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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Pretty dissapointing boxarts... they aren't particularly gonna grab people attention. Also do the boxarts and game as a whole, portrays a bit too much of a dark image to capture the mass Disney audience. Some parents may worry about it scaring thier children?
  2. That was pretty good, and great co-ordination! That's some major effort! Prison Break would have made it for me! The Wind Waker one is awesome!!
  3. I don't really see the problem with Animalities & Friendships... they were just there for a laugh/something different IF you felt like a change/surprise at the end of the match. Some of the Friendships were actually quite funny, and a few of the animalities kinda cool. The animalities were just expanding off of Lui Kangs MK2 Dragon Fatality anyway... and giving all the characters one.
  4. Turns out Red Bull didn't have an advantage it in the end! Don't think anyone expected that coming into qually! Hoping for a wet race tomorrow to really shake things up! Hulkenburg finally lived up to his nickname in the garage today!
  5. Qually looks like it could be a little tricky, with this track still refusing to dry out in places... and with the drivers having to push 110% come qualifying... we could see some moments!! It would really be something special if we had a wet race tomorrow!! And because I'm a fanboy... with rumours swirling about a possble Raikkonen return, a finish publication has been speaking to the paddock/drivers this weekend to gauge their opinions...
  6. Yeah I was gonna post theie new dog video, it's brilliant! Took something like 4 weeks of filming to get right, as it's a continuous take.
  7. Retro_Link


    Haha, too true! Oh yeah, you can go back and visit the dragonian queen aswell, but just for a bead or something I think.
  8. Monza should be the place to do it because you should carry a lot of speed on to the back straight anyway. Can't wait to buy this!
  9. Retro_Link


    The fat Emporer guy who was a dungeon is the guy to go back and see... Himiko's not around still by this stage is she? The Emporer trades stuff for blue fangs, and there's a nice little tablet you can buy off him at one stage... won't give away what it does. Man I wish there was a console sequel to this game!! I miss it!!
  10. There have been plenty of bargains where you've practically got Motion plus for free... or as is the case with Red Steel 2 atm... the game and motion plus for around £17. Which is way cheaper than buying a new Wiimote and you can sell the game!
  11. haha, I think they could have been excused for using other Sonic characters from the start in that mode!... I don't think anyone likes cloned characters like that in games do they!!
  12. New Interview: Mentiones co-op gameplay... I guess that's just player 2 using the pointer in a Mario Galaxy fashion?... as they keep stating on Sonic is in this game.
  13. Just getting a bit fed up with there constant 'upgrades'. Why wasn't this motion plus in the first place?!
  14. Oh fuck off with your new remote Nintendo!
  15. Retro_Link


    Yep, you're pretty much at the 2/3rd's point now and on to the final 'chapter' of the game... believe me... things get pretty damn amazing!! Ninetails was awesome yes?!! EDIT: oh also... it's very easy to miss this nonessential to the quest item... but head back to the City Emperor for a very cool upgrade!
  16. Slightly scared by the size of your avatar... that's one big donkey!! Love the Sig!
  17. Yeah they were a bit rubbish, but I guess they were just an extra in there for those who wanted to use them. At least they didn't replace anything. I just thought MK3 had such an awesome line-up.
  18. Japanese Debut Trailer: Don't really see the point of this myself, think I'll give it a miss.
  19. WOW... I guess we solved the mystery of "who wears short shorts!!"
  20. Wii Party Goldeneye Donkey Kong Country Returns
  21. Just noticed... if you pause it at 0.37secs you can see that if you don't have Rambi it looks like you can get through above those blocks... though not sure how you get up that high. And if you pause it at 0.35secs you can see some blocks have Rambi on them... so it looks like you need him to get past certain blocks.
  22. I'm not sure, because otherwise they don't really need to put spikes anywhere, if Rambi is simply going to just destroy them anyway. Quite a bit of what they show looks like it could be played without Rambi... (maybe you can use ground pound to bash blocks)... apart from bits like at 0.37secs where you break blocks travelling forward. Maybe DK has a flying spin yet to be revealed like he has in Melee... or you use Diddy's guns? Or maybe you are infact correct!
  23. That looks AWESOME!!!
  24. yeah... those are some kind of boxers right?... not actual shorts? Also, that guy looks like he's wearing them backwards!
  25. Yeah I've watched the auditions on and off... don't know if I've made it through a whole show yet! But I did see them hit a new low the other day when they put through that completely talentless girl who's just revealed herself to be an escort. She was aweful... but I guess Simon saw her as the UK's answer to Kesha or something givien her style.
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