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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Yeah, the deal you got for the digital version pretty much means that both deals are more or less equal. Tomb Raider is stunning. Btw, don't forget to use the photo mode for The Last of Us!
  2. Hahahah. Imagine going into the plaza and being greeted by a horse Mii. Name: Lucky. Likes: GRASSSS.
  3. Fuck it, don't live with regret. There will inevitably always be a better deal somewhere. The deal you got is still awesome.
  4. For me, that Star Wars trailer isn't really a teaser trailer. THIS is a Star Wars teaser trailer. It's essentially the trailer before the trailer. It's under a minute long. Long enough to get you hyped, short so that it doesn't show you anything. If anything, it shows you the concept, the vision, what the project sets out to do. As for the trailer itself: I thought it was great. That opening shot is just superb and I trust Abrams enough to know what he's doing. He'll nail it, I'm certain of it.
  5. Sorry to hear you don't like it. There are times where I find the difficulty to be quite brutal, but I think it's also about finding the right car for the right course. There's a lot of differences between any two cars and it's a case of just finding the right one. I struggled with Hyper Cars until I unlocked the McClaren P1, could barely finish the races let alone win them. Once I found that car, I've been able to win more races.
  6. Did you even read what Hero posted? It works well in London due to the population density but it won't work in lots of other places. The only time we really get hits is when we're passing through London. You're at a significant disadvantage if you don't live within a big city (which is relegated to London, Manchester, Birmingham, maybe one or two others, Cardiff possibly) and you're at an even bigger disadvantage if you don't work within the city. Brb, working in the New Forest, getting a street pass hit with a pony. The Japanese culture is to take your 3DS/handheld with you everywhere. It doesn't work like that here.
  7. What don't you like? The handling? It takes a lot of getting used to and it's got quite a steep learning curve in places. I'm not usually big on racers, but I find it hard to put this game down, I love it.
  8. Aw maaan, you not enjoying DriveClub?
  9. I owned both a MegaDrive and a SNES as a kid and had access to both Street Fighter Two Turbo and Special Championship Edition. It didn't work that well on the MD as the controller was cack for it. Sorry, OxyWaste. I am talking about the original default three button controller. Never got around to trying it with six buttons, that might have made it better. I can't remember any gameplay differences off the top of my head, stuff like performance. Kinda wish I had the six button pad now, gah. I do remember as a kid finding it confusing distinguishing between all of the different iterations. It can actually be quite off-putting for a lot of gamers as you haven't really got time to look at each version individually and work out which is the better one. I hope that this is something that Capcom phase out. Just one version of the game and make updates to it via DLC.
  10. Hero basically covers it all below, particularly the second paragraph of his first post.
  11. It wouldn't really defeat the purpose of it because you could still collect the coins via the app and it'll sync up with the console. Meaning that you can still do the games, etc just you won't need to carry around the 3DS with you everywhere. You could get hits, for example, in the supermarket where you have your phone on you but won't necessarily be carrying your 3DS with you. Or even just out and about doing a bit of shopping in the town/city centre.
  12. We're really pushing it by calling that a teaser trailer. :p
  13. Not sure if this already exists, but wouldn't it be so much easier if there was a StreetPass app that you could just download to your phone. Everybody carries their phone with them everywhere. Not everybody takes their 3DS everywhere. I expect the average street passer would get way more this way.
  14. Star Wars Battlefront releases November 17, 2015 on PS4, Xbox One & PC. Source
  15. It didn't look real. It looks like they've filmed that part separately five minutes before the trailer had to be complete and shoved it in there! But, still, I couldn't help but smile like a teenager again. Hype hype hype!
  16. Hell yeah!



  17. I use my pair of Sennheiser headphones for PS4 games when I need to and it's always done the trick. Audio quality is great. A new hard drive is a must as you'll go through this current one like water. You can get Alien for around the £20 mark now, so it's one to look into it. It can wait as you've got tons of other stuff to play and that'll all take you a while.
  18. This looks really interesting and I've been following this for aaaaaages. Excited to hear about the soundtrack.
  19. There's a set of poverty headphones that came with the system, yes. I say poverty, but they're not bad really. In fact, I still use them, so yeah. If you plug them in and HOLD down the PS button, it'll take you to a menu and you select adjust devices or something...you can alter it from there to get either chat audio from a game or ALL audio to go through the headphones. Playing certain games with headphones-only is...incredible to say the least. I bang on about, but Alien Isolation with headphones is heart-pounding. Both FlOw and Flower are on PSN already, I'm just curious about this collector's edition that includes all three.
  20. Fuck sake, all I can see is the duck now.
  21. It is annoying, but it's the price we have to pay if we want all that functionality from one controller. I can live with it and I wouldn't like to see them drop any of that functionality for the battery life. A shame it couldn't be longer, two hours more would be something at least. In terms of what it offers, battery life withstanding, it's my favourite controller considering the build quality, the ergonomics and functionality. The blue version of it is just...so super sexy, too. Finally. So, they'll do a pack with FlOw and Flower for PS4, too, right? I do want all three but...I kinda want them to be digital. I'm getting lazy as fuck and love having things digital these days.
  22. I really wanted that back in the day. Along with that South Park Kart game.
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