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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. Well I'm fairly free this week, just let me know when you're around and we can arrange something.
  2. So... I'm guessing 90% of the people on here have a switch... and from what I get, people who own this AND enjoyed it own splatoon 2... so I'm guessing it's a no... but if anyone still owns their Wii U and fancies a game of splatoon (seems now the net is much stabler than splatoon 2... maybe worth just doing as a comparison test? :P) let me know!
  3. I need to stop coming to this thread... my resolve is weakening
  4. Judging from the original, I don't think it is necessarily your connection, it could be the connections of other players that is causing an issue. it seems to have gone from the original for the time being... I wonder if it is a problem with splatoon 2 or the switch. It would be interesting to know if others in the industry have any idea what Nintendo are doing/have done wrong...
  5. I understood servers weren't heavily involved in splatoon though, and that was a large issue with the online... Even if that were true, I would have thought moving servers over to provide for switch online and neglecting Wii U online would be a better move.. I wouldn't expect them to be providing a better service for the wii u than the switch... also I'm finding lobbies are filling up quicker too - I wouldn't expect that from a smaller crowd of players. So maybe Nintendo have to work on a few core parts of the way they handle online traffic!!! Anyway.. I guess I should just enjoy it before it gets empty!
  6. I wonder if the game is set to use a dedicated server but for the time being is using a peer to peer setup.. and will switch when the paid online comes in... Of course (as I saw it) splatoon was meant to be the "incentive" to have paid for online, so it is a bit worrying Nintendo aren't making a more compelling case. In any case, I am appreciating the improved performance on my Wii U! (though I am unsure why that would be)
  7. I'm not sure how interesting this may be, but splatoon is running really nicely - I've been playing turf wars, trying weapons I haven't used thus far so much, no issues finding matches, lag obviously an issue but really nothing too noticeable. My net connection is appalling, more so than the last connection I had, and with that connection I had regular disconnects (I was surprised to last more than 30 seconds into a match) and that continued even on this connection back when it was actually a lot better! It basically broke my splatoon habit, I haven't played it (I admit.. obsessively) for a looong while, certainly not this year. I gave it a go a few weeks ago and every time I try.. no problem. I do wonder if they allow me to play "on my own" while they sort out sync errors, when I am back in sink they drop me back into the actual match... or some solution similar to that. In any case, I hope for everyone enjoying splatoon 2 they solve the issues described... they sound unpleasantly familiar and aside from criticism many have voiced, it kills the enjoyment of the game massively, even if you choose not to care about ratings etc. For the lock out thing... I would far prefer if they put the "suspicious" people all together, rather than informing them that they were suspicious.. it's a good message for cheats, but I'd find it a bit of salt in the wound if the game dropped me out and I get a slap on the wrist! Fine have these systems in place, but unless they have more than suspicion I don't think it's polite to accuse customers...personal feeling there
  8. there is a getting stronger progression, it's just natural. As you defeat stronger enemies they drop stronger shields/weapons which make defeating other enemies easier (or in my case at least, possible! :D) Also with hearts and knowledge/possession of stronger meals and potions, and simply knowing the game better. I actually think that side is done really well. I have to confess... I'm not a huge fan of Zelda, the dungeons thing is a strange complaint to me.. the shrines SHOULD fill that void, but I do agree... there is something different, and I can't put my finger on it. I feel BotW has less charm than wind waker, but I find it far more fun traversing it's world. I wonder what WW would feel like with this engine (with the respawning of enemies, cooking, weapons etc) Obviously it would need several key adjustments... and perhaps a bit more development on water combat? (I personally wouldn't enter lizalfos infested waters :D)
  9. And just keep it really quiet, not many people would need to know - it would be server side and if it got out just say it appears there was a glitch but fortunately it doesn't seem to have carried through to affect the final result, etc etc.
  10. How would anyone know? it's not like there is anything to differentiate the teams - team mayo and team ketchup have the same objectives
  11. I've kept all my consoles for that very reason! I once had a dream of having a room with every Nintendo/Sega/Sony console, all games etc. The dream is much the same, just with Microsoft added to console list and probably only 20-40 games for each console. If I could only have one games console, I'd probably go for the cube. it basically was forced to provide a compelling single player mode for every game, and when multiplayer was available it was usually good (um, maybe not MP2E) Second choice could be Wii U, but MK8 and splatoon are probably my favourite games and neither would really hold my attention for long without online players. Main games I would get on the GC: Tales of symphonia (or w/e it was called :D) Mario sunshine (hated first time I played it, loved it after that!) Monkey ball Monkey ball 2 (preferred the original on the whole, but 2 had good points) Burnout Burnout 2 Metroid Prime Thousand year door (never played this :'() Double dash (not as good as '8 but still a good entry) starfox assault (I know not many people liked it much but personally I feel this is the best starfox since the original) Melee Jungle beat donkey konga dance dance mario F-Zero GX I love my little cube! I love changing the little disc on the top, one of the games magazines I bought back then had a little disc that allowed you to insert various game art images in to decorate the GC (I guess a little bit like the new 3ds allows different cases :))
  12. There's a simple solution... lie. Tell mr ketchup team that the opposing team are team mayo. Say I was playing, I was ketchup and I knew Helmsly was ketchup.. the game told me I was against mayo.. but.. but Helmsly is playing in the mayo team? and he see's me playing in the mayo team... hmm. So lie about the user names too. simple. If it really bothers people that much... so long as the game deals with the situation fairly, it doesn't really matter. Personally I enjoyed the my team vs my team battles... the pressure was off a bit, I could focus on trying out new tactics, exploring shortcuts or what ever. If it didn't work out no big problem! On a personal level it only matters if your team wins, that's where you make the biggest difference to your winnings. Anyway, maybe Nintendo can allow people to disable team vs team battles.. or maybe better explain the situation (I believe the first splatfest or two didn't allow this, leading to LOOOONG waiting times, so they put this system in, allowing people to up their rating even if they weren't directly contributing to the team winning%) I believe in splatoon they explained fairly clearly how team vs team battles worked in the context of the team win % as well as the players benefits... and also explained it was to avoid waiting... annnyway. I miss splatfests
  13. Adrian DX mid may (sporadic user) arab freak (23rd.. so guessing managed to log on ok?? just mentioning in case it is due to timezone differences (not a clue how it logs the last login)) Beverage (been a while, may have left independently or just super irregular, but could be worth while double checking) CoolFunkman June 21 CubeChris Late April (May have left, or be a sporadic user, but again, worth checking?) That's just 745 members out of about 3700... but it suggests 8 or so active members (I was exclusively looking at members who had posted 1000+ posts) may have been inadvertently locked out the forum at the switch... Having a quick scan: (Iun also seems not to have logged on since 22nd June...) Mokong June 20th... I don't know if you have tools that could get you to look for people who's last login was maybe the month preceding the switch, but if you can it might be worth doing. If not perhaps people can look in the member list themselves if they noticed people missing. I mean Mokong and Redshell were both mentioned ironically in a post.. and both "quit" in the 2 days preceding the switch to the new forum software??
  14. Just a point to make... I was reading a post and someone mentioned redshell hadn't been around for a while. So I checked his profile and noticed that his last visit was 22nd June. When the Forums switched I initially found it IMPOSSIBLE to log in. I tried various solutions unsuccessfully before I tried requesting a new password... it said I had successfully requested a new password, but I never received an email... I tried creating a new account as a last resort... and it refused to allow me on. I basically backed off at that point and figured I'd had a good run on these forums.. I'd just lurk. Though lurking wasn't compelling. So I started visiting less. Until one day I noticed a blanked out password and my username filled in... I hopefully clicked login... and it worked. Just thought it may be worth checking just how many users stopped logging in a month and a half ago (when the switch was made), because it may be that I wasn't alone in having issues logging on... it would be a shame if several members had disappeared completely because they were unable to logon or even create a new account... I mean it is possible it is known why Redshell doesn't come any more and it is just a coincidence, but still...
  15. in team vs team matches they don't count at all (at least they didn't in splatoon) If they did they would push the overall score closer to 50% and mask the actual % between the two teams. in 4 matches, with only one being between opposing teams, the score should be 100 vs 0. But if the 3 other matches are taken into account, the score would drop to 62.5 vs 37.5. If it was simply on the win % that would be fine, but as the number of people voting for each team is taken into account (for example this time round if lots of team mayo had voted but not shown up) it could make a difference to the winning team, effectively penalising the team with the highest turnout. On a personal level it still counts towards your splatfest rank and I think it's fair that way - although it is possible they altered things for splatoon 2 splatfests.
  16. I think people who took more of a freedom approach probably are the ones who are happier. Personally I took the game for what it was and wasn't approaching it expecting a Zelda game. Tbh I don't tend to like Zelda games so much, the whole reason I bought the game was just as an open world game. For me, I'd have appreciated having a storage room for my meals in my house!! And... maybe in the post game dlc (dlc 2 is postgame right?) an ability to clear Hyrule of enemies without blood moons respawning them - a definitive clearance! and I mean.,. the Yiga clan... how many times do I need to kill them? the random fights just got annoying after a while, I'd often just teleport to the closest shrine/beacon just to avoid them I still haven't completed the game yet, I think I left it at a point where I just had to get Ganon, but I was looking for shrines and koroks before I did that.. and now life has gotten too busy, I don't think I'll touch the game for a few months (or ever?? :s) But I definitely found that they got a great balance on the exploration... in the sparse towns I felt totally safe, but once you wonder out things get a bit trickier. I'm also still finding little nooks and crannys I'd somehow not spotted/not remembered, so that's cool too. In the metroid games as an example, I never really invested much in the story tbh, so I don't think the narrative missing is a huge loss for me. Although I can see it would have made sense of what I was doing... making it into perhaps more of a "quest" than just a simple adventure.
  17. I agree to an extent on the progression, I think that was very organic, not just the powering up of link but also picking up tricks, ways of doing things etc. Personally I found several areas naturally kept me out by just being really tough to get through... I probably COULD have done it from the start, but it would have been so much work... so there were paths of least resistance.. because tough enemies couldn't be everywhere and because they moved those paths were themselves organic. You had your own adventure. I really appreciated that element of the game. I don't think the balance was poor, but I think that depends on how the game was approached. I think the linear narrative driven half is the part that could have been strengthened, but the whole point of this game was more the sandbox elements. But yes, if there had been perhaps a bit more information.. I mean seeing a lot of bits, I just wanted to know what they were, why they were there. In the desert for example, those (7/12??) statues.. they felt more like they deserved a dungeon to me, or some sort of focus, a story around them. Like the Yiga clan or whatever they were called... that sidequest I think was good, even the 8th/13th statue quest, although a bit more backstory again would have been appreciated by me. Having said that, perhaps dlc will fill the gap...
  18. I'm still enjoying the first game! all the japanese players seem to have jumped to the sequel, the quality of player is still fairly low, but tbh it's a lot closer to the average. All the cheats seem to have moved on, lag is gone etc. The only thing I feel I am missing out on is splatfests and the salmon run. but it seems, having read that analysis that the original is the best for now. I suspect an update will give access to dedicated servers when the subscription service comes up. Personally I'd prefer Nintendo to allow a substandard peer to peer experience with associated costs covered withint he game costs alongside a more stable experience with voice chat reduced lag etc using dedicated servers for those with the subscription. But then I guess that would mean those dedicated servers wouldn't be as great as they can possibly be with a forced subscription option they seem to be taking...
  19. Firstly, nice to know it wasn't just me... secondly having played splatoon online a few times in the last week, it hasn't been happening there either... so I think they sorted both games out.
  20. I played through splatoon a little earlier, online is still working well (and I think they have really improved things somehow, my connection is shocking but splatoon seems to be running ok??) I think as a game it is a great already, I think it is more a missed opportunity to improve the social aspects and make it a greater game... Does the game have local multiplayer options, or are multiple switches required to take advantage of that? the multiplayer in splatoon was.. well... weak
  21. From what I recall blasters are pretty low on coverage, and sure, snipers aren't the greatest either but from what I'm gleaning from this thread, the amount you ink is cumulative, so it just means you would need to invest more time to get to the top rank?? and again, if you stick to it you can see how others use the weapons and develop your own techniques to maximise coverage - I recall that with snipers it is better to use a full charge rather than spamming the fire button and using loads of mini shots - Although I would use that technique in more confined spaces. I'll try to watcha video of salmon run at some point, should help me understand more. In any case, it sounds great fun. Splatoon had splatfest, splatoon 2 has salmon run, I wonder what they have planned to add with splatoon 3!
  22. I'm really wishing splatoon 2 was available for the Wii U! Salmon run sounds so much fun! I obviously haven't played the game, but in splatoon I found persevering with a weapon ended up with me improving a lot. With snipers they often have secondary weapons/specials that, when used appropriately, made up for the rapid fire issues. For example, if there is an equivalent to bomb rush, the sniper could be used to pick off enemies (this mode could help you practice acquiring a target and shooting in a minimum of time) and then when you have bomb rush, hold onto it until you need to take out a whole bunch at closer range. As I said, I haven't played so I don't know how feasible that is, but I think the main purpose of salmon run is to help (force :D) people to step out of their comfort zones which is precisely why they don't let people choose which of the weapons they use.
  23. haha, guess I can understand that being annoying if you were losing the game and it cost you rank - if it's any consolation they probably would have died and cost you the game even if they had gone the other way!
  24. In splatoon at least, when you have the lead, there are points where going backwards (while your team holds off the opposing team from coming into your territory) can actually be a safer way of winning the match than trying to push further forward. not sure if that is still true in splat2, nor if that is what you are talking about... there are people who I think are either trolling or panicking when they grab the rainmaker
  25. I tried Ukrainian but found the alphabet was quite a big barrier for me - I don't know if they improved the interface since then, I may dabble in it again as an introduction to cyrillic. I know a little Polish (or knew probably more accurately) so that helped a lot... it's just the cyrillic adds a whole new level of complexity that is tough!
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