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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. I don't know it's that bad tbh, admittedly I've not been in the UK much but not a lot seemed to have changed, though apparently Brexit isn't safe territory for a civil conversation (this is from hearsay not experience!) From everything I heard hear (on the forum, BBC, news in France) I was almost expecting a civil war! Personally, as I think I said, I like Corbyn's policies best, but I'm not a big believer in rapid change, I have the impression he'll change too much in one go and it makes it too hard to see what works and what doesn't. what I have heard of the labour manifesto seems a little too drastic, it gives me the impression they want to do everything in one go because they don't believe they will be able to do a second stint. Regarding Brexit as a whole, I've come to the opinion that a lot of this mess originates comes from Tony Blair. Two big mistakes he made (not short term for himself, but long term for the country) have led to slightly justified issues about immigration and questions about the legitimacy and democratic positioning of the EU. If there had been a referendum of the Lisbon treaty I think it would have headed off a fair few issues regarding UKIP, and back when he let those eastern europeans immigrate to the UK right away, instead of waiting 2 years.. I understand why he did it, but it was short sighted. When you emigrate, you have a choice of a country where friends/family have already settled, or another country with which you have no link... the choice is fairly straight forward. It led to an huge influx of immigrants (not their fault, Blair effectively made it the best life choice open to them) and then that to a degree was sustained for some years after other countries in the EU opened up to them as well. Obviously the UK gained a good economic advantage, but it meant there was a noticeable change in cultural make up in certain communities around the UK, and parties such as the BNP (thank goodness they have seemingly vanished!) and UKIP used that to stir things up and create unrest. The conservatives (with the help of the lib dems) then came along and failed to invest enough in services which needed the investment to take the strain of the immigrant issue initiated by Blair. again UKIP (and other groupings) where able to point the finger not at the conservatives lack of investment, but at the immigrants, whose fault it "clearly" was. I don't think the conservatives "hostile environment" helped matters either, rather than fix services by investing in them, they went after the people, with immigration quotas, that hostile environment, and anti eu anti immigration rhetoric, it was just throwing fuel onto the fire. Cameron "negotiating" to water down UK citizen's EU rights was his "master stroke" on the Brexit referendum... so the referendum wasn't a status quo vs change, it was terrible change vs unknown change. And then they are shocked at the result. Even Farage doesn't seem to genuinely want to leave the EU! (Can't blame him, he makes a packet working for them!)
  2. Tbh I don't want to vote for any candidates I can vote for. And I'm not keen on Corbyn nor Johnson. On balance I like Corbyn best, but I'm concerned he will push the UK too far towards a French style system, it's nice to a degree, but the taxes are too high and stifle everything. Johnson on the other hand makes me think more of the US system which tbh has the opposite problem! I do think taxation needs to be slightly increased to properly support services like the NHS and maintain/improve education, but Corbyn seems too eager to get too much done too quick. It's almost like he hopes for 1 term at the most. also, I read about some guy who claimed he wasn't even top 50% earners and earned £80k+ a year. Really does make you wonder sometimes!
  3. going by that particular example, I don't think any coalition would help particularly. if Labour green and LD join togethergot 40.8% of the vote (was my maths right?) they would collectively need to gain about an extra 25% of votes. Tbh right now I really don't know who to vote for, either I dislike the party leader or candidate standing in my area, so I guess it's a tough call on which combination I dislike the least
  4. Weren't those 3 governments work? And a few of these aren't as I see it really because of the government (Grenfell surely is a local government issue, Windrush historic mishandling... that is my understanding, if I am wrong please someone please cure my ignorance on the finer points!) But yes, I think it's poor that Brexit has been the main issue now over 2 GE's (if this one is approved). I don't think a GE is conducive to fixing the issues in parliament. Those exist because of the divisions in the UK over Brexit, and the next government will have the same issues as May's and Johnson's, because I doubt there will suddenly be harmony amongst the next batch of MP's. Definitely people need to think carefully on this vote but personally if I was still living in the UK I'd really struggle, because the MP is good, but frankly I'd not consider Johnson or Corbyn to be a good PM for the country. Last time round I abstained for that reason... I couldn't bother registering to vote when I didn't feel strongly enough to vote for any of the candidates. I think all the parties are to blame, before article 50 was triggered Parliament should have been firmer, made their positions clear. Instead they failed to employ any foresight and as a result it was only after a deal was made that they realised there was no accord for any one option. I don't think a PV is a good solution either any more, I imagine it would either be too simplistic or to convoluted, basically like parliaments indicative votes thing. Maybe that alternate vote thing COULD be useful, with several options being numbered in order of preference and then the least popular option being eliminated, all votes for that are transferred to the next favourite option until eventually there is a final option, few people's first choice, but the fairest compromise perhaps? Cancel Brexit No deal Brexit Johnson's deal I know some think No deal shouldn't be on there at all, but I do think it should be there to see what people think - I don't believe there would be a majority for that option in any case.
  5. So election is next (maybe!) what do people think about the lib dems chances, with them saying they will cancel Brexit? The remain vote seems less fractured to me than the leave (I imagine Farage will happily protect his EU parliament income and domestic anti EU stance by splitting Tory votes so pro EU parties can gain the upper hand....)
  6. When Parliament decides it wants something REALLY bad, it can do it quickly, as we saw with the Benn act. But Parliament doesn't have the unity for Johnson's deal, so imo it's not likely to pass before October 31st. so Parliament seem to be shooting for an extension. Only... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-extension/macron-says-opposes-brexit-extension-if-uk-parliament-rejects-deal-idUSKBN1WX1NL https://www.cityam.com/emmanuel-macron-says-he-will-veto-brexit-delay/ So No deal or retracting article 50 altogether seem the most likely to me. Retracting article 50 would require consensus in parliament, while no deal just requires parliament to continue bickering amongst themselves and "sleepwalking" into no deal In fact, I'm not sure that we're not already there, unless Macron et al grant us a small extension. I hope I am wrong though.. personally retraction>extension>Johnson's deal>no deal, but I guess we'll see. Would have been nice to be able to say at least we knew where we are on Brexit after all these years As for the deal it self, I think the main change is the Ireland gets to choose in it's parliament whether it aligns more closely to the ROI or UK, effectively, and if it chooses closer alignment to UK some sort of border set up would need to be put into place, but again, that is a decision made by NI, not imposed either by the EU or UK. DUP don't like it, while the other side probably rather like it.
  7. Over priced phones and tablets, sure. Use that as a base for an over priced console. But for a reasonably priced console, maybe look more at the £100-300 range for sensibly priced phones and tablets. Sure they aren't cutting edge, but they do the job. End of the day, it depends on what they think the market is happy to pay, if they can only make 100 consoles a day, there's no point putting a price where 1000 people would buy one, better to put the price point at a place where only 110-120 people would happily buy it. Basically let it be a premium product until component prices drop and the hype/sales start to slow down, then price drop it a bit.
  8. I watched some old trek and don't think the tone of discovery is too far off. I think the main issue is I don't like any of the characters. On TNG, DS9, Voyager... even the characters I didn't really like were likeable. I was more engaged with the "villains" than I am with most of the "heroes" in discovery. There were maybe 1/2 characters on the old series I didn't particularly like, but in discovery there are only maybe one or two that I'm ok with. Generally when a character has been killed off, I've been happy because I hope against hope that a new character who is likeable might get introduced. I'm really not sure what it is that makes all the characters so unlikeable though. I might watch Picard if amazon give me a free month of prime, I live abroad so 99% of the prime video stuff isn't available to me though, so I may just never watch it :/
  9. Seems really off to me. Not the decision, just the "vibes" in the UK. I just really hope things are sorted by 31st October, though I think there's more chance winning the Lottery 10 times in a row. Surprised Johnson seems intent on keeping on going. EU response seems fairly triumphant, I think they see May's deal (or revoking article 50) as significantly more likely than No deal now.
  10. The problem is that duolingo doesn't really help in a group setting (I presume it was?) Duolingo is fine for one focus, but in a group environment there are often 2/3 conversations going on, so you have to tune in the conversation you want to join and tune out the others. I think that's tougher but exposing yourself to those sorts of situations is useful. I don't think duolingo is that useful beyond vocabulary and to a limited extent pronunciation. For sentence structure and grammar I found it much more useful reading and listening to things in the target language.
  11. Pretty much what I was thinking. Thanks anyway!
  12. I've not got a great PC, it's pretty basic (Acer Aspire X1930 specifically) and I was thinking of giving it a little boost. It has a PCIe X16 slot, and I was toying with the idea of popping a graphics card in there, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it and if the PC would cope. PSU is apparently around 200-250W, I've got a stick of 4GB Ram I'm going to pop in as an upgrade, can't remember if I currently have 2*2GB in here or 1*4GB, it's been a loooong time since I opened it up (naturally I'm hoping for the 1*4gb option!). Other than that I have an intel G630 running at 2.7GHz, I'd kinda like to run a 3 screen setup (I currently have a dual screen set up), Games wise my tastes are fairly tame so I don't need top of the line (fortunately!) but would like the games I do play to run comfortably maxed out (or as close to that as I can get). Not going too much into the games I play simply because the hardware is the main limit as far as I can tell, all the cards I can find fall well into my budget, but basically just wondering if anyone can put out some recommendations and also... if I get a card that needs a beefier PSU than I have, would it just flat out not work (like trying to get something requiring two AA batteries to run on just a single battery) or more like running it on rechargeables instead of single use batteries (.3V difference sometimes means things run but not as intended)? Kinda feel embarrassed to ask these questions because I should probably remember all of this, just it's been sooo long since I last played around in a PC! (forgot to mention, it would have to be a low profile card as the PC is pretty slimline)
  13. Really all the mp's who passed the vote allowing article 50 are to be blamed, at least partially. They should have declined until the government had called cross party talks, so that everyone could be involved. Then the impasse would have been far less high stakes, almost as frustrating, but it would have given far more control to the UK. Passing article 50 before the ge (that's how May did it isn't it?) was dumb to the extreme, at the very least it should have been triggered with the mp's who would actually be in parliament when it ought to have been passed. I think parliament should take control of parliament on Oct 20th and cancel Brexit if Johnson has no credible plan. On the plus side, like what Johnson did with student Visa's, hope he continues rolling back TM's dumb home office immigration laws.
  14. Just realised travel from October 31st is going to be interesting. My last passport was renewed a few months before it expired, so should be valid until Jun 2020. However because of Brexit it appears in the Schengen area the actual expiry will count as 10 years after it was issued, so it expires in february. I want to travel at Christmas to see my wife's family (probably travelling from France to a schengen country then to non EU countries that won't be affected by that rule) but prices are only going to go up... I have a French ID card, was thinking about booking flights on my passport and then going with my ID card as proof I am able to be in the Schengen area, but not sure it wouldn't be safer to just get a french passport, but obviously that means we have to postpone buying tickets longer and prices are already on the limit of what we can sensibly afford :|
  15. Looking good, really excited to see how this turns out - I really hope it doesn't disappoint! I wonder if any ds9 characters could make an appearance...
  16. And the Wii U? I think the switch lite is basically the 3ds successor, so the switch family, sure, but I think 2024 will be the end of the switch lite. 2022/2023 is probably a more realistic date for the tv compatible hardware to be upgraded to full "switch 2" though, I agree. I think with my life right now I just don't have the time to justify a switch purchase. Sadly I agree with you... I'm more hoping for improved sequels. however, they may re-release some of the big hitters to bulk up the launch line up initially... I can hope the main game I'll miss is odyssey
  17. I know I might be waiting a while, but they've spoken about this sort of thing for years, I still expect a successor in 2021/2022. Why am I no longer so interested? splatoon 2 = major interest for me, post splatfests it will be much less interesting. I'm more interested in waiting and hoping for re-releases/improved sequels with the next console. Of course if I were to find a switch for around £120 with a good game I may be swayed, but I'm not holding my breath!
  18. the switch lite basically looks like what the wii u should have been. I've more or less decided I'll wait for Nintendo's next console now, hoping mario odyssey gets re-released and splatoon 3 turns out well! For me the console is too deep in to interest me, Nintendo consoles have a tendancy to dry up on new software toward the end of their life, splatoon 2 no longer interests me (the single player needs a BIG upgrade to give it legs, and post splatfest the online side of the original became much less interesting). A switch pro could interest me, but I'm not sure. It would have to be like wii > wii U more than wii > wii mini, ie a new burst of fresh games to interest me. For the time being though I really think I'll miss out. This announcement came a bit late for my mate though, just bought his boy a switch and I think he may have done better with this switch lite (unless he plans on playing on it with his kid which is probably the case!)
  19. Maybe they could have blacksmiths in villages, each smith can only make one type of item, requires certain resources to pay for it. They only can craft one item at a time, and it takes x amount of real life time before the weapon is crafted. To allow them to make new weapons you need to show them an example (maybe unused?) and weapons could be tiered, so the smith needs you to invest (like the fairies) so that they can craft the next level up of weapons... something along those lines maybe...
  20. And to be fair, think about animals, most people only seem to be aware of a few dozen really common ones, or ones that have made a big impact (big cats like Lions and tigers, polar bear, panda, etc.) Most creatures are over looked, so it's pretty normal really that it happens with fake ones too. I would love a full pokemon ecosystem to exist in game though. And by that, I would expect there to be carnivores.. perhaps a bit too dark for pokemon games though.... stumbling across a meowth munching on a pidgey corpse...
  21. Can Parliament force a revocation? I'm now vaguely aware that they can wrestle control from the government, but are they actually able to push legislation through without the governments say? I guess it would only take a few conservative rebels to give a majority to any such move, just didn't realise that was actually possible. So googled a bit and apparently it is possible, but would require at least 50% of parliament to work together... and given the last few months (well.. years now) I don't think that seems too likely...
  22. I don't think it's the "female" part that's the issue, more the politician part. Cameron, Clegg (sure he was deputy but "let's scrap student fee's... oh, now I'm in power... well ok then, let's triple them!"), Brown and I think Blair. They all had huge failures. Tbh I like May least for her work as a home secretary. I think the outcome of brexit is looking better now, for both remain and leave camps. I was looking at the contenders for next PM, Gove is my main "no thanks" out of the bunch, I think Johnson is current favourite from what I've read so far (not too sure why though)
  23. not a news website, but I found this a while back www.nintenderos.com Not stuck to it tbh because I don't have a switch so my interest in Nintendo is pretty much in hibernation, but at least it seems to be native spanish and on a topic you might be interested in. I have found news on there before it came out in English before, and it was accurate (not sure how reliable they are though, as I said, I haven't followed them much)
  24. Sorry but it's not bollocks. 1) I was talking about the backstop, not the border. Nothing against what you wrote, but it is irrelevant because you're arguing against a point I never made. 2) Actually, again not bollocks. Post brexit who knows, but if freedom of movement is retained it would be far easier for me to return to the UK without my UK (but with my EU) citizenship than with it. 3) I have seen plenty of it with my own eyes, it's not enforced dictatorship style but it certainly has been produced. and here : https://www.tes.com/news/eu-propaganda-schools 4) sure, but then the vote to remain was far from the truth. 5) Point, I imagine no one would have voted to save his skin, though I put it mainly as a counter to the opposing option, which I suspect did carry a few votes!
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