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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. My mate is going to visit his mum in her garden the back garden is accessible without passing through the house, he'll sit a distance from her and just be strict with not going close to her. It'll be a bit weird but sounds a good idea. he's taking his own chair and a flask of hot drink so they can hang out and have a chat and being outside obviously even if he has something it's very unlikely to get at her in the open air. Basically if you have any symptoms stay away but I do think you need to find a way to interact with people. even if you phone them and look through a window it's important socially to put in the effort. I'm pleased the weather is lovely this week. I've seen a lot more elderly out and about walking recently and I think that is incredibly prescient. I think all of us should make an effort to take a walk and get out in this nicer weather, stretch our legs etc. look at France and think in a couple of weeks that may well be us, so soak up this freedom while you still can.
  2. Rummy, the get infected idea is similar to the governments hope earlier on, and I think tbh is going on now. The problem is there is little knowledge on if immunity is short, medium or long term, and how it translates across to mutations. Basically best case scenario = protected population, worst scenario imo would be a mix of flu and chicken pox - immunity is very short term and reinfection is likely to cause more severe symptoms. Generally diseases do best if they don't kill the host, so I'm hoping this will mutate to be more like the common cold and a lot less dangerous. I think the WHO have revised mortality rate estimates downward, for the general population I read it is closer to 1%, even the elderly and those with existing underlying health issues don't have a 100% mortality rate, so people shouldn't worry too much. On the other hand, obviously even 1% is too high, so people shouldn't be too blasé about it either. iirc vulnerable groups show a 5% mortality rate. Of course many of us may get this thing and never realise it, and those unreported cases hopefully mean that the mortality rates are much lower than even that. I really hope they are, because anything above 0.6% basically means we'll all likely know someone fairly close + important to us who'll end up the wrong side of this thing
  3. Actually I popped into Aldi on the way back from work, tinned tomatoes, back in stock, potatoes loads, pasta - a little of the "premium" stuff. Rice was out but there were boxes left which shows it had been restocked recently. Seems in my town at least the hoarders have finally reached their storage limits. I suspect in two or three days shops will be back to normal. I have a couple of friends who have been able to help us out with bits so I am very pleased to say my store cupboard is almost ina good state - just need a bit of flour, eggs and regular pasta and everything will be perfect. As I'm now technically unemployed I'm planning on not shopping much at all just once or maybe twice a week depending on how well supplied shops are. I'm applying to work in super markets atm to keep the bank balance happy, if I get something I'll probably be merging shopping with working
  4. Also I have decided to look at this as a game, with rare items (rice, pasta, bread, flour, eggs, milk, tinned tomatoes, baked beans, potatoes, onions) uncommon items (meat... healthier foods) and common foods (biscuits, junk food) although the common group is migrating to the uncommon food category. So my quest is to find rare items each day. today, i found 6 eggs! yesterday, 4 baked bean tins! and who knows what tomorrow holds! Also I bought some seeds, going to start growing stuff in my garden-if I can't buy it maybe I can grow it. Going to be trying to grow quinoa- I heard they managed in Belgium and I am up for the challenge. it's a complete protein, acts like a carb portion, so it's win win. Also going for lentils and beans (most years are crappy for one crop in my experience, and my brother informs me the soil in my garden is pathetic for growing stuff in so.. hoping the beans might help things out a little. It's a longer term view, but tbh from what I have seen so far I'm not sure how quickly things will get back to normal.
  5. I think they need to bring rationing in unfortunately. A bit of rose tinted glasses also - in WW2 people didn't tighten their belts for the good of the country - they had no choice! the black market existed for the same reason panic buying exists today (selfish greed), and ithad the same effect, namely it took products out of circulation and caused shortages for those "playing fair". My brother and his wife had a miscommunication thankfully, so both bought tp at the same time. I'm hoping they have enough to spare a little. Going out to hunt for essentials again tonight, hope I find something because I am getting genuinely concerned - people in the shop today were saying themselves that they are beginning to get concerned, it's been going on for a while now. I saw some rice on the shelf today, risotto rice but rice is rice, so I took it, I half wanted to take another pack to rebuild my store cupboard but thought there are others in my situation who may be grateful for one of those packs (I think there were only 4 left). I think it's important we "sensible" citizens make little conscious sacrifices which will hopefully allow us to get through this shortage. If we succumb to the hoarding mentality then we pass the pain on to others.
  6. Just tried to shop online... no time slots available for 3 weeks. ok.. click and collect..... no available slots for 3 weeks. Nice. need full fat milk for my baby, and I haven't been able to find any, we have to stop having milk now so that the milk we have will last a bit longer for her, but on monday we'll be out of full fat milk and have to break into the last semi skimmed UHT pack I have left (I was planning on replenishing that store but things kept happening.. and then the panic buying set in and the UHT was all gone. I don't think most people are selfish in this, it is a small minority who created a crisis, then a slightly larger minority got swept up in it. I was walking around tesco earlier and I had to look at the signs to have any idea what had been on the shelves before. I think I was actually in shock because I was wondering around in a daze, I don't think I believed the scale of what has happened. I have to be honest, tesco guy put some eggs up and I went to take some and had to stop myself, walk away a bit and then come back to kinda get perspective. I got 6 eggs, so that will be enough for a couple of days. I ended up buying a Pizza because I don't have ingredients to make meals any more, like I wanted to make a lasagne.. I have frozen mince left, lasagne sheets, a little flour, a little milk, butter, frozen peas. So I could make that. But I can't because if I do that my baby goes without. taking all the UHT.. fine. But panic buying all the fresh milk is very not cool. We normally have a roast on sundays, but we probably wont this week because there's no meat when I go to the shops.
  7. Just to point out, my stock cupboard is very low. I tend to shop only with a rucksack, so I shop often but small quantities. basically I build a stock cupboard then maintain it. That stock cupboard is getting bare now. So while before 4 tins would tend to be ample, I'm needing something like 20 tinsof various things, 8 packs of pasta (we get through it quite quickly) a pack of rice, a bag of potatoes, a bag of onions, a bag of flour, a box of eggs, a couple of loaves of bread, 2 x 6 pint bottles of milk. Which is a bit much for one bag. SO even if tomorrow shops were fully stocked and hoarders all stayed home, it would take a few days, or at least trips, before I was back to my normal situation with my stock cupboard. I assume I am not alone in this. that would put a strain on the shops, but add on that I'm not aiming to get back to my original position but ought to really be thinking about building up a 2 week store in case of us needing to self isolate, and it kinda changes things up a touch. I suspect now it's not panic buyers but rather people simply restoring their standard stockpile + trying to add a bit to it to allow for the situation we are currently in. it's not unreasonable I think of Animal to buy a months worth of milk - I tend to keep about that in UHT as emergency milk - ie whoops I forgot to buy more fresh milk, but ok here's the emergency milk....it's not Animal who is the problem because he actually got access to the goods he needed, anymore than I am a solution for not finding what I need.. anywhere it's those numpties that bought everything up. On a side note, I am a little concerned about toilet paper now!!! we have enough for maybe 3 weeks if we limit things but I haven't seen tp for a long time now
  8. I just came back from shopping in 4 shops for a few basics. Flour, eggs, milk, bread, baked beans, tinned tomatoes, pasta, potatoes, rice. shops are empty :|
  9. would be very nice if it was across the board. but the technicalities are interesting. A lot of buy to let mortgages.. are they covered? if so it should be on the condition that the tenant is released from their obligation to pay rent. For private renters who own a property 100% I'm not sure how easy it would be to impose free rent. With Mortgages it's complicated but their are limited places where a mortgage can be legally obtained so it's still doable. Be interesting to hear the details though.I do think it's an excellent idea though, because it should (if it filters to renters) remove the main financial obligations most of us have and make self isolation far more palatable.
  10. Nice, the marble I was hoping to win came second, exciting race, this could replace F1 for me
  11. To be fair, if this thing is too nasty, the are precedents where such diseases have basically killed off anyone without enough resistance and then going forwards the general populace are sufficiently resistant to the disease not to be bothered by it. iirc the bubonic plague is like that... or actually maybe that's leprosy. Anyway, new measures.. as far as I can see schools are still open though? shame.
  12. I think the governments plans are to adapt as the situation changes.They've published the 3 steps, with the third being the most drastic and realistically being difficult to maintain more than for a short period. iirc cases are expected to pick up around the second week of April, which falls in the end of term holidays for schools. The peak is expected around the summer equinox, when they are hoping conditions will be unfavourable for transmission and other strains on the NHS are lower. They're then hoping herd immunity will keep the virus from being a huge problem next winter. Other countries not entertaining this possibility may well be because Italy, Spain, France, Germany are all deeper into the progression of things, and are unlikely to be able to manage the disease like this. Their peaks would all likely appear sooner and so they need to hit the brakes hard now to avoid a large peak in the cool late winter/early spring months. One thing is that everyone is assuming this virus will calm over the summer months - lets hope so!
  13. Nice to see the implications in hard numbers - even if they are only projections. Remember with your 10% beds point, that is going to be spread over a period of time. bearing in mind that the peak is predicted in 14 weeks, so about 2.8 million over that period of 14 weeks would be averaging out at about 200k/week average being hospitalised. I don't know how long the typical illness lasts before being sent home or sadly succumbing, but if it fits into a 2/2.5 week range on average, the numbers would stack up. Obviously at the peak there will likely be significantly more people but that is in 14 weeks and hopefully hospitals will be able to prepare in the mean time. There will also at that stage quite likely be a % of staff who have had the virus, being front line I imagine it is likely a higher % of infections amongst NHS staff is likely, it is also reasonable to assume a peak arriving prematurely ahead of the general populace (who at that stage will hopefully be limitiing their own chances of getting infected). That would be very handy in having immune staff able to operate without concern for themselves getting infected. But I imagine a few weeks prior to the peak infection point will be stretching the NHS the hardest, with staff shortages etc. Just found out today that my Uncle who's in France has a bug, unsure if it is corona virus but his symptoms make it a good possibility. My grandmother is living with them at the moment, and tbh is the biggest concern I have right now. Going forward, got another elderly relative living in the same house as a nurse, he's got a bunch of issues so quite concerned for him too, obv. she's got a good chance of catching the virus and bringing it home. Will be lovely when this thing has gone away. From a purely scientific point of view, it will be interesting to compare in the long term how this pans out - will the UK government response turn out being in fact better and give us an advantage next year (should this become seasonal) or will it back fire?
  14. absolutely, I don't know that a 100% lockdown would even serve the vulnerable particularly well. I do think more ought to be done. For example, the rationale seems to be trying to create natural herd immunity which... well... w/e. But they should be making allowances for at risk groups. Things like giving any of the workforce who are in the at risk demographic sick leave, with support for them and the companies they work with to support this. Maybe targetting them for at home online training to increase their value when they do get back to work for example, with financial aide to allow their company to get in contractors to fill any gaps and exceptional coronavirus sick leave or w/e. The out of work risk groups should be given advice and be set up to be able to self isolate to reduce (or remove?) the risk of them getting the virus. I hope (but assume it hasn't happened because I haven't heard anything about it) that at risk groups are being given support and advice from the authorities to help them to that end. That's sad. I think most people are seeing the extreme responses - panic and denial, but most of us are in between the extremes. Tbh I think those people are in denial quite possibly because they are scared. From what I understand, no one on these boards seems to be in the risky demographics, but the disease is thoroughly unpleasant if you get symptoms. I'm taking it as d&v, so with those people mocking you.. they're probably not taking enough precautions and their response actually validates your decision. On the BBC there's a Dr saying it was a worse experience for her than childbirth, the description she gave sounded a bit like a very nasty flu, so quite frankly I thoroughly hope not to catch this! Or at least not to get anything more than the mildest of symptoms. I work in a school so quite frankly I would be pleased if schools were closed down soon. I do wonder if the government are trying to hold out on locking down too hard until the end of the spring term at the start of April (when parents will already be expecting to need to have childcare for kids) and then maybe if necessary extend beyond that? **edit** Just read this on the BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-51874084 seems coherent, hope things work out in anycase
  15. It's the right call obviously, but gutted by this, I was looking forward to following F1 again. Might give Mercedes time to figure out their reliability issues though... and other teams time to try getting a steering system similar to Mercedes cobbled together. I hope the this virus fizzles out quickly and life can get back to normal soon (and obviously fewer fatalities would be rather useful too)
  16. With Polish cases it may help to realise English also has a possesive case. Dad's car Dad's is the possessive form of Dad. the 's replaces the idea of "belonging to" ie "the car that belongs to dad" With most cases you can think of the endings (If I recall correctly it is the endings that end in Polish right?) as being words that are tagged on the end. I can't remember the case endings off the top of my head (realised to my annoyance that I have forgotten mostof my Polish!!) but for example, one case is the locative. so there is a ending meaning "located in/at/by etc" so instead of saying "the car is in the garage" I thought of Polish as saying "CarIn garage" Of course it is a lot more complicated than that, but it helped me initially. It is a pain having to remember the endings for all the cases and all the genders, to be honest I'd have preferred they kept articles than having cases!!! Samochod and Samolot are two words I remember... I think that's car and plane. useful I know. Oh Pomocy is help I think, though not on it's own. Anyway, iirc English already has the nominative and possessive, which I gather is similar to Polish genitive. Oh, dog is "pies". I might try to pick Polish back up at some point
  17. I do think the media have focused too much on the virus and have inflated things a bit. I don't bother reading the news any more because it's all about this virus.Yes it's not a nice one, but tbh personally with my household I'm more concerned by measles than coronavirus. It's not new but there are enough idiots exposing us all to that one's threat. With this coronavirus there's little we can do aside from being careful to clean our hands and isolate ourselves if we get ill, but with measles there are vaccines already out there. I don't know that countries fully isolating themselves is really feasible either, not long term. With supply chains we are to reliant on imports for food alone, let alone anything else. I also heard they are hoping to effectively allow controlled infection of the low risk community to help provide a sort of herd immunity to those at risk. something like 60% of the population need to be infected (and presumably survive) in order to get a reasonable herd immunity and slow the spread. That's based on an assumption that this thing will hang around and be a seasonal bug, like the flu is.
  18. haha, that must be it! I hadn't made the link but I went into a shop a few days ago and all the food had pretty much gone! On your problem... I always aim to have a bunch of spare pasta packs in my store cupboard, it doesn't take too much space and I use so much of it I prefer to keep a couple of packs just as a reserve. generally it keeps a good few months.if you don't have space for storing lots of pasta types, I find spaghetti is a nice and compact form of pasta, I don't think there are any that are much more compact? maybe lasagne sheets?
  19. After almost 5 years with a maximum of 2mbps download speed (and about 600kbps upload :|) and that was on the rare occasions I had internet access at all,I now have usable internet (download speeds about 30 times faster than I am now used to now, and the ping is about a tenth of what I used to have).
  20. Logically 6 would be the way to go as you'd guess they would have better refined the games at that stage. A quick google suggests the correct answer however is pack 4, followed by 5. So it looks they started running out of steam for pack 6 (much like those tv series that go on a few seasons too long) so I'd say avoid that one. However never having played the game, I guess my opinion doesn't count too much,
  21. Farage is covering his bases. If it goes wrong, it's because Boris screwed up. If it goes great - even with the bad deal Brexit is a super success! I think tbh he is bitterly disappointed he has to find a new cash cow now. Maybe he will apply for German citizenship so he can return to the EU.
  22. only 8 years in the last 50 have seen a government other than the conservatives. so about 1/4 of my life. I think we have to be careful to note that external influences can alter our perceptions of a government, we aren't entirely empirical, but for me personally, the Cameron/Clegg through to the May government (this one doesn't really count to me, so far it's just been an extended GE) have been really bad, I really hope Johnson does significantly better than them. I do think he is capable of being a great prime minister, though I don't believe he will realise that potential. It would be nice if he at least does a more honourable job (whatever his incentives) than I believe is generally expected of him.
  23. you get 10 platinum points for entering. Just saying.
  24. Tbh God help the UK whatever the outcome. No one knows what the outcome will mean, even with a majority Boris is liable to kick enough people out to give himself a minority On Brexit only, I do think Corbyn offers the best option, a referendum on an actual deal or remaining in the EU. I've heard "threats" of unrest if that happens and remain wins, but I imagine unrest is what the UK will look like for the next decade, even if politicians get their act together right now. Anyway, my main hope is that the right candidates get seats in parliament and that they show wisdom, foresight, integrity, tolerance, intelligence, and respect when they take on their roles. Wonder if Boris will win his seat....
  25. I used to think labour and conservatives were crowding the middle ground too much. Changed my mind since then! My main issue this election is that I really don't want to vote for any of the local mps I can choose from
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