martin: *does this guy realise there's a race on* "..... yeah so Hamilton..."
  20. Yeah I don't know what to do. I'll watch the race live... I think qually aswell may be a bit much! EDIT: Just scanned forward through the tv listing, I thought coverage was at 5 with race at 6, but the menu shows coverage starting at 6? I might be able to manage that, waking up around 6.30 for the grid walk!
  21. Raikkonen '05... best Suzuka ever!
  22. At least if it lined up like this though we'd have The faster cars of Red Bull and Ferrari behind the slightly slower McLarens, with a buffer in between.
  23. Yeah it would be great! 1. Button would have a chance to get loads of points back 2. Hamilton again could bring the fight right back to Webber 3. Schumacher... well um, Michael Schumacher! 4. Rosberg would get a chance at a podium 5. Vettel could fight for the win and get himself right back in the game! 6. Webber well he's out in front points wise anyway, so doesn't need many, but can fight forward 7. Massa... well um, he'll get right out of the way! 8. Alonso, like Webber he's the next best points holder so he doesn't need many and can fight forward.
  24. There you go.
  25. They were saying last night that if qually can't go ahead before a race then the cars line up in numerical order. If that actually happened it would actually be quite a nice outcome, and would allow the field to become even more level again!
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