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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I imagine that the cock-pit view could be used as an easy way to exploit the weak points of certain bosses. You'd be able to get a clear view of the type of shot that you'd need to make this way. It wouldn't bother me, tbh. I prefer to use the third person viewpoint and as long as you're not completely forced to use the first person view for large chunks of the game, it'll be fine. The biggest issue we'll have with the game is the mission structure and how exactly they'll go about it all. Episodic content seems to be hinted at. That and what type of story they'll go with.
  2. It's one of the best gaming soundtracks that I've ever heard. So utterly brilliant and memorable. In some areas, I visited them just to hear the music. I was driving in the car yesterday and had an intense urge to listen to the soundtrack again. I will play through the game again at some point and it'll mainly be for the soundtrack and its location within the game.
  3. I bought the following two things: and I say bought...Ine used Sainsburys vouchers to help me get Bloodborne. Only cost me £7 in the end and I bought Cities Skylines as a thank you to her.
  4. For all of the criticism Twilight Princess received, at least it did various things really well. The dungeons and bosses are the pinnacle for the series, imo. On those two things alone, Skyward Sword was a huge step back.
  5. I've seen that Spotify rumour for May. Too far away. Changing the hdd is a piece of piss and I'm technologically retarded. Here's what you do in your most simplest terms. Beforehand, do the following two things: 1. Back up your data to the cloud. 2. Go to the playstation website and download the latest version of the OS from there onto a usb device. You COULD also put your saves on there, I guess. Then, do the following: 1. Turn off PS4 - herp derp, obvious. 2. Disconnect wires from PS4 - moar herp derp da perp 3. Slide off the shiny side of the PS4 casing. I actually found this quite tricky and was worried that I'd break it. 4. Remove screws for the hdd casing. 5. Slide out hdd. 6. Slide in new shiny hdd. 7. Put screws back on. 8. Put casing back on. 9. Reconnect cables and turn PS4 on. 10. Put USB device into PS4 usb ports. 11. Do all of the onscreen stuff. 12. Redownload games and saves. 13. Enjoy. It's actually quite simply. I followed this here and was done within the hour. The majority of your time will be spent redownloading all of your games or reinstalling them all, which can take you overnight. I've got a lot of digital games and so left the PS4 in rest mode overnight I believe and redownloaded them that way.
  6. I'm going to stick with your post layout and give my thoughts. Good points First of all, the game looks wonderful and the art style that they went with is a huge hit. It made the game look vibrant and beautiful. The controls were fantastic in a lot of places. Probably the best usage that Nintendo has implemented outside of Wii Sports. The gold coloured Wiimote that came with the special edition...hnnnnnnggg. Best Wiimote ever. The item upgrade system is great and NEEDS to stay next time around. I quite enjoyed the trials and it had my heart pumping at various moments. Bad Points The soundtrack is quite poor, imo. It's definitely the weakest out of the 5 3D Zeldas and is just poor on its own merit. The overworld and gameplay structure is bland. The overworld and how everything is connected is bizarre and I don't understand why Nintendo went for that. At a time when Xenoblade was wowwing fans, this was a difficult pill to swallow. No Sky at night. I was looking forward to flying on my loftwing and seeing beautiful sunsets and dawns, stars glistening in the night's sky. But, no. You cannae fly at night. I thought this was lazy, tbh. For me, Twilight Princess felt more mysterious and came alive at night. The dungeons were...ok. Bordering on boring. There's only one memorable dungeon in the entire game. I didn't enjoy the theming and they were poor compared to its predecessor's offering. There was a lack of story and cut-scenes for most of the game. You get a chunk at the start, some at the end and basically nothing in between. The whole Thunderdome or whatever it's called section contains no story...which is about a third of the game. Poor choice of companion. Didn't like Fi and it was a huge step back from the characterisation that we had with Midna. The Imprisoned - three times. Not going to discuss this as it's obvious. Same with Ghirahim.
  7. I really, really, reaaaaally like this game. The setting and characters have kept me hooked and it looks absolutely stunning. I only wish that this game had a photo mode because I keep finding awesome moments to take photos but wish that I could manipulate the angle, alter the colour tones, etc.
  8. @Retro_Link, when are you going to hop on the train and get this? Think the photo mode will be right up your street.
  9. Apparently Eve: Valkyrie is coming to PS4. Uses the VR headset. Fuck your dreams. I'll take reality! Another to add to the list.
  10. I've not played a better game of that type since. There is TONS of potential there and it baffles me how we've not seen another one like it since. Adventures was not what we wanted, whilst Assault and Command were bleeeeh. Just give the fans what they want! I totally agree. Although... 4 player co-op story based modes Massive online dog fights You're NEVER going to get those with Nintendo, I'm afraid. We've wanted this stuff for years and we're nowhere near getting it.
  11. You're basically throwing them a bone though by stating that you have information, but obviously can't divulge it because it would be wrong to. Of course they're going to question it, human beings are entitled and are built to do so. If you know that you can't give full-on information, then why mention it at all?
  12. Do you mean the concept of fixing broken things is an alien concept to Nintendo? (that's how it reads) If so, I agree. Mario Kart's battle mode is in urgent need of fixing.
  13. Project Guard and the other one won't and shouldn't be full games. At best, they'll be used as a template for something else. God knows what. I remember the initial reveal of both of these...things and feeling so disappointed that this was the best that Miyamoto could come up with. I'm worried about Starfox, although mainly for its legacy. It's probably got just as many mediocre/average/bad games in its series as it does excellent. How long can we realistically call it a respected Nintendo series when, imo, the last great one was on the N64?
  14. Xenoblade would probably be the closest thing to it. You're probably right. They probably have underestimated just how difficult and time consuming it is.
  15. I watched Belgium's game with Ine yesterday and was impressed with what I saw. Hazard ruled the game, Fellaini continued to look dangerous (scored twice) and they've added even more promising, young and hungry players to their squad. I really enjoy watching them play.
  16. I want it to be good value for money. I still feel ripped off with what I paid for the WiiU and even that was classed as a "steal" when I paid £199 for it. It needs to launch with a good set of games and the support needs to be there throughout its lifetime. If I'm being honest, I don't trust Nintendo to deliver everything I want with one system next time around. If I do pick it up, it'll be as a second system. That's if I feel it is something that I want to own. In terms of the controller, I don't necessarily believe anymore that you need to reinvent the wheel every time a new generation comes around. We've had numerous different controllers over the years and the thought of having to get used to another one is tiring. That being said, I hope that the gamepad gets ditched next gen as I don't like it. The key will always be the content - the games. There needs to be variation in the genre of games that appear and the style in which they take. Sports titles are hugely missed on the WiiU, for example. I'd also like more variation with racers, adventure games, etc. I'd really like an adventure game with a more mature storyline or with challenging themes. Eternal Darkness was one of my favourite games for this reason.
  17. I've borrowed this off a friend and am up to the third chapter. I love it! Looks absolutely wonderful. Few the roof - as @Hero\-of\-Time would say.
  18. I've just started this and have worked my way up to chapter 3. I'm enjoying the setting so far and am looking forward to playing more.
  19. I thought the last few episodes have really taken it up a gear and really enjoyed the previous episode. Awesome usage of Nine Inch Nails during the opening moments.
  20. Given how long it took Monster Hunter 4 to come out, I think the suggestion of MH5 being there for the release of the next console can be dismissed straight away. Maybe a version of MH4 that can be used on the new system, but not a new one entirely. I'm still finding it disappointing that we're talking about a new system already. We can't be near the end of the WiiU's lifespan already, as it'll be incredibly disheartening if true. Not sure I'd even consider the next system based on that alone.
  21. As much as I'm not a fan of the WiiU's concept or controller, this Zelda HAS to be released on it. When I look back through each Nintendo console's lifespan, I think of what games were released on it and, notably, which Zelda graced each console. When I think of the N64, I think of Ocarina and Majora, for example. To preserve some sort of legacy for the WiiU, Nintendo HAS to release this Zelda on there. I don't personally want another Twilight Princess situation where it appears on two consoles at the same time. It's...too weird. They should and hopefully will milk the WiiU's hardware dry and get every bit of power they can from it to make it the most advanced Zelda to date. I hope so anyway.
  22. I'm going to copy this over from the Gaming Diary thread. We finished The Walking Dead - Season Two yesterday. There is now a big hole in my life as I eagerly await season three. Please arrive soon. Overall, Season One was better. Season Two could never live up to it as the bar had been set so ridiculously high to begin with, but there were still so many awesome or touching moments in this. I agonised over the final two decisions I had to make during the last episode.
  23. I can't really agree with you on most of this. Yes, his goal was easy, but the movement and awareness to be in the right place at the right time is what made the goal, not the final touch. Without his movement and ability to read the game, he wouldn't have scored it. The game was over and done with by the time he got on the pitch, so I don't feel that it's fair to say he didn't contribute much else because there wasn't an awful lot he could do. Scoring within your first few touches is still a massive contribution. He's an exciting player and is in awesome form at the moment. I can totally understand why he's being raved about because even I'm excited when watching him play. He's young, he's English, he's producing the goods and there is so much more to come, too. Not going to knock him, he deserves his moment.
  24. We finished The Walking Dead - Season Two yesterday. There is now a big hole in my life as I eagerly await season three. Please arrive soon. Overall, Season One was better. Season Two could never live up to it as the bar had been set so ridiculously high to begin with, but there were still so many awesome or touching moments in this. I agonised over the final two decisions I had to make during the last episode.
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