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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. you could weight each platform and give games scores based on position * platform weight... so for example, switch = 1, Wii U/3ds=0.9 wii/ds=0.8 gc/gba = 0.7 n64=0.6 snes = 0.6 nes/gb=0.5 It's not a very heavy weighting, but say breath of the wild gets 10 votes, LoZ on the nes would need 20 to equal that score, while OoT or MM would need 17 votes, WW 13 votes I'd say markderoos idea could work well with that, removing the cap of 1 game per generation though and just have the top 20/40/50 scoring games make it to the shortlist. but yeah, the technicalities can be sorted by whoever feels motivated to make the thread. Could be a good thing to cover in the NES podcast if that's going to be a thing again...just checked and the last post in that thread was June 2016 - is it gone for good??
  2. Definitely should do a top ten list for Nintendo games with a limit of 1 title per franchise. How many Franchises do Nintendo have though? would for example mario platformers and mario kart's count as separate franchises? I would argue yes, as while the ip is the same the gameplay is really different... Also While Yoshi and Donkey Kong are from the mario universe, do they count as being a part of the mario franchise? Franchises I can think of So definitely enough to have variety of franchises. and with "only 8 active members" it shouldn't be too hard to get "consensus" on the top 10 - it would be much tougher to get a top ten with thousands of suggestions!
  3. to be honest, even sat at my PC, it hardly screams. Sure I can clearly see the dedicated home consoles look nicer... but at the end of the day, the portability afforded by the switch > nicer graphics for plenty of people. For those who just want their games to look prettier, or place a larger emphasis on that aspect (because realistically I think most people like games to look nicer to some extent) sure, xb and ps win, but for most gamers the switch version is better (unless it is a cut down version somehow?) Of course that only stands for those who have enough money to own 2/3 consoles, but don't have that money to buy the game 2/3 times for each of those platforms.
  4. so 27.9 just for that one game and a save file? that leaves about 4gb "free" but I assume Nintendo are using that for updates etc.... With the Wii U I gather people would delete the software and updates and download them again if/when they wanted to, but with the switch having a terrible wifi connection I imagine that would be even less appealing. Is there still no word on even local storage??
  5. it was obviously one of those fake tattoos, like the ones you'd occasionally get in children's cereals and the like... lasts a couple of weeks and then it just looks rubbish
  6. perhaps, but I'm not convinced I would get the most out of my switch if I didn't!! Pragmatically though, my Wii U is covering most of my gaming needs right now. If I see a great deal for a switch I may get one for my wife though speaking of which... is it possible to have 2 accounts linked to a single switch console?
  7. would have been nice if they let you have a video editing tool like MKtv, but built into the system. I remember on splatoon often I had marvellous matches with some great battle moments that I would have loved to have kept. I'm sure the technology could easily be incorporated into the system, although with limited resources perhaps it is best to leave that flexibility? Still, from an end user point of view, splatoon video's could be amazing. I remember a few matches and I would love to be able to have a video for the future! even outside splatoon.. my all time favourite local multiplayer moment on smb on the gc - it would have been perfect to have a replay anyway - glad to see everyone enjoying splatoon 2! I keep seeing these matches arranged and just wishing I could join in!
  8. Still better than the last software though? I've found the bug with not being able to reply seems to have cleared up. so that's a good change (if it is due to the update!) And no worries, I was just wondering what happened. I couldn't see any mention of such a change... and you guys are pretty good at keeping everyone well informed so I was a little confused. Sorry to hear the update has caused issues for you as well - I guess probably more consequential ones than my own.
  9. have forum names been changed? like the Nintendo board used to be "6".. now it appears to be "8"... Both forums were in my most visited list in firefox, but they don't work. I've deleted the links now but... it's a bit annoying having to wait for the new links to appear in my most visited list
  10. yeah... I kinda want this game. chipping away at my will to resist! But it comes through at a bad time, financially... I think...
  11. Just make sure there is at least an hour between the food and the swimming. That's a myth. Just saying.
  12. I wonder how high it is possible to go with that move....if you can do it as much as you like, effectively could you not fly? or was the mid air cap fling and jump just maintaining height?
  13. so far so good... happened to be up so I thought I'd have a look.. xenoblade really isn't interesting me. First game (I got on wii u) was ok, but it didn't really draw me in. This info just really isn't looking like it's going to appeal to me any more. Maybe if I ever finish xenoblade....
  14. I wonder if Nintendo will hold back a few of it's B-list titles until there is a bit of a lull in the release schedule? it would be a smarter move imo. I mean they did it already with the Wii U (with zelda botw, and I strongly suspect odyssey and splatoon 2 would have released on the Wii U had it miraculously recovered prior to the NX being confirmed as the switch) Ok so different reasons, but if Nintendo open up for 3rd parties to fill the release schedule it should improve sales for those 3rd parties. When things quieten down, Nintendo throw out their titles to avoid a drought... Anyway, I'm hoping the direct is a disappointment, I want to hold out at least 1 year before I cave and get a switch
  15. Well if he gets a few from this run, he can sell them on.. if he gets 4 for example, he could sell them on for £65 each, when Nintendo cease production again! Also.. I wonder if this is due to not being able to meet demand for the switch/ trying to benefit from exposure thanks to the switch...
  16. Fairly interested in this. As much as I enjoyed the prime games, I think I prefer the 2-d metroid games.
  17. I suppose it depends on how it worked. The individual could be to all intents and purposes invisible to the human eye, with sufficiently sensitive eyes to work with a few photons (I imagine something along the lines of night vision) The eyes could be developed so light not entering directly through the pupil is redirected round the eyeball to bypass the retina, leaving a blurry mark around both the retinas (along the lines or what you see when you look over the surface of a sheet of metal left in the sun on a hot day, or roads etc.) Or they could be like a very adaptive chameleon, altering their external appearance to appear invisible - although to eliminate shadow they'd need to produce a light source on the other side. Or it could be some form of psycho manipulation, actively altering individuals perceptions to not see the individual. Anyway, personally, so long as I could switch it on and off, I too would choose invisibility. The amount I would save on air fares would make it worth it. And no, I wouldn't want to fly to my destination on my own... I can easily imagine myself crossing an ocean and bearing ever so slightly to one side and ending up going in a large circle, stuck in the middle of no where. No thanks. It's also pretty cold up there, travelling at speed, wind harshly drying my eyes, struggling to breathe in the rarified air. yuck.
  18. Flying appeals to those who feel tied down and stuck in life, while invisibility appeals more to those who feel out of place and awkward. Not characterising people but generally invisibility will appeal more to the younger demographic (forced in school with peers the same age with a lot of demands on the right way to be :D) while older people with mortgages, steady jobs, rent, cars to maintain, families are more likely to have flight appeal to them. It's basically the power that appeals to your current situation. Personally on their own merits, as a stand alone power, pragmatically I think invisibility is the stronger of the two. The main advantage in flight, is travel. Well you'd need to be wearing goggles to enjoy higher speeds and still be able to keep your eyes open, and with invisibility you can hop onto any train/bus/tram/plane/boat for free without worrying about navigating to the right place. In terms of enjoyment though flight wins.. I think. Although with invisibility I guess you could sneak in to watch films for free.... I can't really think of other possibilities that I personally would enjoy with it. also there'd always be a chance of a non invisible person sitting on your lap Anyway, well done team flight - were there any team invisibles on N-E?
  19. To be honest I'm not finding the same kind of time for gaming as I used to have. I'm getting older so really good online tools are pretty much something I would need to get the social aspect of gaming. I do still like the challenge of single player games, I appreciated exploring in BotW and enjoying things a bit, but tbh I couldn't help but wonder how much better it may have been if say everyone on here was playing it on the Wii U and there was some kind of miiverse interactivity. I'm thinking like the horse outposts places. You could have had "in game" characters versions of mii's (so not outright Miis but still recognisable to an extent) and I could just see various members recanting stories. Maybe miiverse posts that they actually posted, or just like acheivements "defeat first guardian" "defeat a hinox" etc. and they could have slightly bespoke variations on their story - how they were close to death, if it wasn't for the elixir they drank, they defeated it without taking damage, climbed a mountain blah blah. Maybe some interactivity, like sending a bespoke message back to them that they would receive if they chat to your miiverse avatar in an outpost, or even just a yeah. Maybe not the atmosphere they were after, but I just think it could have been interesting... they could even have made mini cut scenes, like those memory ones (though a lot less animated :D) and had subtitles... made the mii's rare or even sometimes wondering in the wild, camping, getting attacked by enemies etc. Sorry.. got a bit distracted by BotW there! But basically I think miiverse was great, and even if they changed miiverse into a simple tag - so you can post to a twitter account and then it automatically adds a #miiverse into the tweet, maybe a #NNID[friendcode] and then work from that (maybe it is against the t&c on twitter though?) But totally, value of the Nintendo brand for me just dipped and given upcoming new priorities, I'm struggling to see a place for the switch at all. I've had all of the Nintendo consoles at some point in my life - the nes, snes, N64, GC, Wii, Wii U, gb, gba, ds and 3ds... but with the switch I'm not even sure I'll ever get to play one.
  20. Wow. The speed of this isn't too shocking looking at the gc and wii support once the next generation launched... but with those two consoles, the online wasn't really all that present. The Wii was more palatable given the circumstances too... but.. yeah this really affects my decision making process about how worth while getting a switch may be. Maybe switch will be better supported as it is paid for, but who knows. Maybe this is simply to make segregating the paid for online services from unpaid services more easily? I certainly hope basic online functionality (ha.. I know it already was fairly basic!) remains for the most part...
  21. I was wondering the same so checked his profile From his profile: Location: Taiwan From the end of his post I'm wondering if he's been effectively kicked out thanks to the progressive immigration laws in the UK. If so, I'm in a similar boat.
  22. That game looks like the kind of game my fiancée MIGHT like.. not sure how she'd like a 3d platformer like this though... but maybe worth a try
  23. For me there are a few games, but I'll also be getting a number of new demands on my income so gaming is definitely going to take a hit... just the last couple of years it's slowed right down to a trickle - I have never been so grateful for a backlog as I am right now!!!!
  24. True! I don't have a switch so game announcements aren't sticking too well! Well.. does splatoon 2 have local co-op at all? if it does I may very well get it, if not it sadly is likely to drop down the list (Priority to games that interest both of us really.. plus for the time being splatoon is scratching that itch for me!) If I get one I suspect it will be next year, if she is interested of course... so Kirby and Yoshi may be out by then, plus who knows, maybe a price cut? (that's mainly wishful thinking.. I think the Wii U was out two years before retailers tried to reduce their inventory and gave a few nice deals!) If not new 2ds it will be!
  25. So.. my Fiancée likes platformer games like yoshi and poochy on 3ds, the kirby robot one as well... So she quite fancied the idea of getting a 3ds.. so I am looking at the new 2ds XL.. but I already own a 3ds xl, and would rather like a switch. So I was just curious, what games are there on the switch that could maybe help me justify an extra couple of hundred on the hardware? I'm also interested in games that might be good for us to play together... I'm guessing that the shortages at the moment make a price cut unlikely for the time being!
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