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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. I never remembered that it could be a two player game. Not easy to set up as a two player game though. I played a little with my wife last night... I don't know if it is just a slow starter of if it just aged badly.. but It wasn't half the game I remembered it to be :/
  2. actually, I recall my chocolate diet. I'd get some chocolate (really nice stuff) and then if I met my goals (time/distance sometimes both) I would have 1 square. in fact, I was not allowed not to have a square. It was a very effective diet. Only one square mind, and at a set time in the day I think it was. But something like that maybe could work for you?
  3. sure but it will take a while before the baby hits the weights I can already lift!! babies from my experience are better for developing endurance strength, they're not that heavy but after a good few minutes you start to feel the burn! the main thing I want to be doing is shifting the clearly excess fat on my torso and to keep it off, anything above and beyond that will just be a bonus. In terms of muscle strength I don't see myself needing too much more than I already have, so really it would just be increasing my daily calorie requirements... ie me needing to eat more, and I'm pretty happy with how much I'm eating right now I think. currently looking into buying a nice patch of land to build on though, in which case I may find myself needing a bit more strength!
  4. For me my weakness is sweets, I find the only thing that works is refusing to buy them at all. a couple of weeks ago I was offered a sweet and it was soooo hard to say no, but still, after a few weeks of not eating them I'm ok, just so long as I don't think about eating them. We've got some lovely williams apples at the moment, and they do a good job of cutting the crave, and pears obviously are a lot healthier than a few packs of haribo! Well, I finally decided to do some exercise, just after breakfast and lunch while I am on holiday. saw a big improvement, or so I thought but now I think the heart rate meter bit on our treadmill might be way off.... I was apparently hovering around the 100bpm mark when it suddenly jumped to 198, before slowly working back down towards 100. but yeah, early I was doing 12kmh and my heart rate wasn't passing 100bpm... in hind sight I suspect a glitch, though at the time it was encouraging! My aim is to ditch a load of fat I recently picked up and hopefully not to gain over christmas. I don't really have the discipline for body building, but once I have lost a lot of my excess weight I think I'll try to get up to the maximum weight I can fit on my dumbells with my current plates. got a baby coming next year though so I don't hold out too much hope for that plan!
  5. Maybe threads going off topic could be an issue? What's going on with the switch right now? Is it going through a bit of a software drought, or is it all middle of the road titles but still a good steady trickle?
  6. thought so. Well we're working our way through phase 1 and 2, I guess we'll just make it last! we have plenty of other films to keep us entertained in the meanwhile I guess!
  7. Does anyone have an idea on when the phase 3 complete set is due out on dvd? I have phase 1 + 2 sets, with phase 3 they seem to be doing a part 1 and 2, I was hoping part 2 would come fairly soon, but considering some of the films that are going to be coming out for it won't be released till next year I'm thinking around the 2020 mark - but is there any official news? I missed black panther/ infinity war (didn't fancy hearing the french dubbed versions!) but the individual dvd's are pretty extortionate here (most films are in general) and I quite like the multi-film collections anyway...
  8. Playing on the GC, it kinda hits me how little the Wii U takes things, graphically, beyond the GC. Tbh for me even the PS4 isn't THAT big a step up, considering it is 2 generations on. Obviously I guess it depends on the game being played, but even so, the gamecube (while suffering a little from graphical issues) does a pretty good job graphically. I can kinda understand Nintendo's points on not focusing too much on graphics since that generation, even if I'm not 100% sold on the path they have taken thus far. I kinda feel as a developer, Nintendo took a big step backwards with the Wii, on the U really I'd say Botw, splatoon and mariokart, captain toad, mario maker... those are the kind of games I would expect from them! it's pretty good playing on the GC, it's reminding me of why I like Nintendo as a developer! Played some 1080 today, and warioware (my wife was pretty bemused on wario ware :D) but overall, really liking dipping back into this console! (and also, yes the blue storm box art is terrible)
  9. I never really looked into path of radiance, it's not one in my library sadly. Paper mario, luigi's mansion, to a lesser extent now, animal crossing, donkey konga 2 perhaps, I think those are the main titles I am missing that I would like to add into my GC collection, though I haven't seen them around (I waited too long hoping for prices to drop, and they never did!) even maybe starfox adventures could have been good. I'm sure there are other titles I have forgotten... I really do love the gamecube though. It'd be cool if Nintendo released a mini cube, just an actual cube this time with just enough space for the 4 control ports, integrated wifi and a good number of games on it, 1080p resolution as standard... not sure if that's too much to ask though I mean the cube I'm envisaging would be about 5cm*5cm, and I guess just for HD resolution it would need a nice chip in there which would need cooling etc. maybe making it a bit bigger... 10*10 perhaps. Even sweeter would be if it had a disc drive and would read gc discs!
  10. So I dug out a few of my GC games out recently, found a gc memory card (though hopefully not my main one, because it only had mk:dd ghost saves on it :|) and started playing a few games through with my wife. Played a bit of monkey ball (she found that fun but tough to control!), soul calibur (initially she beat me consistently but I picked up my game and we're about equal now, which makes the game a lot more fun!) and spent a fair amount of time yesterday on donkey konga... good times. GC was definitely my favourite console (despite it's shortcomings) looking forward to enjoying a few more titles in my library!
  11. it just gets exhausting when instead of a post sparking a discussion it just creates a lot of hassle with the same old things get rehashed over and over. but I think the main thing is not having a switch I feel out of the loop. I see mk8 posts, the tournament etc and wish I could be involved in that too, splatoon posts.... botw ones are still interesting but inevitable that game has quietened down a lot because most of us have finished with it for now. Odyssey posts remind how much I want to play the game and also I just have less free time (as is probably the case for many other users)
  12. Maybe. I don't really know obviously because I only have what I can see to go on, but personally I'm a lurker now because I have no switch and don't really feel there is much I can comment on. Also tbh I don't feel N-E is a safe place any more, on a number of occasions I've written out a reply on a topic I find interesting and then find myself proof reading to check if it could offend someone... then realise I can't really be bothered, so I just delete the post. The net result is I don't really feel part of the community any more, so it wouldn't be too hard to leave this place (and nor would it be noticed by anyone I suspect!) Actually I think I disappeared in the wii era when it started to feel that way. Anyway, I hope the community keeps going and becomes healthier, I guess we'll (some of us anyway) see in due course.
  13. Personally I don't own a switch now, I'm still moderately interested but feel like I've missed the boat on it really. Forum wide, members have moved on which makes the appeal of the forum narrower... that makes it less compelling for certain members, so they stop coming regularly, in turn that makes it narrower in appeal, new stuff becomes rarer and it just kinda ticks along. In terms of increasing members, I think beyond being fatalistic, it is quite possible, but requires more time/effort/money than there is available. I really liked the youtube thing that got started for example, and I'm a bit disappointed that it just fizzled out (although I can understand it may well have been a lot of effort and not getting the attention hoped for). But initiatives like that are what would be needed to build things back up (and perhaps could have stopped the decline altogether) Personally I found this site generally awesome in the GC days, even through the bickering that went on there seemed to be unwritten lines that weren't often crossed, moderating generally was good (inevitably there must have been disasters etc, but thats the nature of moderation, no one is perfect) but when I got back having more or less ignored the site during the wii years, there seemed a big change in culture here, a lot less respect for fellow forum users perhaps. Having been absent I'm not going to speculate what exactly changed, but whatever it was probably crept in slowly.
  14. I'd be interested if they added in a web browser.. My main interest for this upgrade is hopefully cheaper original switches (is that the plural form?), I tend to be unimpressed with Nintendo "upgrades"... the 3ds came close to being worth an upgrade, but tbh as I was so used to only using 2-d anyway... Anyway, time will show if this upgrade ever turns up, hope it's a good one!
  15. Because no other ISP provides better service? my connection is shocking most of the time... sometimes it goes up to 12mbps, but usually the best I can hope for is 2mbps, and most of the time it's sub 1mbps. Apparently within the next 4-5 years we should be getting fibre but... yeah, to link into the topic more, paying for an online service seems a bit silly in my current situation (ignoring a fact I'm yet to grab a switch :() Netflix seems to struggle along ok (not sure how they manage that) but pretty much any other video based online streaming fails. Wii U (splatoon and mk8) seems to be coping ok, but it still drops out enough to drain some of the fun out. But yes, I agree totally with what you say Ike, the value for money depends entirely on what you want to get out of the service. Not been following this too closely, but if the cloud is backing up data, ie I have a local storage solution available to me as well, then great, for £1.50 a better quality service for MK8 and splatoon 2 sounds good. my main issue is the quality of the service and price - the Wii U had a free service and for me, adequate online connectivity (emphasis on "for me") so now increasing this to £1.50 a month (which I guess is near the minimum they could realistically charge without it being super petty/unprofitable for Nintendo's part) should come with a reasonable boost in what people get out of the service, and any future price hikes should be reflected in a boost in the end product... just saying! In any case, it will be interesting to see what the service looks like in a few months from now (I assume some teething problems will be cropping up around launch!!)
  16. Personally I have no interest in buying mk8 at full price, but if I could get mk8d on the switch for £10 (upgrade) kinda like they did with the wii/wii u transfer on vc games, I would be interested and would probably own a switch now. as it is, most of the games I'd like to play now I already own on the Wii U and buying a new console + paying full price to double dip just isn't worth it. Plus to be honest I'm pretty salty about Nintendo stopping me get the most out of mario maker with my nephew All in all, unless I win a switch from a competition, I don't see myself getting one at all... my wife seems keen on getting one though so maybe we will after all
  17. Well I can see Nintendo possibly releasing a "home console" docking station. Basically think of the switch as a handheld with a passive dock allowing it to emulate a home console. If they release an active dock that boosts up docked capabilities... maybe extra grunt that could work on the graphical side of things for 4k. 3rd parties already have a few options for docked/undocked modes, so maybe there will be 3rd party games that can run on the switch in docked mode, but not at all when undocked... and are improved by being in the switch +. I think 2019 is too soon though, unless PS/Xbox release early. 2020 seems more likely, although I suppose a release in late 2019 could help with sales initially. If they are able to just upgrade the docking unit it gives them a bonus of having half the hardware already out in the wild waiting for an upgrade, a bit like with the Wii after the GC, if they could have hooked on a disc player in the underbelly of the GC, maybe the "wii" upgrade could have been a teeny bit more meaningful... I'd be really happy if such an upgrade happened though, would make skipping the vanilla switch reasonably attractive, or perhaps drop the retail on the switch to make it more value for money. time will tell.
  18. I was playing MK8 yesterday, and looking at the zelda circuit, it made me want to see Hyrule prior to calamity Ganon. But yeah, already watching my wife play, and sinking myself into the post game now, I have to admit I probably will end up only having enjoyed half the game. Going deeper into the combat, exploring, npcs and settlements, shrines, koroks, cooking, maybe weapon.armour/shield mods etc... it's work that WILL be appreciated, but increasingly by fewer people... so they get diminishing returns from the time investment. I think while I want more from the game, I have to appreciate that Nintendo need to moderate breadth and depth with a knowledge of how these things will actually be appreciated and by what % of the game's audience. One thing that irritates me (a tiny amount), is how you can't use yellow heart recipe's once you have 30 health (unless I have missed something) there is a cap at 30 hearts... whereas with stamina you can still get additional yellow stamina wheels sure 30 hearts is plenty... but... yeah
  19. haha, ok, I got confused with chronicles, good point... so just 3 games away thanks!
  20. I'm keeping track of games worth getting a switch for... odyssey, mario+rabbids, Splatoon 2, fire emblem warriors then arguably 1-2 switch and arms make 6 games. Until the list hits 10 I'm sticking to the wii u. I kinda regret getting the wii u now, if I didn't own it mario kart 8, botw, maybe pokken tournament, xenoblade 2, dkc tropical freeze, lego city, rayman legends, hyrule warriors would add up and make it an easy purchase choice. still, 4 more non wii u games should come out soon enough... hopefully
  21. considering the effort to get there, I agree goron city was dull. I would have loved if they had a tarry town style of gameplay, where you could build up the villages into towns, then into large towns, then eventually cities. With Goron city I would have loved to have found more of a city, going into the volcano itself. More fleshed out characters would have been nice too. Even if the "expanded" settlements were dlc, I would have been more inclined to have bought it. Goron city expansion 1 with several inhabitants, maybe a few shrines, and then you bring materials (obviously not wood!) to expand the city to be more city like. Anyway, I guess it is fair to assume BotW is done now for development time, I guess the sequel will be switch based... maybe on the successor console too, looking how zeldas have gone for the last few generations (ww on gc and wii, botw on wii u and switch... although I guess with that sequence switch will probably get an exclusive zelda...)
  22. If I had no Wii U and walked into a shop selling a Wii U for £200 with a game and a switch for £300 with a game, I would choose the switch with no hesitation. so sure I agree, but the fact I own a Wii U means that most of the appealing switch library is already owned by me on the Wii U.
  23. I guess that shows another reason I've not gotten a switch.. for me, the switch doesn't differentiate itself (positively) from the Wii U enough to warrant a purchase. In fact, with it's web browser, the Wii U is actually a superior console... the switch's main draw is that I could use the game pad anywhere in my house... but without a web browser, I'd only be using it docked anyway :/ Still, I'm happy enough Nintendo is experiencing a greater degree of success with the switch!
  24. I think it is valid not wanting to walk around with high value items. I don't go for smart phones in general for that reason, amongst others. I rarely have time for gaming when I go out, I tend to get travel sick, and when I go somewhere I tend to have things to do. Only a train journey maybe would be good for the switch, but they are rare enough not to be a reason to buy one. If it had extra features, mainly an internet app, I would probably take the plunge because it would be good for that too, but as it is, given the Wii U has most of the games that interest me, I have very little incentive to buy a switch, The only really compelling game is odyssey (which is almost good enough, but still falls short) and maybe that rabbids game helps nudge things onto the purchase side of things. Some kind of loyalty discount on mk8d, zelda botw might encourage me to buy those anyway, but even then I think it would be unlikely. Anyway, glad the switch seems to be getting on healthily and is doing better than the wii u, hopefully I will be able to get one in the near future
  25. I was just looking at the switch, found a great bundle, but looking at it against my Wii U, only mario odyssey is really a big game worth me picking it up for. Splatoon 2 and MK8d have lost a lot of online appeal (always prefer to get into those in the first 3 months of release when it's mainly got online appeal) and I already own the previous iterations on my Wii U... BotW I prefer to finish off and explore on the Wii U (the experience on the switch for me would be worth putting down another £5 maybe, +dlc that I haven't bought yet) and really those are the 4 games that would convince me to buy a switch, had I not owned a Wii U. Smash bros has lost any appeal for me, I really feel buying it on the Wii U was a mistake, a big step backwards from the Wii and GC versions personally, so it has 0 appeal, and as I already own it, a definite no buy from me. I really want to see 3-4 BIG titles come out to make the switch console worth getting.. at the moment, effectively, the best price I have found for a switch is around £250. If it were not for odyssey I think I would be happy sitting out this gen... the game looks so good though. So it won't take too much to encourage me to take a dip. but still I don't want to pay £250 for a console that I only REALLY want 1 game for
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