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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. You pretty much HAVE to know how to code html with notepad. Its a fundamental part of web design. You'd get laughed out of an interview if you cant code from scratch. Start off yourself, get a website built for you - your webdesign services and knowledge, offer to do websites for friends or people you know! Build up your experience. (even if you have to do it for free) I think these companies do value experience, and if you have a big portfolio all the better. Get tons of books and get studying! Depending on your circumstances, maybe try a few night courses or something? Its handy to have an expert to ask for help. I know I really learnt a lot from my web-design tutor. Good luck with it! Also: try to learn something new (a new language or a new feature!) with every project you get your hands on... Then you build up all kinds of knowledge!
  2. Tucker max is all kinds of awesome!
  3. You aren't ever going to let me forget that are you
  4. In the right context yah.. If you said you pricked your finger I doubt too many people would be shocked Maybe one of the softer swears, but in a workplace it would be frowned upon.
  5. Having had a lot of experience, I find people think that a lot of skin conditions are catching. Which is a bit sad and ignorant. Don't think I'd be allowed out for the good of the public if I was catching
  6. You obviously need to stop being so energetic, take an example from me, lol
  7. Aww noes are you okay?? Hope you get better soon mdear!
  8. I use AVG free and router firewall. Never had any issues before =) think i might have windows firewall on too!
  9. *facepalm* That is soag wearing them.
  10. Funny this thread should come up. Got an email at work about cursing:
  11. I'm going to agree with this
  12. Healthy weight loss is about 2/3 pounds a week. But a lot of people find that they lose a bit more than that at the beginning (suppose its a shock to the system when you change your diet so much) but it should settle into a safe loss within a few weeks Good going!
  13. Even charity won't touch em. X( If its a past member its a bit sad really, just get on with you life... It's only the internet, lol.
  14. Right behind you dude. I first read this thread at 4am- I think my brain melted at the time! I've only recovered now!!
  15. I tend to say bloody hell/fuck's sake. I don't like to curse in front of children or people I would imagine that may get offended... ie just with friends. It is a good way to get out some non violent aggression! On the other hand, people that curse all the time are really annoying (except for the AVGN, hes just awesome in video form) I get really annoyed at my sister because she has a tendency to curse very loudly in public places >_< Its a matter of knowing the time and the place.. I don't think it should be a staple part of someone's vocab.
  16. wooo good man!! : peace: ^___^
  17. Dammit N-e, we've already had, what, 8 posts and it still hasn't turned sexual... I'm shocked and disgusted. I'd always loved to have written a novel, but my english skills are fearfully lacking. =(
  18. I remember when tickets used to be £3. haha. The last time I went to the cinema to see the Hulk, some skanky 12 y/o chavs tried to start a fight with me and my friend. Never again, not with the calibre of some people in Ballymena.
  19. One of my friends is from the Falkland Islands, and I can assure you they do want to be British. They get the majority of their medical care/further schooling n such from us.
  20. I think so, yah. If you get it bad you should go to the doc and get it checked out anyway
  21. I went to the doctor today... She took a blood sample for my sugars and thyroid function... Have to wait a whole damn week for the results. Sigh. She also gave me an antacid pill on prescription to take in the meantime to see if that helps the sickness.
  22. Bleach is going back to filler again?! *dies inside*
  23. I feel like death warmed up, yay. I'm exhausted, fell asleep in work several times.. despite sleeping relatively well. The only way i can keep myself going is by eating something sweet, which then makes me feel violently ill. For once I'm actually scared about going to the doctors
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