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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. How is it in terms of pricing model? What games do you currently have access to? What's the visual quality like?
  2. There's a few clubs being mentioned. Man City are one of them, Barcelona and AC Milan are amongst the others. There's even talk of him going to Real Madrid and Ancelotti going to City, but I can't see that happening.
  3. If the range were that good, I might have considered it!
  4. Jurgen Klopp is set to leave Borussia Dortmund at the end of the season.
  5. I want to try Hotline Miami (1 or 2) at some point. Looks crazy. You need a LOT of patience to play it. It's partly the reason why I think it's a very difficult game to review, hence why it ended up getting fantastic scores in certain places and not so great scores in others. They've mimicked the atmosphere and tension of the first film really, really well. It's the ultimate fanboy's dream. I'm so happy that it turned out so well, plus it's gorgeous to look at and listen to in places.
  6. Haha. I had a three hour playthrough of Alien in the first week that I bought it. Two and a half hours were basically spent hiding in lockers and navigating myself through two rooms. TWO ROOMS. The final half hour was when I decided to make a run for it and somehow made it to the next save point. I died shortly thereafter. Simultaneously the most stressful yet the most fun I've ever had in a game. I almost cried when I made it to the save point.
  7. Is Metroid Prime 3 that much more of a release, though? I found Prime 1 quite stressful.
  8. That killed off-tv play for me straight away. The one thing I thought it would be good for would be for gaming in the bedroom for example with the console in another room. Could barely get out of the living room and connectivity was lost. I was gutted. I bought the WiiU just before the summer and thought I could game in the garden with it but noooope. If you've got kids and they're hogging the tv, then I suppose it is useful. But, there's just so many work arounds in this scenario that it's almost a non-issue. The fact that you can record tv these days is a plus, or you can watch something on a tablet or laptop, it almost solves the issue without the need for the WiiU pad. It was good for Sonic Racing (especially the multiplayer) and it worked well for Need for Speed, but it was unplayable with something like Arkham City due to the fact that you really needed a bigger screen to navigate where you were going.
  9. The Last of Us is about 10-15 but I think it could be even longer depending on what difficulty mode you play on. There's also the Left Behind DLC which I urge you to play straight afterwards as it is really well done. It's basically another chapter of the game. I kept The Last of Us as an evening game as it's kinda like a main event. @Eenuh and I played it together in the evening and treated it the same as if we were watching a film together.
  10. You missed a trick by not calling your PSN AnilSex or something.
  11. I keep getting tempted to go for this. What's it like, people?
  12. Tell the girlfriend, "pls go." That's quite impressive for it to be there today.
  13. Just been announced for PS3 and PS4. Source: Gamespot
  14. I've never done any online stuff in this game and have only actually put a few hours into the game. I'll be on it properly soon, I'mma get Bloodborne out of the way first.
  15. Glad you liked them! Tomb Raider is less than a tenner on PSN. As @Sheikah said, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is pretty awesome. Not sure how you feel about Bloodborne. Could be a game you love, could be one you'll hate.
  16. Is there a rock band game too, then? Have we gone back in time? Is it 2007 again or something?
  17. It's wonderful. I really, reaaaaaally hope that the game did well enough to warrant more in this universe. I've still got the DLC to go back to, as well.
  18. There's also the issue of the Xbone not really having a market for it in Japan.
  19. In fairness:
  20. I'd go for Tomb Raider but ditch Need for Speed. DriveClub is awesome and I don't think Need for Speed: Rivals is actually any good. Get DriveClub and Tomb Raider. Edit: OH MY GOD PLEASE BUY ALIEN.
  21. Good man.
  22. You've basically listed everything that's coming out for the rest of the year, with the exception of whatever they possibly might show at E3. Nintendo have to go into overdrive because they're the only ones really supporting the system; it's not sustainable for the long term.
  23. That's the new guitar. Instead of having the five buttons placed side by side, there will instead be buttons buttons; three black and three white placed in two rows. Actually makes a bit of sense but I'm not sure if it's as intuitive as the original scheme.
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