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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Do you have any pics of your Nintendo sprite Miiverse posts @Zechs Merquise?
  2. haha @Zechs Merquise's COD rants do sound epic Maybe we should start recording them for a weekly site feature ;p
  3. So the Wii U has become 1 year old having launched on the 18th November 2012 in North America! Let's have a thread to celebrate the first year of the console!! I will say this now, anything that is not celebrating the Wii U will get deleted by the Mods, so don't even bother posting it ;p Let's hear about and share your favorite moments and experiences with Nintendo's console... Games, Features, Multiplayer, Screen-grabs, Wii U Stories from launch, when you got it home, showed family/friends etc... Those moments where you smiled to yourself and said "OK, this is next-gen Nintendo! :D" This is not a thread for wishing what Nintendo had done differently in its first year, nor is it a thread for what you are looking forward to or would like to see Nintendo doing next Basically this is your best Wii U moments to date, in whatever form they may be! Who knows, maybe we can even make a Main Site feature out of this?! Share and Celebrate!
  4. Wii Fit lady tired him out!
  5. How long did it take you to complete @Mokong X\-C?
  6. Gametrailers Review 8.4 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/kqzkci/need-for-speed-rivals-review Looks absolutely stunning! but I'm not sure this concept of NFS interests me.
  7. I think you're in quite a unique situation having never played the Pikmin series, Wind Waker, to a lesser extent Revelation, and not being tired of NSMB.
  8. IGN Review 8.4 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/18/killer-instinct-review
  9. IGN Review 5.9 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/18/crimson-dragon-review
  10. lol, you just put it back to how I originally typed it. You're like an Undo wizard ;p
  11. There's bound to be another 3D Mario adventure on the Wii U, we'll just have to wait 2-3 years.
  12. ... but these 'generic' games are the third party games the Wii U isn't getting, very little more. It's not the fault of PS4 and Xbox One fans that they can post pretty pictures of Ghosts, Battlefield 4, Need For Speed Rivals etc... I'm sure if Wii U owners were getting these games they'd be posting pics of them too.
  13. Oh cool. If anyone already has that game and doesn't want theirs! *cough*
  14. Usually buy how the fruit feels. It normally gives in texture before mold develops on it, and that's normally when it's no longer enjoyable to eat.
  15. You get a free download code for Quest for Booty if you order from Shopto it seems!
  16. There you go @Grazza @Pancake ;p Pervert! *covers nipples*
  17. Having just played Journey the other day, I do love a short game. I haven't played all that many games lately, but Journey (2hrs long) and The Unfinished Swan (3-4hrs long) have been two of the greatest gaming experiences I've had this generation. A short game can allow for such a high quality experience to be sustained throughout and create such a compact, thoroughly engaging experience. It's like watching a good movie, you come off of it feeling that was all you needed, you've just had one of the most enjoyable times spent gaming.
  18. But you know the trend of late, any perfect fit for the home console... Luigi's Mansion, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf... gets put on the 3DS ;p grrr
  19. Ok thanks, I do really want to see it.
  20. IGN Rewind Trailer Didn't realise it seems to take place in our Solar System a lot, Earth, Venus, The Moon, Mars... really like that aspect, and then maybe go further a field for sequels, or maybe this game does too, but still.
  21. IGN Rewind Trailer Also something they didn't say was although there's no 4 in the title, 4 strokes are inscribed on the map at the very end; although that could refer to something else.
  22. Gametrailers Review 8.5 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/ovf15e/ratchet---clank--into-the-nexus-review
  23. Is Gravity a pretty tense and stressful watch? Not that I'd mind, just considering films for the right occasion/what I'm in the mood for.
  24. Journey OH MY. Never have I clung onto pushing the analogue stick forward in hope for so long! Played it in single player, absolutely adored it! Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, got a genuine "wow" out of me, and so many smiles! The way they combine the action and landscape with the music, sound effects and emotion... Has to be one of the best two hours I've ever spent gaming. Pressing Circle and hearing no sound... My word!
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