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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. at a guess it can only deal with so much bandwidth use, and the sound getting sent to it uses enough bandwidth to stop it being able to send enough data back to the wii to update where its pointing?
  2. tbh I haven't gone through the t&c comprehensively, but after a brief read through, my understanding is I'm not buying a copy of the game, I'm buying the right for me to own a licence on that particular wii while it is in my posession. one bit of the t&c seemed to indicate that on selling the wii vc games were to be removed. I didn't read anything about then transferring the rights, or having some kind of refund or anything. thats literally it. ofcourse, I may have misread/misinterpreted the t&c, I did only flick through them, and I really hope I did misread them. I think the main reason for VC is to fund the "free" wifi connection and wiiconnect24 functionality.
  3. not really, personally I have no interest in lttp, mario world I do. same with probotector, I would have grabbed it, but I have gunstar, and I won't buy probo till i get my moneys worth out of gunstar
  4. not to point out the obvious, but you are what may be defined as a young man, depending on how generously the term "man" is used. young men like young women, more mature men like more mature women. like would you really be interested in a 13 year old? regardless of the law I imagine not.
  5. I think all franchises are suited to online, perhaps not the core series, but much like mario spin offs - and by that I mean looking at wario and dk, which are related to mario (however loosely) and are now able to stand on their own merits. Metroid universe could be very interesting, as could Hyrule, F-zero could be awesome if done properly (I imagine that won't be until the Wii's successor, but we may get a glimmer of whats to come this gen). Starfox could also be expanded, again, not necessarily as the core characters, but in that universe. then obviously you have all that you have already mentioned. If the wii is as successful as it is promising to be, then perhaps we won't have to rely on Nintendo.
  6. the wifi adapter is ok.. If it works when you plug it in great, otherwise support from Nintendo is pretty useless. I also find it often stops working for no reason, plug it into a different usb port and restart wifi connector tool program and it works fine again.. very weird. but other than the usb switch requirement (about once every 2 weeks so far..) it works fine
  7. What titles are worth getting? I've got gunstar heroes, which was good though I enjoyed it far more the second time through! but I've only got one, maybe 2 more games I can get with my current points, and don't want to waste points basically!
  8. I think its 8 feet from the sensor bar, for pointer functionality. plus the Wii/sensor bar don't have to be as far away as the screen. I have access to a 10 foot screen, and actually the easiest solution involves popping the Wii/sensor bar about 15 feet in front of the projected image. will be awesome when we get round to setting everything up
  9. supply and demand. if you have 10 games, and sell them for £20 and still make a profit cool. but you only have 10 games, and they WILL sell out. so if you can sell them for £40 you make an added £20 profit. 1)it means those willing to pay the price (ie REALLY want the product) will be the ones getting it. ok its frustrating when you want it but can't afford it, however its either out priced or out of stock in that case. 2) if they sell it for £20 and sell out, a competitor will sell for £40 and get profit the store selling for £20 could otherwise have received. it is not amazing, its the way the market goes. take play.com. you can see which games they have in plentiful supply cos the price is lower. when supplies get low, the prices are higher. there is SOME good will out there, from most stores, hence a general cap on prices. But at the end of the day the people to blame for stupid prices are the stupid people who pay them. so if you have paid a ridiculously high price for something, you are to blame. nice little thought for you moaners out there.
  10. similar situation here, except mine was out for delivery since 4:42am today. and I'm not in most of tomorrow
  11. yup. whats annoying for me, is I won't be in 9-13:30 tomorrow, which is most likely when parcel force will try to deliver. generally they are retards, and rather than going to the depot thats a 30 minute walk from my house, they take it to one thats an hour drive away.. and I'm off in the evening too. gits. so my Wii may not come for a while yet.
  12. out of interest - is anyone ordering from play.com?
  13. yeah.. thats appalling maths :/ thanks for the correction
  14. ok.. so Wii is winning in Japan, 2nd in US XBox is winning in US, EU and Aus, (3rd?) in Japan PS3 is losing in US, (2nd?) in Japan overall its looking 360 - Wii -PS3 this gen. I personally would put money on PS3 not doing so well this gen, though really I want PS3/360 = last, microsoft have too much money to only have one competitor
  15. nunchucks aren't too important, really nunchucks are more single player neccessary. I know one person getting a Wii, one hoping for launch day Wii (or purchasing one whenever they become available instores) so if I get one spare contrroller then that should be enough. waiting does seem a good plan really, especially if you haven't got a preorder 1)I'm waiting fro the internal memory to get an increase (1Gb isn't that much more expensive than 512Mb). 2)price drop 3)greater range of games. once manufacture can equal demand 1 and 2 will happen, I imagine. when that is who knows (DS lite took a few months didn't it?) the main reason I'm not waiting though is I need to replace my cube, and it just seems smarter to get a brand new wii than a second hand cube
  16. this is pretty cool and the 24 snowflakes = big prize once you have completed all 24 levels with 24 flakes. so 376 flakes = surprise. works fine for me on firefox and ie...
  17. difference is drinking for 18+ is ok, so its easy enough to blend in. the smoking ban is blanket for all people.
  18. So I guess that makes Wii the number 1 next gen console in Japan from the first day (unless sony have figured out how to make those diodes for their PS3 :P)
  19. Its pretty sad, but roadkill happens. I'm neither a driver nor a pet owner, so I wouldn't say I'm really qualified. when I had a dog though I def. would have liked to have known if she had been killed. as for it not being the dogs fault, I agree, but some animals do seem to have more road sense than others. like the other day, I saw a pigeon using a pedestrian crossing.
  20. ok, thanks for both your responses. hopefully I'll get my Wii on the 8th then
  21. just out of interest, did anyone in here pre-order a 360 online? and if so when did your console arrive (on time/few days or weeks late/early)? Just I pre-ordered the Wii, and since 360 was the most recent release of a new home console I'm guessing its most indicative of when I could expect my Wii. Obviously there are variables but I would still like to know - I can't recall people complaining much, nor being excited that they received theirs before official launch, so I assume that 360's were delivered on time mostly. but of course it may just have been me not paying too much attention to it all.
  22. GC= £30. so GC + . 5 = £45. Wii remote: £30, nunchuck attachment: £15, Game = £30 = £120. lets say £15 for wifi and 512Mb flash and the sd card reader. thats £135. now add N64, snes, nes, genesis and master system, turbogfx. we'll say £5 per console £165. thats me being as stingy as possible. I assume £5 profit for both Nintendo, Game, and then £5 to pay for delivery to the main store, so that would be £180. there you go. plus the cardboard box too! must be worth 0.01p or something, considering the vouchers from tescos are worth 0.001p
  23. well, if you're really excited, waiting for the postman to turn up with your console is pretty good too. so long as it arrives on time. I'm not expecting my Wii till maybe 15th December sadly, but thats not so bad, I should have a nephew then, and the friday evening I have other plans, and the saturday and sunday are both going to be fairly full too.. so really I don't mind getting it a bit late. anyway, should be cool whenever it turns up it would be cool to have it now, cos I'm ill today.. and, well, it would be nice to have something fun and new to do indoors while I recover.
  24. When did you pre-order? I got an email confirming my order, and that if I didn't want it please cancel. so I guess a few people have the same problem. 15/09/2006 was the day I ordered mine "Dear Customer, We can confirm, despite a European shortage of the Nintendo Wii consoles, that Play.com should be able to supply your pre-ordered Nintendo Wii at launch. If you no longer wish to keep your pre-order with Play.com please login to your account and remove the item from your Outstanding Orders. Kind Regards PLAY.COM"
  25. how many games were officially released for the nes/snes/n64? I heard 600/900/500? not sure how accurate that is, if true that would require 1Gb on snes and nes alone, and probably about 6 Gb on snes games
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