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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. If I get one again I'll definitely do that, it makes sense I wants to get the cursed mark that uchiha sasuke has on my shoulder, like his is
  2. nice twist at the end!
  3. yeah never never hoover any computer of any kind, especially with high powered hoovers.. My netbook does the same, its very common for laptops to have limited airflow.. Anything you can do to give it space underneath will always help. I use a couple of small bits of wood (of the same height) and set them so the fans aren't covered et voila. Lots of room for air!
  4. i loaded mine with vaseline, kept it constantly moist... it will scab to some extent as they all do, its just keeping that to an absolute minimum. Definitely definitely don't wash it with soap water or anything
  5. wow obscure ones in your fam! I'm pretty sure that I'm an O, give my mum and dad are both O's.... or I belong to the postman :P Yeah I saw the chart, its good that's its more available these days... I'd be more annoyed if I was a rare type and not able to donate! In those days they didn't have quite the storage tech etc so it was a lot more dificult for my nan Be quiet you
  6. Just leave it and keep reapplying cream. Any kind of excessive rubbing or movement (like washing) can make the scabs pull off which makes the inkwork patchy. It needs to fall off by itself.
  7. Wouldnt want to be B Neg or AB Neg! My Nan is AB positive, has a car accident in the 80's... they had a dreadful time getting her blood!
  8. you know the nhs wouldn't have these sorts of thing in place without reason.. I'd like to think if I was getting blood that they had been overcautious rather than undercautious. Yeah it may seem offensive, but like... you aren't missing out by not donating.... I've always wanted to give blood but I'm on blood cell modifying drugs, so its basically a no... bummer. at the end of the day you are taking a risk by taking ANY BLOOD. Your body can reject clean blood too. It's usually a case that you get the blood or you die... so they have to take the chance.. they dont give you donor blood for no flippin reason
  9. Lazing out in the sun... that lovely feeling that washes over you when the sun hits :3 And for all junk food and alcohol to have little to no calories :p
  10. ohmygod. Some bad news and some good in relation to this topic. Good news first! I lost 3.5lbs last week! yaaaay! *does a dance* Bad news: my colleague is now off on sick leave... he popped a blood vessel in his brain..... all because of his exercise regime. Too much protein, not enough water, too much weightlifting and incorrect breathing technique... holy fuck like. He was taking it to the extreme a bit.. Even I started to wonder when he was having 3 protein shakes a day plus proteiny food. At best I take two shakes (1 on days off 2 on exercise days) and my shakes are relatively low in protein (because they are low cal diet type ones rather than high cal bulking). His kidneys are probably in bits now too, apparently a high protein diet with little water puts the kidneys under a lot of pressure! I mean what he did was basically one step away from a stroke and potential death :/
  11. i'm nearly always on msn... you the one that aint...!


    You can stare at my chat box window!!! who needs real ones x

  12. having reasonable binocular vision is...pretty good if you ask me /bitter
  13. the ultimate.... CLUSTER HEADACHES (not the same as a migraine). It feels like someone is shooting electricity through your brain, your entire body goes numb and the pain is something incomparable.. it genuinely feels like your brain is rotting and you could die.
  14. *mega huge massive hugs for iun* Get it looked into asap, hopefully it won't be anything serious!!
  15. You got a squint history? Forcing your eyes to line up gets mighty tiring... (i've got/had a pretty bad squint)
  16. Editing titles is really handy (its on another forum which I frequent) People tend to want to abuse other peoples topics, not their own :p
  17. to threaten you :P


    Haven't spoken to you in donkies x

  18. Yes... although it is more of a minority... Northern Ireland is a complete culture shock to anyone from the "outside". Coming from Scotland I was amazed that people care SO MUCH about your religion, forces people used to nearly be outed, and bomb scares are never a big deal. I came here as part of a forces family.... we had to get the car reg changed to a n.ireland one (they have a different reg system) our phone number was ex-dir (pretty much unheard of at the time) and we had to keep quiet about what our father did for a living If I had to choose I'm more on the protestant/unionist vote, BUT I hate fighting in general... just would love it if we could stay as we are and just get on
  19. Hello there from one of the very few regular female members.... where have they all gone these days? Hm. Enjoy your stay! ^___^
  20. happy birthday geeppeeeethirtytwoo also to greg/nando, you dark horse you!!
  21. Might be a little late to the party but I love the dyed wool shit, and how you have to collect the dyes! I found rock with blue dye stuff in it... thought it was diamond....rageface :p
  22. aye just get low cal/protein stuff if you don't want to build up.. that's the stuff I take... for me its simply about recovery and nothing else. I was at my class and down another 2lb. Gettt inn and im managing to run a bit more too. did 14 minutes of 2 minute walk:run intervals. wooo. Considering I weigh about 8 stone more than the average person I think thats damn good going :P
  23. found my cat on my bed having a snooze... what a wee cutie. The best part of my day by far... shows how exciting my life is :p
  24. subs over dubs 1. the episodes are available pretty much a day after Japanese broadcast. See Naruto: Shippudden which has only started to become available dubbed recently - yet its on its 210th episode.... 2. American bollox accents which make me cringe and pretty much lose all of the feeling in the story. Made it childlike and cringeworthy. Plus curse words are taken out of a lot of them to make them more attractive to consumers. 3. I enjoy listening to anime in the language it was produced. It's more authentic. And despite it being a different language the moment/emotion is conveyed perfectly. 4. Sometimes english dubs are of poor quality and horribly voice acted. They try to do these things on the cheap. 5. I used to be a sub hater, instant convert after watching a subtitled death note episode. p.s death note is AWESOME.
  25. I came in here to post something but got interrupted by kitteh cuddles and I forgot what I was going to say :3
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