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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. I think the Irish border is a trump card that the EU is using, I do thing they are being a little facetious with it and with this backstop plan, quite frankly it gives too much power to the EU in future negotiations. Brexit as I gather was about: controlling immigration Sovereignty (I find it appalling that I could renounce my UK citizenship and then have greater rights in the UK as an EU citizen - equal would be fair enough, but superior is just really wrong) Trade - being able to make deals independently, free of the EU's protectionist inward looking stance I think people disliked the idea of paying the EU money, then the EU giving x amount back, but stipulating how that money could be spent, so basically more financial independence for the UK Fear of never being given another chance to leave (and tbh I think had the referendum come a decade later the vote would have been different - the amount of EU propaganda aimed at primary school kids is astonishing) Forcing Cameron out (and ideally forcing a general election +defeat for the tories) For remaining there was status quo, agreement with the EU's main principles, economy (being part of the 3rd biggest economy & trade with the rest of the EU as an insider) Supporting the conservative party + Cameron this is off the top of my head, I'm sure there are other more negative reasons (such as racism - which could have led people to either choice tbh) But basically, any Brexit agreement on the cards (the one offered by the EU, aka May's deal) doesn't really seem to tick many of those boxes off... the only two that seem to work are the two that government have 100% ruled out - No deal, or edit undo on Brexit.
  2. Rather than a referendum, an indicative vote might be a better choice. Leave No deal on there so people can have their say. Sure no one option would have a majority (most likely) but it would show clearly if people want the customs union, single market, freedom to strike our own trade deals etc. Personally I think that should have happened at the general election - vote for the party, and then have an indicative vote on how you would like brexit to shape up. It would have given May a basis for her negotiations... the actual people's will.It also would have brought something useful with the election. I think having all 6 options (not counting the referendum one) put to the public would be totally valid, it would finally show where people are. It would actually give us a chance to vote with some idea of what is being voted for (Never once did any one mention hard/soft brexit or what that would involve)
  3. There are things the Norway plus doesn't deal with, it is, imo, a dumb choice, taking the worst parts of a hard brexit and losing the main benefits of remaining. It's very understandable the EU wants the UK to remain at least in some form (I understand the UK is currently the second largest net contributor to the project?) and that is why they refused to discuss trade with May prior to this agreement going through - it makes a huge issue of the N.I border, and also makes the value of the 40M "divorce fee" unclear - if the trade deal we get is as bad as no deal for example, probably very poor value for money. I'm not too fussed with either option (Brexit or remain), I just feel that in should be in, out should be out, hanging in the doorway just seems awkward and indecisive. I don't believe there is a good option any more either, it's been dragged out too long, began too political, became even more political, and frankly I don't think Brexit means Brexit at all any more, it seems to me that it simply means "to bicker". I just read Sumo's link, so yeah, what that guy said on Norway.
  4. Yeah.. tbh I really don't see the point of "leaving the EU" but remaining in the single market, what "benefits" would that bring? No deal has "able to make own deals and we are accountable to ourselves" and No brexit has the advantage of the status quo, but surely the single market option corbyn likes (at least the only way the EU would be happy to agree to) would basically just be "in the EU but without as much sway". Seems a bit like leaving the room.. but standing in the doorway? As I see it 100% brexit or 100% EU are the only options that make any sort of sense to me, both have positives and negatives but the route May seems to be taken only seems to have negatives
  5. I think there is agreement that May's deal is shockingly bad, beyond that... I almost feel a referendum is the most sensible choice, but actually think it would cause more problems than solutions, an you imagine the atmosphere in the country in the build up and aftermath? Either outcome would result in some very bitter individuals which could be dangerous.
  6. Right now Brexit is reminding me of an old dad's army episode pretty much this scene I think May's deal is the worst possible outcome, basically the benefits of Brexit (they do exist) can't be realised, and nor can the full benefits of being in the EU (which also exist) be realised. So I pretty much expect that it will end up being an interim arrangement, I suspect we will return to the EU at a later date on relatively negative terms, paying in effectively more and getting less out of it, or gravitate more to the US and distancing ourselves from the EU if the EU becomes less attractive in some way (like they refuse to let us return! :D). In any case, it's been a real pigs ear.
  7. tbh I think if food is VERY clearly labelled I don't see a huge problem with it. if US meat HAS to be labelled clearly as coming from the US, and cannot claim not to be bleach chicken without providing very rigorous evidence, let them do it. We already have chlorine around us plenty so it's a choice. And I mean, here in europe we've got another meat scandal with rotten and diseased meat (fit only for dog food.. if even that) having been sold in butchers. Not sure if you heard about that in the UK, but basically even if the EU has procedures, that doesn't mean they are followed correctly by every European business. . Fed up with brexit now, I think an extension is looking likely but right now I just want it over and done with. It's like the gilets jaune over in France, it's so boring already!
  8. yeah a bit of a let down. I watched some old trek episodes, and tbh looking back the writing has often been a bit lame, but I think the casting was a lot better. I also think that there not being a captain as the protagonist may be part of the issue. For me, really the captain is the core character, and this just hasn't had one stable captain. I'm not an expert by any means, but generally, the original, tng, ds9 and voyager all had 1 captain I recall Dr took control of voyager in one (or more?) episodes of voyager, but the main captain remained Janeway, just she was incapacitated. Anyway, I don't see Burnham as a character that the others can build around, and in an absence of a strong captain... I don't think things will improve. But mainly, the writers are doing a terrible job - I've seen a fan made film that was pretty much on par with this series.... in fact perhaps even better
  9. I suspect not.. more they put a sword in their home console market, the switch is a very nice handheld with tv out and the ability to overclock. 3ds may end up staying as it is (more or less!) and support the main console in the same way as the gb did for many years.
  10. Surely "world" should have been written "Vorld"?
  11. On the Irish backstop front... Already even within the EU there are controls and checks etc. So Why not just have a bilateral agreement between North and republic.. citizens are allowed to buy things from either side of the border for personal use. Businesses however need to provide the appropriate documentation to either prove that materials/services have had the appropriate duties applied or are sourced from the correct side of the border? simply have a sea crossing tariff whereby any goods travelling by air/sea/under sea tunnel have to have the EU/UK tariff/rules/regulations applied (so travelling North-republic would incur the same tariffs as England-France for example). I know the agreements are complicated, but it seems sensible to me, it's not treating N.Ireland differently to any of the other parts of the UK... if Scotland got independence for example, the same rules could apply between the UK and Wales trading with Scotland. It prevents the UK using the land border as a way of getting access to the EU market, it would only allow Northern Ireland to access the Republic and vice versa.
  12. For the weapons, having some way of strengthening them, in hyrule warriors they had some thing where you merged two weapons together? So maybe you could take weaponry to be repaired by a black smith or w/e in exchange for money/items. as for upgrading the weapons, having something like gloves maybe, in addition to the other clothing, that could be upgraded by completing certain quests (like have a fire shrine that becomes increasingly difficult, each time you complete it your fire gloves are powered up so when you wear fire gloves with fire based weapons they do more damage or don't get worn down? I would have liked more quests like that one linked to the glowing orb quest with the sheikahs (being vague on purpose) where you have a number of steps to do to unlock shrines... but have those shrines maybe more substantial.
  13. Perhaps one thing can unite the UK - a strong dislike of May?
  14. Firstly, definitely, May has done terribly, part of me wonders if she did so on purpose (she was always a remainer, albeit a partly weak and feeble one, though those two words seem to fit in which ever position she has filled) Secondly, I agree on the divisions, but 100% of the nation (or maybe only 90%?) will be displeased if May's plan gets through. I actually think both a no deal/cancellation scenario is the least harmful route for the country. If Brexit goes through on Mays plan the referendum question becomes retrospectively "Should the UK weaken it's position on the world stage, and surrender more control to the EU?" as we'll no longer have ANY say on the rules we'll be having to abide by. At least no deal, while I have little doubt will weaken the uk in some ways, has potential to come out with certain benefits. I really dislike the protectionist policies of the EU, and for me not being held to those policies actually is one of the biggest pro's for brexit. Of course that does rely on a competent government who aren't xenophobic, so the sooner May is out the better! Personally my life would be a lot easier to plan, in 3 years or so my wife can get EU citizenship and I can return to the UK, without having to worry about May's lovely "sorry, we don't like foreigners" immigration policy that is effectively putting me in exile right now! so I definitely prefer the idea of the cancellation, though I don't particularly see that as too likely right now. sadly if I were to put odds on it, I'd say 49% May's plan, 44% No deal, 7% Cancellation. On the two horse front, I don't think that is the issue, so long as it's two good horses. Right now in UK politics I don't think any of the horses are much good, and that shouldn't change along with a change in voting system. But definitely it feels like something should move. Perhaps post Brexit decisions have happened.
  15. not really Brexit, but tbh the vote on May's deal shows what COULD happen with PR. I do think that maybe the way the prime minister is selected should be changed, and even the MP's themselves should have to show some "attachment" to the constituency they are representing. And also some way of opening up politics more to independents.
  16. Not a clue either, but it may be a decision taking together with the developer, or they may sign a contract that allows their game to be sold at a discount without further say.. or it may just be as you say with physical sales, it's the discounter who takes a hit to their margin
  17. I think all 27 states need to ok an extension, Slovakia or something like that have stated they won't get on board with it because they don't see it having any value. Basically, with parliament being so divided, and May having called that GE, there was no chance of Brexit being a success. Had May been more astute, and less concerned about trying to create a "legacy" for herself, maybe she could have haggled a slightly better deal. The second she lost her GE the UK lost any chance of positivity from Brexit. Actually I would argue actually the moment she became PM, she hasn't exactly got a shining history for doing the right thing by the citizens of the UK!
  18. I was last back in the UK 2017 december, I had an ok time there but was weird not having my own home. I'm not sure if it was the country had changed or just my perspective, being there as a tourist. I am feeling a lot less attached to the UK though, although that has more to do with a few gems Cameron/Clegg/May hatched a good while back than Brexit. Right now I just hope things change for the better in the UK, I have family there and I would like at some point to be able to return home" from what effectively feels like "exile"
  19. I just think it is sad. Prior to May's re-election I was open minded. Post her being elected I was fairly pessimistic. For me the path isn't particularly interesting, but right now I see the UK becoming a lot like Italy (just not in the EU) or rejoining the EU and adopting the Euro in a few months/years/decade or so.
  20. mostly yeah, I have lots of 2 player opportunities, but last time I played with more than 2 of us was last Christmas, and that wasn't an occassion where I'd bring my own board game either. We've ordered in the baker street game.. tbh I wasn't too keen on it, because it sounds like Cluedo, and I'm pretty poor at cluedo (basically I generally figure out 2 parts and either have just figured out the last part/narrowed it down to two, when someone pips me to the post!) But it looks like it might be a bit more fun, and maybe I'll get a bit better with that kind of game!
  21. Hi, Just wondering if anyone has recommendations for a new board game? I'm getting bored of the games we have around (well.. just want bit more variety really) Got Monopoly and Hotel Tycoon, Scotland Yard, Cluedo, Risk, Cranium Rummikub (well..basically) trinominoes, 1000 bornes, Yams (dice game, not sure of the name in English) and Uno. I think I'd like another game along the lines of monopoly/hotel tycoon, for the way the board develops but most of the games I've found that look like they may be a bit like that either need 3 players or have rules convuluted enough (on the explanation on the back of the box) that I'm not really willing throwing cash their way. I like the cluedo deducing aspects too (not too keen on just how luck based monopoly and tycoon can be, games can be horrible, even as the winner often) Mainly I want something fresh. I may just give up and try creating one from scratch myself
  22. Equally there was no need for you to be confrontational about that one word. You had already addressed it as satisfactorily as could be asked, sure people can be out of line from time to time, but throwing fuel on the fire isn't generally the wisest redress. Frankly you should have learnt this several decades ago Sheikah And yes I see 100% the irony of this post, but I'm just tired of people being so proud and childish that they just can't seem to apply real life social etiquette online. You're not Ronnie's parent, you're not his boss, you are on an equal footing as him. You actually post a lot of good stuff (both you and Ronnie) and I hate that I have often felt the need to put both of you (as well as others) on my ignore list just to make this place bearable. Please (@Ronnie too) can at least one of you behave like an adult.
  23. Glad to see it's not without flaws. Smash on wii U kinda killed the series for me, for me brawl, melee and even the original all have their points, but the wii U version... it lacked depth. tbh I think the world of light thing would have made the game fun for me though, at the very least. Wish that it was available on the wii u as dlc (though I imagine 80% of the owners of smash on wii U own a switch so obv. that was never going to happen!)
  24. I play less, but tbh I find it's more that games don't seem so fun any more. that is new games. I don't think it is to do with my age, or energy particularly. It's a bit like board games, it's nice to get a new one from time to time, but it has to be one that appeals to you. So perhaps that IS the problem... we aren't the target demographic anymore?
  25. well I downloaded rocksmith to see what it was like, waiting for the cable to arrive at the weekend hopefully. I've played along in disconnected mode for a while, just trying to get used to translating the on screen prompts. I read up a bit on it, and I think I may have gotten on better with the original design, I find the colour coding unintuitive, and the way the strings come down vertically throws me a lot, I'm far more used to reading horizontally and I find myself rotating the instructions 90 degrees a bit too often, so I have to sit back and get back to reading vertically (and correctly!) it's a bit weird. I think when the cable arrives it will help me make the link, getting feedback and the game being able to adjust the difficulty for me, being able to replay sections etc. despite not really liking the game too much in disconnected mode, I see promise and I'm impatient to get the cable in. As for my gear.. I guess I should take photo's at some point, but my gear isn't so great. Got a couple of cheap electrics (I think under £200 for both of them, new!) a western acoustic and a classical. the western acoustic is the best guitar I have, though it hasn't had too much attention over the last few years. For practice, my main issue is I haven't had external feedback, so I never know if what I am doing is right or good at all, and for different tunings I was just too lazy, it felt too much of a hassle getting my tuner, tuning all the strings, then playing a tab I found and just 100% hating the interpretation plus tab is generally just 100% the song you're trying to play, with this, sure I miss a lot of notes in the genuine song, but I can hear (when I am reading properly and hitting the notes) that yes, I am playing along to the tune. I'm also interested in the guitarcade and lessons, it's something I always found tough, working on technique and theory. anyway, thanks for those who mentioned it!
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