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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Damn that whole photo setup had me tricked! Yeah they were running two, but might as well of been one! Seriously, by the time the coasters gone all the way round, they're no further along with getting the next one ready. It's possibly the most shambolic queue I've been in.
  2. Doom Fearfall is absolutely awesome fun!! I loves it!! Yep, HULK is incredible... good man for getting front row! Yes the start is AWESOME!! Harry Potter Castle... yep brilliant!! Although I HATE it when the spiders squirt water at you!! such a horrible sensation! Did you notice you face projected on the dry ice 'waterfall' aswell? Dragons... Yes the Queue's for this can be a fucking pain!! The problem being (sorry if you mentioned it) that they have to wait for both coasters to be ready before launching them together, and nearly EVER time people get on them there seems to be a problem somewhere, so the time just builds and builds!! EDIT: Re-read, you did mention that. Also... The Harry Potter area is WAY too crowded.
  3. Your shadow has a smiley face!!
  4. Do we have to have a thread with 'Oi' in the title? Doesn't feel very welcoming!
  5. Oooooh... looks like the Tardis is transporting us back to the N64 days! Sweet!
  6. I don't like Jar Jar, but I do like Episodes 1 & 3.
  7. Think I'd add Davina to this list... she looking hot right now on Ch4's A Comedy Roast with Davina... which has been absolutely hilarious!
  8. You love hugs, yet you only get them from FLink and your cousin! You should initiate them amongst your friends, catch them off guard! It might freak them out at first but you can get them over that boundary! Then your world will be full of them!
  9. You'll show your kids these films right? Every parent is gonna have to make this choice! It's an issue of great important facing the future of this planet!
  10. OK, so probably Sequels, Prequels, Sequels! That way you get everything!
  11. Originals and then Prequels. I think the story works better that way... 1) "I am your father" is a better revelation than who the Emporer is, 2) Darth Vader is far far far less menacing if you watch the prequels first... you actually feel more sorry for him than anything!
  12. haha, oh yeah, I forgot who the other team leader was... I was thinking it was the one who got fired. OK, you have a point!
  13. You think Stella looks like Kay Burley?!!! I found myself rather attracted to Stella during the last episode!
  14. I think a certain Andrew Garfield may be swinging his way around Manhatten at the time!... but having read up on Batman's list of adversaries (not having read the Comics), Black Mask really would make for an awesome and fitting villain, given where the story is atm. Tom Hardy is awesome, by far one of the best british actors around atm. Killer Croc is being rumoured on the internet, but surely there's no way they'd dare venture down the CGI villian route!... it all but ruined Spiderman, and Nolan hasn't felt the need to use it yet and all for the better! Unless they very much alter the character and have him as a human character and Killer Croc only by name... Just leave out the reptilian part! And can you really look past JGL as the Riddler atm, unless that goes to Tom Hardy, which could work just as well!
  15. It will soon be time for Batman to come out of hiding again for the filming of Batman 3. Might as well use this news to kick-start a Batman thread... Just fantastic news to have him onboard IMO, whatever role he has been given! And if the Joseph Gordon-Levitt rumours are true, and a likely return for Cillian Murphy and of course Michael Caine... roll on Inception 2!!Batman 3!! Seriously though, at least these are all quality actors!
  16. Anyone know what the 3 versions of the film are included on the Special Edition DVD/Blu-Ray? All websites just seem to say but then they don't go into any more detail!... Is it?... - Original - Extended - Digital version for your PC/iPod etc... or is there a 3D version in there for those with 3D TV's?
  17. The New Silverstone Pit Lane is gonna be some 3 or so meters below track level, with steps up to the pit wall! Looks cool! Also,
  18. Metroid Prime 1, 2, 3, Goldeneye, Red Steel 2, Dead: Space Extraction and possibly even CoD:MW Reflex... all say high btw!
  19. CGI Lizard = Fail! ... basically Lizard is fail, because it's the only way they were gonna do it. The film will still no doubt do really well in terms of ticket sales, but be interesting to see how it turns out.
  20. It really was quite a rubbish 'remake'!
  21. Charming story! and has suddenly reignited my interest in this game!
  22. Whilst I'm generally fine with a hand shake upon meeting people, just wanted to say WTF is with 'The Hand Crushers'? When I shake hands I pretty much just clasp hands with someone, placing my hand into theirs because I see it as a friendly exchange, I cannot for the life of me understand those who must see it as the equivalent of an arm wrestle, some sort of power contest, and proceed to crush you hand!
  23. A Local Radio presenter gets her words muddled up...
  24. I just realised yesterday that Carly has hardly been in this series... I thought they might develop that a bit more, have her a bit jealous of Simons girlfriend etc... and with only what, 1 episode left?... I guess surprisingly that isn't going any further? I presume they may work it into the 'movie', but the movie wasn't definately going ahead until after they'd filmed this series.
  25. Glad we didn't go to this England game!

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