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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. I understand it's to do with the company moving away from internal combustion engines, so any investment would be 100% for F1 and the returns wouldn't justify the expense. It's a shame really, if the rule change allowed manufacturers to move more to use alternative engines, or if Red Bull were in a better position with a strong chance of winning (no.1 not best of the rest) Honda may have been interested in staying but as it is the company doesn't see benefit to stay.
  2. I hope splatoon 3 comes with the next console! and that I actually get it this time
  3. I think there were about 10/15 members who made this place really worth visiting for me, a lot of them are no longer here and I don't see them ever coming back really. Thing is that there is no real incentive to. The main draw are friendships, and once you've been gone for a year those weaken. Personally I'm not too bothered about befriending fellow forum members because basically too many have disappeared, so I'm pretty apathetic now. Plus the fact that I don't have a current console (sticking to my Wii U) has killed my interest on the theme of the board. But long and short, I don't see people coming back as things stand just because some people miss them. I think something more would need to change and frankly I don't believe that there is the energy and enthusiasm required to successfully do that with this site. There are 15 members online (I just checked) and I think we'd do better focusing on giving ourselves better experiences and building the forum into something "better". I remember lots of friends who are lost to me in the mists of time, and sure I would like to meet up with them again, but generally they leave for a reason, I can't think of an instance where I got back in touch with a friend and then everything was the way it was - it was great nostalgia, but after a few months we drifted back apart, and probably for the same reasons. I think the main harm is that things get heated and rather than being able to cool situations down and mediate, actions taken were always either too soft or too harsh - because the action was taken so late things had always built up and gotten emotional. Once the emotions came out 1) people stopped thinking clearly and behaved out of character and without correct restraint 2)the forum got polarised into two sides. The first point meant various methods of censorship/banning had to be employed, the second point meant that the good will of half the forum was heavily dented, or the whole forum lost good will, and that in turn reduced the incentive to return - because the mods favoured side x, were to harsh to side y or too lenient to side z. And infact those arguments probably all simultaneously had truth to them because the mods were in an impossible situation. Anyway, I think the place became toxic and while it's too quiet and uninteresting now it's calmer and friendlier (more like the forum I joined). Bring back the old ones and tbh I fear the same issues would rear their ugly heads.
  4. Hey, not withdrawing, just don't have time to really engage with this, (I don't even really have time to type this!) tbh the time I have doesn't allow me to communicate properly which is fine on some topics but I'm sure you agree that this topic requires a bit more respect I suppose is the best word that comes to mind. Still reading through from time to time when I get a few minutes.
  5. reminds me of the mario kart "8" just in red not blue.
  6. I did read the whole lot. I'm not going to say that it is all wrong, but it really doesn't ring true to me, because I am lucky not to be surrounded by idiots. I've never been with a friend and witnessed overt xenophobia or any hate etc. I have seen these attitudes in person on two occassions in my life. Once was a work colleague. I strongly disliked him before and pretty much anything that came out his mouth was of zero value anyway. The other was a member of my group of friends who, again, I'm not keen on anyway and would be happy to never speak to him again. Obviously that means I have a nice bubble, my own real life echo chamber. But I do count myself as part of the UK, and wide sweeping comments (it has one at the end too) that effectively tell me I'm racist anyway don't exactly fall well. and to break that comment down, when she says "British people" is she including herself in that? is she more offended by the accusations than the actual acts themselves? Or is she not considering herself as a real brit?? but w/e. So this is a video one of my friends posted.. which I think is what those tweets were trying to get to (sorry for being a little pedantic Rummy I am, I think a little "ratty" these days. I like to blame confinement and hope that's all it is!)
  7. "British people are more appalled by accusations of racism" This is the kind of statement that makes this whole issue into an echo chamber, gets those on side angry (which isn't exactly what's needed) and those not on side to dig their heels in.
  8. I've kept myself as ignorant of this as I can - it makes me too angry. But that is exactly what needs to happen. Some of these injustices in the US I can explain away to a degree - the threat of guns being involved and therefore the officers safety considerations being magnified compared to over here, I can give them, to a degree, the benefit of a doubt in certain circumstances. But far too often, like in this instance, they just take it too far. And I think the easy treatment they get is appalling, there were MULTIPLE officers there, one guy, they had him under control. Frankly, all three need to be thrown under a bus (figuratively). Makes me so angry, and the fact that the "justice" system protects them just makes me so angry. I remember a few years back I was in Barcelona in a hostel, and one of the people in our room was an American and we got talking, and the things she was describing she'd been through just made me so angry. I know the UK isn't perfect, but some of what goes on in the US just blows my mind. With that girl, even in spain, I was walking along with her and the looks we attracted from far too many people made me uncomfortable. I didn't want to call them out for several reasons, but it definitely felt rather racist, I've walked around with white girls and not seen comparable attention. Just very unpleasant.
  9. I think saturation is fine so long as you are discerning. Just because there are a bunch of films/shows doesn't mean you HAVE to watch them all.. just be selective. I actually would like more options, I liked pike, best bit on discovery and tbh for me discovery is done (unless the next season fixes a bunch of issues, mainly killing off or drastically altering a large portion of the cast to make it watchable) So yeah, looking forward and hoping they make something I can enjoy
  10. I'm just glad Labour seem to be looking ready to take the reigns... when is the next GE though? :/
  11. haha, I worked with a few portugese in France.... this makes me understand why they pronounced "voiture" how they did!!!
  12. I haven't really been able to focus on languages so much recently, but I've always found the most effective method was finding real life sources. I find reading really easy, so I would tend to choose random articles on wikipedia or google news in the target language and read those. As I find words I don't understand I put them into my vocab flash card bank, and I'd work pretty hard on those words. It worked well for me, as I'd be learning adult words. Learning words like "scarecrow" for example are quite obscure in day to day chat even amongst adults, whereas a word like obfuscate while naturally not of everyday use is slightly more useful! I would use words in my word bank, for example using the verbs to practice conjugation etc (I would use google translate to find the meaning of words so could pick out the verbs easily) the trickiest for me is actually getting listening practice in, with French/Spanish that's fairly straight forward, I'd buy a dvd and then get subtitles on and get going, but my problem has always been slang, and now I'm a bit more proficient in French I can affirm that the english dialogue/translation don't always match up fantastically, sometimes a translation is only approximately correct. For example, a double entendre regularly loses one of its two meanings, or a pun between two separate lines/scenes is lost. So really I try to find native source material, but I struggle to find good films/programs that engage my interest enough. Generally I understand Spanish through my French, it's fairly straight forward, but the grammar is a mystery - I haven't read anything near enough Spanish. Incidentally, does anyone here have any suggestions for Spanish language literature? Last books I read (way too long ago) were Marcel Pagnols, manon des sources etc. Though obviously in French. Mainly I liked his use of language, never read a translation, nor would I want to.... but any "good" (I know that's very subjective) authors people could suggest for Spanish? I'm probably more interested in Latin American as a preference, but any Spanish language author would be interesting
  13. Been on the line to universal credit for 40 minutes now. hoping they'll be at least half useful when (if)I get through to them
  14. maybe phone ahead and ask. equally, combine it with a shopping trip for food to double use of the trip. Just about to head into work, wonder what the traffic will be like today
  15. and plenty of fines going around in that case. hopefully to be used to buy equipment for the NHS. there's only so many times a family can receive a £150 fine before they start to
  16. Something I saw today that I thought should be nationwide standard, shops turning customers away until some who were inside left- 1 out, 1 in. Once @ work a heavy smoker brought his laptop in to be worked on, my colleagues gave me 3 sheets of A4 paper. I asked them why, they told me to take hold of the laptop with the paper. I was sceptical but did so after I smelled the guy (and strongly) from over 20m away from him. when I got back into the office, all three of the sheets were brown, with the last one kinda yellow.I'd suggest a similar approach to the trolley handles, or if your budget stretches, wipes may work. Limiting my shopping excursions sounds great, but I have a back pack and two shopping bags... so it's not easy to limit trips and keep food stores healthy (bearing in mind I want to maintain a 2 week store cupboard). I will be checking online shopping options though.
  17. Luggage is the biggest possible problem - I presume you have a suitcase or two? aside from luggage exercise/a shopping trip would explain any movement happily enough
  18. I thought this was coming. Got to go into work tomorrow morning (in a school) and will pass a shop on the way home, so will make it a work/shop trip. I guess we can still go for our short walk as a family for the time being to get a change of scenery (and a little exercise)
  19. Maybe they are growing herbs at home. Rosemary is a very robust plant. Btw thanks for the post, I just remembered I need to plant some coriander! I have a pepper plant germinating, and a lentil plant (though the lentil is just for the flowers mainly, not growing enough for even a side dish worth of lentils!! Still waiting for quinoa and coriander will be planted as soon as I post this! Oh also, Italy deaths are going down, which is excellent news
  20. I'm low on bread so bought an extra pack of flour. aside from eggs and bread everything seems to be fully stocked, managed to buy some Penne pasta for the first time in weeks, and some regular rice. I had to go up town today to run a couple of essential errands, all quiet. I'm hoping to be able to become a complete hermit for a bit now, just going to use the garden for outside time, although until complete lock down I have decided I am going to go out for walks to take the edge off being imprisoned!
  21. Have you seen the stores in Australia? I have family there and it looks worse than anything I have seen in the UK. Just to be clear, what is going on here in the UK absolutely is being repeated across the "west". Africa, the Americas, Australasia and Western Europe all seeing a bunch of idiots screwing things up for the majority. The places it seems to not be as huge an issue from what I can ascertain (and this is largely anecdotal and from my limited viewpoint) are east/south asian and post communist countries, where apparently there is less of a thing for individualism. So if you are in one of those countries, lucky you. If not, where abouts are you at the moment?
  22. I've not bought anything out of the ordinary, just restocked my cupboards. I like to have a buffer just in case I get ill (had a couple of times in my life when I couldn't leave the house because I was too ill, and its best to have food around in those instances!!) I have bought items as alternatives because I couldn't source the food I needed, such as arborio rice instead of plain rice... and rich tea biscuits instead of bread.
  23. Spain, France, Italy, Australia, Germany, US, South Korea all have similar examples I have seen. I don't think the rest of the world is this perfect place In Italy once panic subsided stock levels returned. and I think that is the key. Media focusing on shortages are doing their job but (and I include social media in this) when 1 shop is out of stock and you hear about it 10 times, it magnifies it that much. so it pushes people into a slight panic. then there are 2 shops out of stock. you hear about it 20 times. more people panic.. shop 3, and 4 run out of stock. You hear about it 50 times... more people panic and everywhere runs low. you hear about it 100 times... .. the shortages become endemic.
  24. That is positive news. Shame people are spoiling things for others. I am planning on taking a walk with my wife and baby tomorrow, think I will be sure to do so in case it turns out to be our last opportunity. I can't understand people who are acting as if the virus is fake, it's unbelievable - I suppose the opposite side to the hoarders. For those without an outdoor space I really feel for them. Our garden is tiny, but it is at least an outside space, it does us so much good just being able to get out there and soak up the sunshine. Hope people take notice.. and don't all go stupid and converge on one local park. if I see someone outside I give them a wide berth, and tend to hope for the same courtesy from them!
  25. I was wondering about seeing these kinds of graphs. I'm currently on personal lock down as much as possible, and hope everyone else is. My store cupboard is healthy for now, I am hoping that next time I go to a shop things will be sensible so I can get away with a fortnightly shop rather than weekly. I'm reducing meal sizes, partly because being in the house all day will reduce our need for calories, and also to reduce the need for food shopping, and finally.. both myself and my wife would like to lose a little weight. Still want to keep my store cupboards at their normal stock levels though, which, in effect will be increasing my stock because the same food will go further. I haven't a clue how much I weigh right now but if this goes on long term I'm aiming for 65kg, though 70 would be far healthier. I'm going to start planting crops in my garden today, it's far too small to make us self sufficient but I'm hoping to at least reduce our reliance on outside sources of food. really I'd like t be able to grow enough wheat, or rice but they aren't possible for a few reasons! Potatoes would be nice, but with the size of our garden I know I couldn't grow enough for it to be worth while. The front garden is far more generous, but being open to the public I wouldn't put it past the panic buying sorts to come and "borrow" some of our crops. Besides which, while potato plants can be attractive in their own way... they aren't really front garden type of plants! So with the more carby plants ruled out I'm looking to protein, so peas, beans, lentils etc. Obviously I know I can't grow enough (from what I can gather I would need a 70 acre plot of land :D) it will be nice to have a little food growing here. Thinking of giving quinoa a shot, I tried it a while back but once the baby arrived it went on the back burner and they didn't appreciate not getting watered! this time round (hopefully) I can give them the attention they need, and if I'm lucky they might do ok. going to be planting a small variety of crops in any case and I'll see how they do.
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