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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That's right Dannyboy, open up those odds!
  2. What do you buy for those that have everything...
  3. ^ I was wondering that but he can't have been set up for wet, because right at the end there it was close to a dry line. Did he maybe set up for drying conditions, and the others went purely intermediate? Either way, that was an awesome qually!! So pleased for Williams! EDIT: HAHA Classic!!
  4. Well I assumed it would be different for woman anyway because you shave far more regularly and from a younger age, I'd imagine the skin would get used to it after a few months of shaving. But for a guy to go and get a wax having not had any previously, unless you are going to keep going regularly I wouldn't have thought it would be the best thing? I know shaving is itchy, that's why I said not a wet/close shave. If you just shave it down however then it's not too bad.
  5. I thought it was advisable to only shave those areas (and not a wet shave) and not wax because of the extreme itchyness that soon follows?!
  6. Actually yeah I like the idea of it more being placed there. I think maybe you could find a better crown that doesn't have rounded tops, because I'm not quite sure how they'd translate to the tribal style.
  7. Where are you getting it? Personally I don't like it very much, but you do, so hey!
  8. The Fuck? It's November 5th, Bonfire/Firework Night! Guy Fawkes and all that jazz!
  9. ^ Yeah nothings gonna compete with the Disney 4th of July Fireworks display I saw this year... other than perhaps a future Disney display! Not got any firework plans for tonight/weekend, but can hear them all going off right about now.
  10. I don't think it's the fact it takes people a long time, it's normally just a case of... a) people who don't use the internet want to start getting stuff in, to avoid things being sold out. b) people who want things that are out from around now onwards, just decide they'll have it for christmas, or give it to someone for christmas.
  11. Hmm... fecked already? If there was one superhero movie you wouldn't want to hear about budget cuts on it's arguably this one... where they should be going absolutely all out!
  12. ^ I wouldn't like to see Alonso win it either personally. Yep, Interlagos is just Brilliant, I love it! I wouldn't say Webber's being particular mature in saying what he's said... any additional disruption to team at this stage is unnecessary. It's quite clear his message comes with a bit of a hidden agenda. If anything I think Vettel's handling it better. Accepted his retirement straight away in Korea, and has said that he'll do whatevers needed to ensure a Red Bull driver wins the title. EDIT: It's a good life if you can get it hey! :p
  13. ^ Only really send 'family cards' to friends and family. I've already bought my first Christmas present, Iron Man 2.
  14. I thought I recognised it, but the date in the first post threw me and I thought thread rips usually said so in the title.
  15. ^ The Conduit always looked a load of rubbish IMO, it was only the customability of it that was quite impressive at the time, but now all Wii shooters are doing it! I don't think The Conduit and this should be mentioned together (well by that I mean I wouldn't let you being dissapointed by The Conduit effect your decision to buy this), this has pretty much always looked a winner, and review scores showed it and now we have some great feedback in this thread to further back it up. I'm really looking forward to getting this (albeit not yet, as I need to focus on other things atm).
  16. I don't mind, but why isn't this thread in the user image gallery? Everyone wanted that back, and wouldn't start new threads like this one previously.
  17. So in theory this should be out next tuesday, November 9th along with the other versions?
  18. From those new videos, it definately looks far improved over the first in terms of gameplay. However, I think it's just the general concept that I really struggle to get excited about. It just looks like such a generic shooter, lacking any real originality or style. The alien/human character models are just so lackluster. The 'street' level looks kinda cool, but watching the videos I feel like I know what to expect, as though it's an old game. Also I hope that was on the easiest setting because the enemy just seem like easy targets, with you taking next to know damage. And although they are obviously pleased with their 'ooh look, you focus on the gun and not your surroundings when you reload' animation, it's a nice effect but a bit annoying. It's also not that realistic, because if you were a government agent, I'd imagine you could reload a gun without looking!
  19. I've always thought it looked pretty good from E3 and the Dam level walkthrough, so I'm really pleased it's delivered! Yeah you can get a name change, best to send a message to Ashley I think.
  20. Retro_Link


    I've never seen a Saw film so I have nothing to contribute, other than... Anyone else see Paul McCartney?
  21. Yeah a few of us have been having this problem posting Gametrailer videos, they seem to not show for people using Internet Explorer, if that's what you're using?
  22. That score from Gametrailers is easily enough to sell me on this!... but then I've pretty much been sold all along! I won't be watching the review, but that's great! Not sure when I'll be buying this though, I'd love to get it now, but I may wait for Christmas/Birthday.
  23. Yeah, the intro and music just seems rediculously out of place atm, given the theme/vibe the shows given off so far. Isn't it, why's that? I know The Million Pound Drop starts again on Friday, but surely that doesn't warrant no episode at all! I thought you'd seen past Ep.3 however, during your stint in America, no? I do not have Sky unfortunately.
  24. Really enjoyed the third episode. It REALLY kicked up a gear for me when the officers you thought had been sent there to collect Sean, actually turned out to be working for the other 'agency'. The scene that went on between the 'non-terrestrial' released to tell all he knows, and his girlfriend was also a bit of a shocker. The ending was also pretty good, though I think I kinda may have expected it. Though what's with the intro! it's like something out of The Apprentice USA, or The Hustle or something!
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